From: Strider Organization: Starfleet Command Subject: Todays Blessing - Read before EXAM! A blessing, for us souls entering exam period. *G* As we step out onto the battlefield with sword raised high, may our GRAMMER's be PARSED, our TOKEN's never truncate, let our SCANNER never DIE("horible death")... Lest ye not start in the START state, for thou may not be DETERMINISTIC... Be it that our STATE MACHINES be converted to TRANSITION DIAGRAMS and GRAPHS thru to thy valid TRANSITION TABLE... We shall not be AMBIGUOUS, for we shall only have one valid PARSE TREE... We shall proceed with SEMANTIC ACTIONS, in which we caluclate... We shall obey the rules of the LANGUAGE, as without we shall most certaily be wasting our time... In the hour of reconing, we shall defeat the terrible beast of the RED DRAGON! C'ya at 9, remember thy sword... (PS - Some techniques above may not represent true compiler theory in the spirit of blessing flow. *G*) -- ~ Till The Next Time! ~ -------------------------------------------------------- | --== Neil Looby ==-- | *| /* Strider *\ |* *| Captain Warp Speed |* *| Knight of the Unpredictable Order |* *| =-\ Thunder Chicken /-= |* | Rover - 6th Imperial Lancers: Order of the Griffon | ------------------------------------------------------ A'nt nothin Gona Break my Stride, No Bodys going to Slow Me Down, I've got to keep on movin!