% Unix/Linux Command List (weekly cumulative) % Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com % Winter 2013 - January to April 2013 - Updated Wed May 8 21:01:24 EDT 2013 Keep a list of commands ======================= This is a list of basic Unix/Linux command names used in this course and the week number in which they were first introduced and described. A missing week number means the command hasn’t been formally introduced yet. All these command names have manual pages (though some of them are built-in to the shell and are described in the man page for the bash shell, e.g. exit is described deep inside the man page “man bash”). > Keep a notebook with these command names in it; you will be required to > learn and remember at least some of what each of these commands can do: WK Command, feature, or technique introduced -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Terminal Control Characters: ^C ^D ^W ^U ^Z 3 Setting the BASH prompt: PS1='[\u@\h \W]$ ' 4 GLOB characters: * ? [...] 5 VIM, I/O Redirection: < > | 2>&1 6 Redirection, Pipes, Editors, Shell local and environment variables 7 Shell PATH, Quoting, inodes and hard links, and ln 8 Hard Links, Symbolic Links, Disk Usage, Permissions 9 Fedora VM Installation, Permissions, umask, chmod 10 Processes, Jobs, Background, Foreground, Kill, Signals 11 system logs, syslog, scheduling with crontab, at, users and groups 12 Partitions and File Systems - fdisk, mkfs, mount, swap 13 Boot Process, GRUB, Run Levels, services, telinit, chkconfig 14 Unix/Linux Software Package Management: yum, rpm, and tar; Data Mining 6 alias (shell built-in) 2 apropos (synonym for: man -k) 11 at 6 awk '{print $1}' (also $2, $NF, etc.) 2 bash 10 bg (shell built-in) 2 cal (9 1752) 2 cat 2 cd (shell built-in) 9 chmod ( -R ugo[-+=]rwx octal_number ) 11 chown ( -R ) [owner][:[group]] 4 clear 3 cp ( -a -r -p ) 11 crontab 14 cut 2 date 8 df 13 diff 11 dmesg 8 du 2 echo (shell built-in and external) 13 eject 2 exit (shell built-in) 6 export (shell built-in) 12 fdisk ( -l ) 10 fg (shell built-in) 2 figlet 2 file ( -s -L ) 3 find ( -name -user -inum -size -print -ls ) 11 gpasswd 4 grep ( -i -v -w ) 13 grub ( command line and stand-alone boot ) 11 groupadd 11 groupdel 11 groupmod 9 groups 5 head 4 history (shell built-in) 4 hostname 9 id 10 jobs (shell built-in) 10 kill (shell built-in) 10 killall 4 last 3 less (similar to "more"; used by "man") 7 ln ( -s ) 13 locate 2 ls ( -l -i -a -d -L ) 2 man ( -k ) 3 mkdir ( -p ) 12 mkfs 12 mkswap 3 more (similar to "less") 12 mount 3 mv 6 nano 11 newgrp 6 nl (same as "cat -n") 3 passwd ( username ) 10 ps ( uaxww -efww ) 10 pstree 3 pwd (shell built-in and also external) 8 quota -v 3 rm ( -r -f ) 3 rmdir 13 rpm 13 service 6 set (shell built-in) 6 shopt (shell built-in) 12 shutdown -h now 4 sleep (60) 6 sort ( -f -n -r ) 11 su ( - ) 11 sudo 6 sum 12 swapoff 12 swapon 5 tail 13 tar 2 toilet 4 touch 4 tree 10 umask ( octal_number ) (shell built-in) 12 umount 6 unalias ( -a ) (shell built-in) 13 uname 6 uniq ( -c ) 11 useradd 11 userdel 11 usermod 6 vi and vim and vimtutor 4 wc ( -l -w -c ) 4 whoami 13 yum **Keep a notebook with these command names in it; you will be required to learn and remember at least some of what each of these commands can do.** -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [Plain Text]: 900_unix_command_list.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/