======================= Miscellanous Unix Facts ======================= -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca This file is a review of Unix facts. It contains: Getting Out of Programs TELNET to Unix from Windows EOF and Interrupting Processes Basic Command Syntax Notes on FTP command syntax Unscrambling your Terminal Aliases More shell wildcards: Character Ranges Understanding the different types of "sort": Filters Notes on GNU and Linux ----------------------- Getting Out of Programs ----------------------- Getting out of Unix programs; or, getting help: Try various things such as: help ? quit Q exit x ^D (CTRL-D) ^C (CTRL-C) :q! (used in VI to exit without saving) logout bye ESC (the ESC key) . (a period) ^\ (CTRL-backslash) One of the above usually works. Sometimes you can use ^Z (CTRL-Z) to "stop" the process temporarily, and then type "kill %%" to kill it. (Remember to kill it, or it will sit there forever.) --------------------------- TELNET to Unix from Windows --------------------------- I don't recommend using the Windows TELNET clients - they display the screen poorly and students often forget to set up their windows correctly, which may lead to people corrupting files that they edit incorrectly. If you use TELNET under Windows, you must configure your Windows TELNET client to connect correctly to a Unix system: 1) drag TELNET window to full size (it will not expand further) 2) set terminal type: vt100 3) set lines: 24 ------------------------------ EOF and Interrupting Processes ------------------------------ To send an interrupt signal to a process that is running on your terminal, use the Interrupt Character, usually CTRL-C (^C). (You can program a different character; sometimes DEL is used.) Your EOF character, signalling end of input, is usually CTRL-D (^D). You must type this at the beginning of a line (or type it twice). (You can program a different character; but, it is almost never done.) Interrupting a process usually terminates the process. Whatever the process was doing is left incomplete and unfinished. (Files will be incomplete.) Sending the EOF character tells the process that you are finished typing at your terminal; but, it does not interrupt or terminate the process. The process will finish whatever it is doing and exit cleanly. -------------------- Basic Command Syntax -------------------- Many Unix commands need both a VERB (what to do) and an OBJECT (what to do it on). The following incorrect attempts at Unix commands are wrong: $ /etc/passwd (missing VERB; what are you trying to DO?) $ cat (missing OBJECT; catenate WHAT file?) Remember to tell Unix both what you want to do and to what object you wish to do it. --------------------------- Notes on FTP command syntax --------------------------- The syntax of FTP commands is not the same as the syntax of Unix commands. This FTP command doesn't do what you think it does: ftp> ls -l filename output to local-file: filename? If you answer "yes" to this prompt, you will copy the output of "ls -l" into the file "filename" in your current directory, erasing what was there before. This is probably not what you want. The FTP command names resemble Unix command names; but, they are *not* Unix commands. The syntax is different. Be careful. (Also, don't type FTP commands into Unix and expect that they will work, e.g. "put filename".) -------------------------- Unscrambling your Terminal -------------------------- How to unscramble a terminal emulator that is in graphics characters set mode, where see many special and line-drawing characters instead of your typed text. (This might happen after you accidentally use "cat" to send a non-text file to your terminal screen, e.g. "cat /bin/ls".) To Fix (you may not be able to read what you are typing!): - On a Linux system type: setterm -reset - On ACADUNIX type: reset - On either type: echo ^V^O (that's CTRL-V CTRL-O) The above should switch your terminal emulator back to its normal character set. Practice this now, in case it happens to you on a test! ------- Aliases ------- Watch out for "helpful" system admin that define aliases for your shells when you log in. (This is especially true on ACADUNIX!) The aliases may mislead you about how Unix commands actually work. (For example, the "rm" command does *not* prompt you for confirmation. On some systems, "rm" is an alias for "rm -i", which *does* prompt.) To avoid pre-defined aliases, start up a fresh copy of the shell: $ alias [...many ACADUNIX aliases print here...] $ bash bash$ alias [...no more aliases here...] To define your own aliases, look up "aliases" in the Linux Text index. You must put your aliases in a file to have them saved between sessions. -------------------------------------- More shell wildcards: Character Ranges -------------------------------------- As shown in your textbook, the shell can do globbing (wildcard expansion) on ranges of characters. Try these shell patterns in your home directory in the Linux Lab or on ACADUNIX: $ echo ../[a-c]* $ echo ../*[3-5] $ echo ../[r-t]*[13579] How would you count the number of pathnames generated by the shell? What would be different if you changed "echo" to "ls"? -------------------------------------------- Understanding the different types of "sort": -------------------------------------------- Explain the difference in output of these two "sort" pipelines: $ list="1 11 2 22 3 33 4 44 3 33 2 22 1 11" $ echo "$list" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort $ echo "$list" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n (The translate command "tr" is turning blanks into newlines so that the numbers appear on separate lines on input to sort.) Why is the sort output different in these two examples? ------- Filters ------- Note that many Unix commands can act as filters - reading from stdin and writing to stdout. With no file names on the command line, the comands read from standard input and write to standard output. (You can redirect both.) If file names are given on the command line, the commands usually ignore standard input and only operate on the file names. $ grep "/bin/sh" /etc/passwd | sort | head -5 The "sort" and "head" commands are acting as filters. Each command is reading from stdin and writing to stdout. The "grep" command is not a filter - it is reading from the supplied argument pathname, not from stdin. If a command does read from file names supplied on the command line, it is more efficient to let it open its own files than to use "cat" to open the files and feed the data to the command on standard input. (There is less data copying done!) Advice: Let commands open their own files; don't feed them with "cat". Do this: $ head /etc/passwd $ sort /etc/passwd Do not do this (wasteful of processes and I/O): $ cat /etc/passwd | head # DO NOT DO THIS - INEFFICIENT $ cat /etc/passwd | sort # DO NOT DO THIS - INEFFICIENT Problem: "Now, count the number of each kind of shell in /etc/passwd." $ cut -d : -f 7 /etc/passwd | sort | uniq -c Problem: "Count the number of each kind of shell in /etc/passwd and display the results sorted in descending numeric order." $ cut -d : -f 7 /etc/passwd | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr Problem: "Count the number of each kind of shell in /etc/passwd and display the top two results sorted in descending numeric order." $ cut -d : -f 7 /etc/passwd | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -2 ---------------------- Notes on GNU and Linux ---------------------- GNU - Gnu's Not Unix - GNU is a Free Software Foundation (FSF) project - rewrote Unix in the public domain (the way it started out) - chief architect: Richard Stallman (original author of EMACS) Linux "distribution" == Linux Kernel + GNU Utilities - The GNU kernel hasn't progressed far (named HURD) - So, we use the Linux kernel with all the Unix-compatible GNU utility software