CST8177 - Lab #5

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Lab section:

Working with Regular Expressions (aka regex or RE)

In-Lab Demo - List all the non-user accounts in /etc/passwd that use /sbin as their home directory. State the purpose of each field in a password file entry - see passwd(5).


Summary of regexes of the basic set



Matches any single character (except newline, 0x0A).
Example: ro.t matches root, robt, ro3t, ro@t, and so on
Note: The newline is not considered a printable character.


Matches zero or more of the preceding item (unlike in a file glob, it cannot stand alone; it always modifies the previous item)
Example: the pattern ro*t matches rt, rot, root, rooot and so on for any number of o (but no other letter).


Matches any single character in the list (like file glob).
Example: l[io]ve matches live or love but not lave or lrve
Note: Ranges like a-z or 0-9 are valid as long as the start is lower in the ASCII list than the end ([0-2] is OK, [2-0] is not). Use LC_ALL=C. To use the range indicator - as a match character, escape it as \-.


Matches any character not in the list.
Note: If a caret (^) is in a [...] list but not at the beginning, it is interpreted as being just a normal character. It can also be escaped by \.


Group into an item. Used with \|, select one item from a list


Match the preceding item at least '\{n\}' or more times; or exactly '\{n,\}' times; or using \{n,n\}, from n to m times.


Anchors the regex at the beginning of the line if the caret is the first regex character.
Example: These will provide different output:

grep 'root' /etc/passwd

grep '^root' /etc/passwd


Anchors the regex at the end of the line if the dollar sign is the last regex character.
Example: These will provide different output:

grep 'root' /etc/passwd

grep 'root$' /etc/passwd


The regex to represent an empty line.

Exercise #1: Viewing regular expression output

Type the following 7 lines of text exactly in vi as the file lab4-re using the line-breaks given as [Enter] only (or copy/paste from the document, replacing [ENTER] and [TAB], and ensuring that exactly 7 lines result):

How to Please your Technical Support Department[Enter]


When you call us to have your computer moved, leave it buried under postcards and family pictures.[Enter]

We don't have a life and we are deeply moved when catching a glimpse of yours.[Enter]


Thank you![Enter]

[Tab]Your IT Department (Call 555)[Enter]

Type the following commands (omit the comment - # and following), and record the line numbers 1 to 7 only, to observe the result of the commands. Note: The -n switch of grep displays the line number in addition to the line found, if any.

Example: grep -n '^root:' /etc/passwd # also try with another user id

Exercise #2: Searching a system file using grep

Use grep to search the password file for specific strings using regular expressions. As root, make a backup copy of your /etc/passwd file and create an account for each of the following users: afoo, foo, foobar. Read the information in man 5 passwd for details of the password file and its colon-separated fields, and man 5 shadow for the shadow password file. Hint: Anchor your regex on something solid, like the start or end of the line, or on the colon-separators, or both.

Record the regex and the output for each of the following actions:







Exercise #3: Extended REs

Some examples using the extended regular expression set: ORing

To work with the extended regular expression set, use egrep instead of grep. The pipe symbol is the regex OR operator and allows you to look for more than one pattern, in the form (pattern-1|pattern-2|...|pattern-n). This OR is the inclusive or, and results in true if this or that or both are true. That is, if you evaluate a | b logically, when either a is true or b is true or both are true, the result is true.

Example: egrep '^(root|bin):' /etc/passwd







Working with some grep options

The grep utility has a number of options. Some of the most frequently used (there are lots more) include:


displays a count of matching lines


ignores the case or letters in making comparisons


displays line number


    quiet: used when scripts collect the exit status $? as a POSIX alternative to redirecting output to /dev/null


    inverts the search to display only lines that do NOT match


    matches the string as a word

Experiment with the grep options above in addition to these samples.

grep -c "^" lab4-re and grep -c "$" lab4-re

How many lines are in the file lab4-re? Why or how do these regexes work?


What happens if you omit the regex and use grep -c lab4-re


grep -v "." lab4-re

Why or how does this regex work?


grep -v "\." lab4-re

Why or how does this regex work?


Using at least the -v option of grep, display only lines in lab4-re that do not contain the string "you". Show your grep command here:


Count all lines with the string "you" and separately, list only their line numbers. Show your two grep commands here (you may need to pipe grep's output to another utility):



Did any of your "you" matches surprise you? Which and why?
