% CST8177 Assignment 07 - Process Management, EMail, crontab, at % Todd Kelley, Ian! D. Allen – – [www.idallen.com] % Winter 2014 - January to April 2014 - Updated Thu Mar 20 20:17:44 EDT 2014 Due Date and Deliverables ========================= > **Do not print this assignment on paper!** > > - On paper, you will miss updates, corrections, and hints added to the > online version. > - On paper, you cannot follow any of the [hyperlink URLs] that lead you > to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question. > - On paper, scrolling text boxes will be cut off and not print properly. - **Due Date**: `12h00 (noon) Tuesday March 18, 2014 (middle of Week 9)` - **NEW DUE DATE** - Late assignments or wrong file names may not be marked. Please be accurate and punctual. - **Available online** - Version 1 – 15:00 March 4, 2014 - Version 2 – 22:15 March 4, 2014 – clarified wording; more hints - Version 3 – 15:40 March 17, 2014 – new due date - **Prerequisites** - [CST8207 GNU/Linux Operating Systems I] - All [Class Notes] since the beginning of term. - All your previous [Assignments]. - An ability to **READ ALL THE WORDS** to work effectively. - **Deliverables** 1. One text file uploaded to Blackboard according to the steps in the [Checking Program] section below. 2. Directory structure and files created and left for marking on the [Course Linux Server] (**CLS**).\ **Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the term is over!** Purpose of this Assignment ========================== > **Do not print this assignment on paper!** On paper, you cannot follow any > of the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to > answering a question. This assignment is based on your weekly [Class Notes]. 1. Create shell scripts that deal with process management, email, `crontab`, and `at`. 2. Practise with a text editor. Remember to **READ ALL THE WORDS** to work effectively and not waste time. Introduction and Overview ========================= This is an overview of how you are expected to complete this assignment. Read all the words before you start working. 1. Complete the **Tasks** listed below. 2. Verify your own work before running the [Checking Program]. 3. Run the [Checking Program] to help you find errors. 4. Submit the output of the [Checking Program] to Blackboard before the due date. 5. **READ ALL THE WORDS** to work effectively and not waste time. When you are finished the tasks, leave the files, directories, `cron` jobs, and `at` jobs in place as part of your deliverables. **Do not delete any assignment work until after the term is over!** Assignments may be re-marked at any time; you must have your term work available right until term end. Searching the course notes -------------------------- The previous term’s course notes are available on the Internet here: [CST8207 GNU/Linux Operating Systems I]. All the notes files are also on the CLS. You can learn about how to read and search these files using the command line on the CLS under the heading *Copies of the CST8207 course notes* near the bottom of the page [Course Linux Server]. The Source Directory -------------------- All references to the “Source Directory” below are to the CLS directory `~idallen/cst8177/14w/assignment07/` and that name starts with a *tilde* character followed by a userid with no intervening slash. Tasks ===== - Do the following tasks in order, from top to bottom. - These tasks must be done in your account on the [Course Linux Server]. - **READ ALL THE WORDS!** and do not skip steps. - Your instructor will mark on the due date the work you do in your account on the CLS. Leave all your work on the CLS and do not modify it. - **Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the course is over.** Set Up – The Base Directory --------------------------- 1. Do a [Remote Login] to the [Course Linux Server] (**CLS**) from any existing computer, using the name appropriate for whether you are on-campus or off-campus. **All work in this assignment must be done on the CLS.** 2. Make the directory `~/CST8177-14W/Assignments/assignment07`, in which you will create the files and scripts resulting from the following tasks. **This `assignment07` directory is the *base* directory for most pathnames in this assignment. Store your files and answers below in this *base* `assignment07` directory.** Run the [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. ### Review of How To Write and Test Scripts Some of the tasks below ask you to write a small executable shell script, based on the lecture notes and slides. All scripts should begin with the Script Header you used for your previous assignments. Some scripts contain simple one-line pipelines. You can first create these pipelines on the command line, get them working correctly, then copy the working pipeline into the script file when it works. It is much faster to test and fix the pipeline on the command line instead of editing and saving the script file over and over. When you have completed each script, ensure that it is executable, so that it can be run as `./scriptname.sh`. Scripts must validate their arguments, even if they take no arguments. (A script that takes no arguments must not run if you give it arguments, since clearly you don’t know how to use it.) Error messages must be written in the style of [Good Error Message], as you did in the previous assignment. Always follow the Good Error Message with a Usage message that says how the script should be run. Scripts that have usage errors should exit with a non-zero exit code, indicating something went wrong. The Processes Script -------------------- > Before you write any scripts, re-read the above section with the title > [Review of How To Write and Test Scripts]. 1. Using the directions in this section, write a script that shows processes that are owned by a particular user and have a particular process name. The userid and the name to search for in the process list will be given on the command line as two arguments to the script. The script will use the `ps` command and a pipeline of one or more commands to select only those `ps` output lines that match the userid and the name. a. Name the script `process_id.sh` b. The script takes two arguments, the first is the *username* of the process owner, and the second is the name of the *process*: - `./process_id.sh` *username* *process* - The active part of the script will be one line long (a pipeline). A perfect solution needs only two commands separated by one pipe. - That one line will be preceded by code to check the number of arguments (two arguments), plus some lines for the script header. - As with many one-line scripts, the code needed to check the arguments greatly exceeds the code that does useful work! c. The script must print one or more lines containing the process ID of every command with the given *process* name owned by the given *username*. d. The script must print a [Good Error Message] and Usage message if it doesn’t receive exactly two command line arguments, and exit with an exit status of `2`. e. The process ID does not have to be the only thing on the output line. The output lines may contain other information, or you can optionally process the lines to only show the process ID field. f. The script should only show lines for processes owned by the given userid. g. The script should *not* show any lines for partial userids such as `roo` or `oot`. (Test this!) h. Avoid printing lines from `ps` that *look* like process names. Often, the script will incorrectly print the `grep` command that is being used to select the right `ps` output line inside the script; don’t do that. Show only the required output. i. **Hints:** Refer to your work on process listings from [Assignment #02 Task 4.6] j. **Hints:** Do not use any options to `ps` that show **all** processes! Use **only** the two options described next: k. **Hints:** The `ps` command has a useful option to display only processes with a particular **command name**. Using this option to select only lines that contain that command name makes the script **much simpler**, since otherwise it is tricky to use `grep` to match a process name in the middle of a line of `ps` output. If you don’t use this option to `ps` (*use the option!*), you must select the process name **carefully** by choosing some surrounding **context** from the output lines using `grep`. l. **Hints:** In addition to the option that selects **command name**, you will need an option to make `ps` generate a userid at the start of every output line. See the man page for either the **full-format** or **user-oriented** output format. Once you have selected lines that have the right **command name**, selecting lines containing the correct userid is easy since the userid field can always be matched anchored at the start of every line. m. **Hints:** Make sure that when you search for a userid in the output of `ps` that you use a pattern that ensures that the entire userid is matched and not just a prefix or a suffix. The script should *not* show any lines for partial userids such as `roo` or `oot`. (Test this!) n. Test your script. Can the script find the process number of itself when it runs? `./process_id.sh "$USER" process_id.sh` 2. Let’s use the above script to find a process to kill. First, we need to run a test process to kill: a. Run the script `signaltrap.sh` which is located in the [Source Directory]. You’ll notice this script doesn’t print anything – it just sits there doing nothing, and you don’t get your `bash` prompt back because the script isn’t finished yet. The `bash` prompt won’t appear until the script process is finished or stopped. b. Type `^C` to try to interrupt this script process (send it an `INT` signal). - Notice that the process did not do the normal thing (die) upon receiving the `INT` signal. It “caught” the signal and refused to die. - The script creates a log file in the current directory named `signaltrap_output`. c. Type `^Z` to send a `STOP` signal to the script process. - You will get your `bash` prompt back and see a message about the script process being `Stopped` by the signal. d. Use `bg` to resume the script process running in the background. e. Use your `process_id.sh` script from above to find the process id of this background script process. - Be sure your script finds *your* process, not any other process! - If your `process_id.sh` script can’t find `signaltrap.sh` you may need to adjust it to find commands that are shell scripts. (This may be tricky if you aren’t using the `ps` option described in the **Hints** for the `./process_id.sh` script.) f. At your command prompt, send the `signaltrap.sh` script process a `TERM` signal (terminate) and notice that this too didn’t make the process do the expected terminate action (clean up and die). g. Finally, send the `signaltrap.sh` process a `KILL` signal. - `KILL` signals can’t be ignored, so it should be gone – verify this. h. Find a `PID` of any process owned by `root` or by another user, and try sending it a `KILL` signal (or any signal). - Notice that regular users cannot kill other users’ processes. Run the [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. The Temperature Script ---------------------- > Before you write any scripts, re-read the above section with the title > [Review of How To Write and Test Scripts]. 1. Create a simple Ottawa Temperature script that pulls the temperature from the appropriate Environment Canada XML **RSS** page. - Refer to work with pipes and web pages shown in CST8207 [Examples of Pipes]. Scroll down to the *Ottawa weather temperature* example that fetches the temperature using the XML **RSS** feed. a. As shown in the above example, use the text browser `elinks` with the given options (reproduced below) to retrieve the current Ottawa temperature from the given XML **RSS** feed URL: - `elinks -dump -no-numbering -no-references` *URL* - Note: If a *URL* contains shell meta-characters, such as `?`, you must [quote the URL to prevent expansion by the shell.] Hide all special characters in the URL from the shell. - `elinks` defaults to fetching pages using the UTF8 character set, which may not display well on your screen. You can change the character set using the `elinks` `-dump-charset` option followed by the name of a new character set. (Try the names `ascii`, `latin1` or the default `utf8`.) b. Following the example given in the CST8207 page above, pipe the `elinks` output into `fgrep` to extract the line containing the word `Temperature:` from the XML **RSS** page. The pipeline will print one line of current temperature from the XML **RSS** page. - If the degree special character between the temperature number and the letter “C” doesn’t display correctly (e.g. “10°C”), you may need to [reconfigure PuTTY for the UTF8 character set]. (Remember to save your PuTTY settings.) c. Put the above pipeline into a script named `temperature.sh` that prints out the current temperature for Ottawa. - The active part of the script will be one line long (a pipeline). A perfect solution needs only two commands separated by one pipe. - That one line will be preceded by code to check the number of arguments (no arguments), plus some lines for the script header. - As with many one-line scripts, the code needed to check the arguments greatly exceeds the code that does useful work! - Do not create or use an `alias` in your script; use the full `elinks` command line with the correct URL. (Scripts never use aliases, since aliases are meant to save typing by humans, not by scripts.) - You should see only the *one* line of temperature output on your screen when you run the script correctly. d. Test your script. Did your script validate the (lack of) arguments and produce a [Good Error Message] if there are any? 2. Create a hard link to the `temperature.sh` script in your own `bin/` directory and name the link `otemp` - Verify that you can now type simply `otemp` at a shell prompt to have the one line of current temperature display. (If this command isn’t found, perhaps you haven’t set your `PATH` in your `.bashrc` as required in [Section 4.4 of Assignment #02]?) Run the [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. Sending information using a `mail` command ------------------------------------------ > System administrators often have systems send them automated email. There > are many text-mode email clients (“Mail User Agents”) for Linux. This > assignment uses the one named `mail`, which is fairly standard and fairly > small, which makes it ideal for use in sending email inside scripts. > **Optional:** If you are interested in trying a power-user text-mode mail > client for everyday interactive use, try [`mutt`] (`man mutt`). 1. Read the man page for the `mail` command and try sending yourself email from the CLS to your own email account: a. `echo "Testing mail command." | mail -s "Test"` *abcd0001*`@algonquinlive.com` - Replace the *abcd0001* with your **own** Algonquin email address. - You can pipe any text standard output into the `mail` program. - Do not send *binary* data this way; it won’t work. **Text Only** - You can use a similar command to send to any of your email accounts. b. Following the above model, EMail the one line of standard output of your above `temperature.sh` weather script to your Algonquin email address with the subject: `Current Ottawa Temperature` - If the degree special character between the temperature number and the letter “C” doesn’t display correctly in your email (e.g. “10°C”), you can try adding either `-dump-charset latin1` or `-dump-charset ascii` to the `elinks` command line in your `temperature.sh` script. c. **Optional:** You can try using an [SMS Gateway List] to find the email address of your SMS enabled phone, and email any text message directly to your phone. (May be subject to length restrictions and incur an arbitrary delay.) - If the degree special character between the temperature number and the letter “C” doesn’t display correctly on your phone (e.g. “10°C”), you can try adding either `-dump-charset latin1` or `-dump-charset ascii` to the `elinks` command line in your `temperature.sh` script. 2. Create a script called `mail_temperature.sh` that will use your `temperature.sh` script and email the current Ottawa temperature to your Algonquin email address (or to your phone). (You already know what command line will do this, from above.) - The active part of the script will be one line long (a pipeline). A perfect solution needs only two commands separated by one pipe. - That one line will be preceded by code to check the number of arguments (no arguments), plus some lines for the script header. - As with many one-line scripts, the code needed to check the arguments greatly exceeds the code that does useful work! - The script will use an absolute pathname to your existing `temperature.sh` script to generate the one line of temperature data for the script pipeline. - Use pipes; do not use any output or input temporary files. - Do not duplicate the `elinks` line inside this new mail script; your new script must email the *output* created by running your `temperature.sh` script (that contains the `elinks` line). - You can create this script correctly even if you have not got a working `temperature.sh` script. (Of course, you won’t be able to fully test it without a working `temperature.sh` script.) - Did you use an absolute pathname to `temperature.sh` in your script? 3. Create a hard link to the `mail_temperature.sh` script in your own `bin/` directory and name the link `mail_temperature` - Verify that you can now type simply `mail_temperature` at a shell prompt to have the temperature sent to you by email. (If this command isn’t found, perhaps you haven’t set your `PATH` in your `.bashrc` as required in [Section 4.4 of Assignment #02]?) 4. **Optional:** Since sysadmin are generally lazy, and `mail_temperature` is a very long name to type, find a way to create another name for this script that is shorter and faster to type. (You choose the name; nobody is looking.) (Hint: Perhaps another hard link in your `bin/` directory, or perhaps create a shorter shell `alias`?) Run the [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. Scheduling repeated tasks with `crontab` ---------------------------------------- > The `crontab` command is used to create tasks that are run repeatedly by > the system `cron` daemon program. These are commonly called `cron` *jobs*. > You can create personal `cron` jobs. There is also a system file containing > system `cron` jobs that only the super-user can edit. 1. Read the course notes and the man page for the `crontab` command. 2. Run the CLS command `select-editor` to choose a text editor for use by the `crontab` command. (Isn’t it time you learned some `vim`?) 3. Run `crontab -e` to start the selected text editor to edit your personal `crontab` file. In this editor, experiment by creating a `crontab` line that runs in the near future to make sure you know how `cron` jobs work: - E.g. create a `crontab` that runs the `date` command every minute. - Save the file and exit the editor to enable the new `crontab` file. - If you don’t redirect the output of your `crontab` command lines into a file, the output will be sent to you by email. You will need to use the `mail` program to see the emailed output generated by your `cron` jobs. - Use the `crontab` command to edit and experiment with other valid `crontab` lines that run in the near future. - Use the `crontab` command to remove the test `crontab` when you know enough about how to create working `cron` jobs. 4. Now, create a `crontab` designed to run your `mail_temperature` program at **10:14am** on the first day of every month. - Use this basename as part of a **relative** pathname to this program (in your `bin/` directory) and use this time/date. - First, save your `crontab` using times in the near future while you are testing your `cron` job to make sure it works. - When you know your job works, change the time to be exactly the *10:14am* time and first month day for marking. - You can create this `crontab` file correctly even if you have not got a working `mail_temperature` script. (Of course you won’t receive the correct output without a working `mail_temperature` script.) 5. Use the `crontab` command with option that lists the contents of your current live `crontab` file. Make sure your displayed `cron` job is scheduled for 10:14 on the first day of every month. 6. Repeat the above command and redirect the contents of your current live `crontab` file into a `mail_weather.crontab` text file in the base directory. (It should be one valid `crontab` line.) In your `cron` job, did you use a relative path to the `mail_temperature` script name (the name is located in your own `bin/` directory)? You need to know in which directory the `cron` job runs, to create the correct relative path to the `mail_temperature` program in your `bin/` directory. Run the [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. Scheduling a command once with `at` ----------------------------------- > The `at` command is used to create a task that runs only *once* at some > future date and time. These are commonly called `at` *jobs*. There is no > system file of `at` jobs, since these jobs only run once. 1. Read the course notes and the man page for the `at` command and note the syntax used to schedule an `at` job in the future. Experiment with some `at` command lines that run in the near future to make sure you know how it works. (If you don’t redirect the output of your tests, the output will be sent to you by email. You will need to use the `mail` program to see the emailed output generated by your `at` jobs.) 2. Use the `at` command to schedule a run of your `mail_temperature` program at 09:00am, December 25, 2014. **Use this basename as part of the absolute program pathname and use this exact time/date to schedule your `at` job.** You will need to experiment with times in the near future while you are testing the `at` command to make sure it works, but make sure you leave one correctly dated `at` job queued for marking. - You can create this `at` job correctly even if you have not got a working `mail_temperature` script. (Of course you won’t receive the correct output without a working `mail_temperature` script.) 3. Learn the command that displays a list of your scheduled `at` job numbers and display the list to make sure your December 25 job is there. In your `at` job, did you use an absolute path to the `mail_temperature` script name (the name is located in your own `bin/` directory)? ### Viewing scheduled `at` jobs You may forget what command is scheduled in a job. What is the command syntax to show you the *content* of a scheduled `at` job, not just the job number? (NOTE: The command that lists all your `at` job numbers is *not* the same as the command that shows you what the content of the job actually is!) In other words, use a command to display the actual command line that you submitted when you created the `at` job, along with all the environment information that the system adds to your `at` job. 1. Using the command above, display the full content of your December 25 `at` job and redirect it into file `atjob.txt` in your base directory. The file should start with a *shebang* line and contain about 30 lines (approximately), most of which are variable assignment statements. Usually we don’t care to see all the environment information at the start of the queued `at` job file. Assuming that the command being run by `at` is only one line long (as it is for our December 25 job), how can you show *only* the one-line command line itself on your screen and not see all of the associated shell environment that is created as part of the job? (Hint: One command with one pipe will show just the last line.) Run the [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. When you are done ----------------- That is all the tasks you need to do. Check your work a final time using the [Checking Program] and save the output as described below. Submit your mark following the directions below. Checking, Marking, and Submitting your Work =========================================== **Summary:** Do some tasks, then run the checking program to verify your work as you go. You can run the checking program as often as you want. When you have the best mark, upload the marks file to Blackboard. > Since I also do manual marking of student assignments, your final mark may > not be the same as the mark submitted using the current version of the > [Checking Program]. I do not guarantee that any version of the [Checking > Program] will find all the errors in your work. Complete your assignments > according to the specifications, not according to the incomplete set of the > mistakes detected by the [Checking Program]. 1. There is a [Checking Program] named `assignment07check` in the [Source Directory] on the CLS. Create a symbolic link to this program named `check` under your new `assignment07` directory so that you can easily run the program to check your work and assign your work a mark. Note: You can create a symbolic link to this executable program but you do not have permission to read or copy the program file. 2. Execute the above “check” program using its new symbolic link. (Review the [Search Path] notes if you forget how to run a program by pathname from the command line.) This program will check your work, assign you a mark, and display the output on your screen. (You may want to paginate the long output so you can read all of it.) You may run the “check” program as many times as you wish, to correct mistakes and get the best mark. **Some task sections require you to finish the whole section before running the checking program at the end; you may not always be able to run the checking program successfully after every single task step.** 3. When you are done with checking this assignment, and you like what you see on your screen, **redirect** the output of the [Checking Program] into the text file `assignment07.txt` under your `assignment07` directory on the CLS. Use the *exact* name `assignment07.txt` in your `assignment07` directory. Case (upper/lower case letters) matters. Be absolutely accurate, as if your marks depended on it. Do not edit the file. - Make sure the file actually contains the output of the checking program! - The last text line of the file should begin with: `YOUR MARK for` - Really! **MAKE SURE THE FILE HAS YOUR MARKS IN IT!** 4. Transfer the above `assignment07.txt` file from the CLS to your local computer and verify that the file still contains all the output from the checking program. Do not edit this file! No empty files, please! Edited or damaged files will not be marked. You may want to refer to your [File Transfer] notes. - Make sure the file actually contains the output of the checking program! - The last text line of the file should begin with: `YOUR MARK for` - Really! **MAKE SURE THE FILE HAS YOUR MARKS IN IT!** 5. Submit the `assignment07.txt` file under the correct Assignment area on Blackboard (with the exact name) before the due date. Upload the file via the **assignment07** “Upload Assignment” facility in Blackboard: click on the underlined **assignment07** link in Blackboard. Use “**Attach File**” and “**Submit**” to upload your plain text file. No word-processor documents. Do not send email. Use only “Attach File”. Do not enter any text into the **Submission** or **Comments** boxes on Blackboard; I do not read them. Use only the “**Attach File**” section followed by the **Submit** button. If you need to comment on any assignment submission, send me [email]. You can upload the file more than once; I only look at the most recent. You must upload the file with the correct name; you cannot correct the name as you upload it to Blackboard. 6. **Verify that Blackboard has received your submission**: After using the *Submit* button, you will see a page titled *Review Submission History* that will show all your submissions. a) Verify that your latest submission has the correct 16-character, lower-case file name beside the *Attached Files* heading. b) The *Submission Field* and *Student Comments* headings must be **empty**. (I do not read them.) c) **Save a screen capture** showing the uploaded file name. If there is an upload missing, you will need this to prove that you uploaded the file. You will also see the *Review Submission History* page any time you already have an assignment attempt uploaded and you click on the underlined **assignment07** link. You cannot delete an assignment attempt, but you can always upload a new version. I only mark the latest version. 7. Your instructor may also mark files in your directory in your CLS account after the due date. Leave everything there on the CLS. **Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the term is over!** - I do not accept any assignment submissions by email. Use only the Blackboard *Attach File*. No word processor documents. Plain Text only. - Use the *exact* file name given above. Upload only one single file of plain text, not HTML, not RTF, not MSWord. No fonts, no word-processing. Plain text only. - Did I mention that the format is plain text (VIM/Nano/Pico/Gedit or TextEdit or Notepad)? - **NO EMAIL, WORD PROCESSOR, PDF, RTF, or HTML DOCUMENTS ACCEPTED.** - No marks are awarded for submitting under the wrong assignment number or for using the wrong file name. Use the exact 16-character, lower-case name given above. - WARNING: Some inattentive students don’t read all these words. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact. **READ ALL THE WORDS. OH PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE READ ALL THE WORDS!** -- | Todd Kelly and | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [hyperlink URLs]: indexcgi.cgi#XImportant_Notes__alphabetical_order_ [CST8207 GNU/Linux Operating Systems I]: ../../../cst8207/13f [Class Notes]: indexcgi.cgi [Assignments]: indexcgi.cgi#XAssignments [Checking Program]: #checking-marking-and-submitting-your-work [Course Linux Server]: ../../../cst8207/14w/notes/070_course_linux_server.html [Remote Login]: ../../../cst8207/14w/notes/110_remote_login.html [Good Error Message]: assignment06.html#good-error-messages [Review of How To Write and Test Scripts]: #review-of-how-to-write-and-test-scripts [Assignment #02 Task 4.6]: assignment02.html#creating-a-script [Source Directory]: #the-source-directory [Examples of Pipes]: ../../../cst8207/14w/notes/200_redirection.html#examples-of-pipes [quote the URL to prevent expansion by the shell.]: ../../../cst8207/14w/notes/440_quotes.html [reconfigure PuTTY for the UTF8 character set]: data/putty_utf8.png [Section 4.4 of Assignment #02]: assignment02.html#creating-your-first-shell-script [`mutt`]: http://www.mutt.org/ [SMS Gateway List]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways [Search Path]: ../../../cst8207/14w/notes/400_search_path.html [File Transfer]: ../../../cst8207/14w/notes/015_file_transfer.html [email]: mailto:idallen@idallen.ca [Plain Text]: assignment07.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/