======================================== Assignment #02 - the Course Linux Server ======================================== - Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com Read *all* the words in this assignment before you begin to type. Available online: Tuesday September 11, 2012 Goal: Log in to the Course Linux Server using the correct password and options. Execute some simple Linux commands. Copy-and-paste some Linux output into a plain text file and submit. Upload due date: Upload answer file before 12:00 on Tuesday September 18, 2012 Late assignments or wrong file names may not be marked. Be accurate. Submission method: Create a plain text file using the *exact* name: assignment02.txt Upload the file via the assignment02 "Upload Assignment" facility in Blackboard in a manner similar to how you submitted the previous assignment (but upload under assignment02). Be exact! WARNING: Some inattentive students upload Assignment #2 into the Assignment #1 upload area. Don't make that mistake! Be exact. ============================================================================== 1. Log in to the Course Linux Server using your special Linux password, available from your instructor. To learn how to log in, see the Course Notes file: 070_course_linux_server.html If you log in using PuTTY from Windows, you must set the "PuTTY Configuration options for Windows users" before you connect. See the notes file 070_course_linux_server.html for these options. You will know you have succeeded in the log in if you can type the command "hostname" at the BASH shell prompt and you see this: -bash-4.2$ hostname idallen-ubuntu 2. Execute these four Linux commands at the BASH Shell prompt: hostname date whoami ls -l -a -i You type only the commands, not the prompts. The Shell will type the prompts, telling you that it is waiting for a command. Each command will produce some output in the terminal window. NOTE: Make sure you can tell the difference between the digit -1 and the letter -l and that you use the letter -l and not the digit -1 as an argument to the "ls" command. (Most Unix/Linux command options are letters, not digits.) 3. With your mouse, copy the commands and their output and paste them into a Plain Text file for submission. Your submission will look similar to this, but the numbers and names will be different: -bash-4.2$ hostname idallen-ubuntu -bash-4.2$ date Tue Sep 11 03:40:42 EDT 2012 -bash-4.2$ whoami abcd0001 -bash-4.2$ ls -l -a -i total 20 169482 drwxr-x--- 3 abcd0001 abcd0001 4096 Sep 11 03:33 . 131074 drwxr-xr-x 147 root root 4096 Sep 11 03:07 .. 153636 -rw------- 1 abcd0001 abcd0001 60 Sep 11 03:33 .Xauthority 153635 -rw------- 1 abcd0001 abcd0001 301 Sep 11 03:22 .bash_history 393514 drwx------ 2 abcd0001 abcd0001 4096 Sep 11 03:19 .cache -bash-4.2$ 4. Feel free to play with other Linux commands on the Linux server. You can't break anything. Try the "sleep 999" command line and use ^C to interrupt it. Try the ^W and ^U commands to erase words and lines. Try this command: man intro (Read the last line of the output to know how to quit this program.) Here is a short list of other simple commands to try: cal, who, uptime, clear, history, id, pwd, sleep 5, uname -a 5. Log off of the Linux server by exiting the shell by typing: exit 6. Submit the Plain Text file with the exact name before the due date. READ ALL THE WORDS. OH PLEASE READ ALL THE WORDS! -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/