% Week 13 Notes for CST8207 - Fall 2012 % Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com % Fall 2012 - September to December 2012 - Updated Wed Nov 28 10:15:54 EST 2012 Readings, Assignments, Labs, and ToDo ===================================== - Fill in your [Course Evaluation Survey] for this course. Only nine questions! Closes December 9. - Monday Morning: section 400: Expected 52 Received 8 15% - Monday Morning: section 410: Expected 61 Received 10 16% - Read (at least) these things (All The Words): - [Week 13 Notes HTML] - This File - ** Read All The Words ** - [Unix/Linux Processes, Jobs, background, foreground, kill, killall] - [Unix/Linux system logging, log files, kernel messages] - [Unix/Linux Software Package Management] - [List of Commands] - Read (All The Words), Do, and Save (but not for hand-in): - [Lab Worksheet #13 ODT] - [Lab Worksheet #13 PDF] - Read (All The Words), Do, and then Submit via Blackboard: - [Assignment #12] is part of [Lab Worksheet #12 ODT] - [Assignment #12] is part of [Lab Worksheet #12 PDF] - fonts updated not to use missing font Courier 10 Pitch - [Assignment #13] - Write down the dates of your Final Exams from the [Course Home Page]. - [PDF course slides from a previous term] - **READ ALL THE WORDS** Final Exam Schedule is Posted ============================= Your Final Exam schedule is posted in the ICT office and on the [Course Home Page]. Lecture Notes for This Week =========================== ![The Freedom to Choose]  - Review last week. Did you do everything assigned last week? - Did you take my Advice from last week? - This course is 3/2/4 - 3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab, 4 hours HOMEWORK - Review: comparing files: the **`diff`** command - Command-line web page fetcher: **`wget 'http://idallen.com/'`** From the Class Notes link on the Course Home Page ------------------------------------------------- - [Week 13 Notes HTML] - This File - ** Read All The Words ** - [Unix/Linux Processes, Jobs, background, foreground, kill, killall] - [Unix/Linux system logging, log files, kernel messages] - [Unix/Linux Software Package Management] - [List of Commands] From the Classroom Whiteboard/Chalkboard ---------------------------------------- - How Linux is Built: - shell scripts - save your common command pipelines for re-use - Useful command: **`file`** - tell what kind of thing it is - the **`-s`** option is useful for special files such as partitions Choosing a File System Type =========================== Your system install created “journalling” file systems on your virtual disk, using the “-t ext3” option to mkfs. Another way to request this kind of file system is to use the “-j” (Journalling) option to the original “mke2fs” command. This type of Linux journalling file system is usually called “ext3” or “ext4”, and some distributions have a small shell script named “mke3fs” that simply calls mke2fs with the “-t ext3” or “-j” option. Journalling file systems are more resistant to corruption due to sudden power loss, allowing the system to come back up more quickly by avoiding a long file system check at boot time. This does *NOT* give you permission to power off a running Linux system! Always shut down cleanly. The correct command-line for an immediate, safe system shut down is: # shutdown -h now See the man page for other options. Review ------ - Q: What is the advantage of a journalling file system? - Q: What is the correct command line to cleanly shut down a running system? (See the Class Notes on mkfs, or Worksheet 13 paragraph 7-8a.) Your in-class notes go here - take notes in class! ================================================== - If you’re not actively taking notes in class, why are you here? ![How Many Lines]  Real Sysadmin Work ================== - More HTTP attacks on my web server: - **`GET /sdk/%2E%2E/%2E%2E/%2E%2E/%2E%2E/%2E%2E/%2E%2E//etc/vmware/hostd/vmInventory.xml HTTP/1.1`** - **`GET /sdk/../../../../../..//etc/vmware/hostd/vmInventory.xml HTTP/1.1`** - Wall Street Journal February 10 2012: [Linux Popularity Sparks Salary Jump] - Create a pipeline to summarize attacks in log files under /var/log/ on CLS - Geeks and repetitive tasks: - - - If Operating Systems Were Airlines - Improve your Google search skills: -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [Course Evaluation Survey]: https://coursefeedback.algonquincollege.com/etw/ets/et.asp?nxappid=WCQ&nxmid=start [Unix/Linux Processes, Jobs, background, foreground, kill, killall]: 770_processes_and_jobs.html [Unix/Linux system logging, log files, kernel messages]: 805_system_log_files.html [Unix/Linux Software Package Management]: 810_package_management.html [List of Commands]: 900_unix_command_list.txt [Lab Worksheet #13 ODT]: worksheet13.odt [Lab Worksheet #13 PDF]: worksheet13.pdf [Lab Worksheet #12 ODT]: worksheet12.odt [Lab Worksheet #12 PDF]: worksheet12.pdf [PDF course slides from a previous term]: ../../11f/notes/indexcgi.cgi [The Freedom to Choose]: common/poweredbylinuxTheFreedomtoChooseGreen2.png "The Freedom to Choose" [How Many Lines]: data/kf_link_redirect.jpg "How Many Lines" [Linux Popularity Sparks Salary Jump]: http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2012/02/10/linux-popularity-sparks-salary-jump/ [Plain Text]: week13notes.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/