Answers to Programming

Here are some Visual Basic answers to the programming problems from the quiz.

Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
    Rem Calculate population densities of states
    Rem This subroutine copied exactly from the text book

    Call CalculateDensity("Hawaii", 1134750, 6471)
    Call CalculateDensity("Alaska", 570345, 591000)
End Sub
Private Sub CalculateDensity( _
      state As String, _
      pop As Single, _
      area As Single _
    Rem Calculates and prints population density
    Rem This subroutine modified from one given in the text
    Dim rawDensity As Single   ' floating-point density
    Dim denrounded As Integer  ' rounded density
    Let rawDensity = CalculateRawDensity(pop, area)
    Let denrounded = CalculateWholeNumber(rawDensity)
    Rem Format the floating-point number using 2 decimal places
    picDensity.Print _
       "The density of "; state; " is "; denrounded; _
       " ("; Format(rawDensity, "Standard"); ")"; _
       " people per square mile."
End Sub
Private Function CalculateRawDensity( _
    pop As Single, _
    area As Single _
) As Single               ' RET: floating-point density
    Rem Calculates the density of the population
    CalculateRawDensity = pop / area
End Function
Private Function CalculateWholeNumber( _
    inum As Single _
) As Integer              ' RET: rounded number
    Rem Round a number inum to its nearest integer
    CalculateWholeNumber = Int(inum + 0.5)
End Function

Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdDo_Click()
    Rem Get a full name and generate an Algonquin e-mail address
    Dim nom As String
    Let nom = txtName.Text
    picId.Print GetLast(nom); GetInitial(nom);
    picId.Print ""
End Sub
Private Function GetInitial( _
    str As String _
) As String              ' RET: lower-case first initial from name
    Rem Extracts the first initial from the str
    Let GetInitial = LCase(Left(str, 1))
End Function
Private Function GetLast( _
    str As String _
) As String              ' RET: last name
    Rem Extracts 6 characters of the last name from the string
    Dim n As Integer     ' position of first blank
    Dim last As String   ' last name (after blank)
    Let n = Len(str) - InStr(str, " ")
    Let last = Right(str, n)
    Let GetLast = LCase(Left(last, 6))
End Function
Alternate version of GetLast using no unnecessary variables:
Private Function GetLast( _
    str As String _
) As String              ' RET: last name
    Rem Extracts 6 characters of the last name from the string

    Let GetLast = LCase(Left(Right(str,Len(str)-InStr(str," ")),6))
End Function