% CST8207 Week 10 Notes - Processes, Jobs, Background, Foreground, Kill, Signals, Midterm #2 % Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com % Winter 2013 - January to April 2013 - Updated Wed May 8 21:01:24 EDT 2013 Readings, Assignments, Labs, and ToDo ===================================== - Fill in your [Course Evaluation Survey] for this course. Only nine questions! Closes April 14. - Read (at least) these things (All The Words): - [Week 10 Notes HTML] - this file - ** Read All The Words ** - [Unix/Linux Processes, Jobs, background, foreground, kill, killall] - [List of Commands] - From “Unix for Mac OS X Users” at [lynda.com] - more to come - Read (All The Words), Do, and save (not for hand in) - Fedora 12 Installation in VMware: [Lab Worksheet #07 PDF] - [Installing and Configuring VMware Tools for Fedora 12] - [CST8207 Frequently Asked Questions] - Have your instructor check you off on the installation using the five points on the last page of the worksheet. - [Lab Worksheet #08 PDF] - chmod, umask, permissions - Read (All The Words), Do, and then Submit via Blackboard: - optional BONUS VIM assignment: [Assignment #06 HTML] (optional) - [Assignment #08 HTML] - setting permissions, quoting, linking - **New Due Date** March 22 11am. - Write down the dates of your Final Exams from the [Course Home Page]. Final Exam Schedule is Posted ============================= Your Final Exam schedule is posted in the ICT office and on the [Course Home Page]. Midterm Test #2 - Week 10 - Thursday March 21 - 25% ==================================================== - Midterm test dates are posted on the [Course Home Page]. - Midterm Test #2 (Thu Mar 21) covers: - anything from the previous midterm test, especially questions that were not answered correctly, plus: - [Week 04 Notes HTML] - [Week 05 Notes HTML] - [Week 06 Notes HTML] - [Week 07 Notes HTML] - [Week 08 Notes HTML] - [Week 09 Notes HTML] - [Assignment #05] - [Assignment #07] - [Assignment #08] - [Lab Worksheet #05 ODT] - [Lab Worksheet #08 ODT] - See the [Practice Midterm Test #2 PDF] and answer file in the [Class Notes]. The same questions are posted under **Practice** on Blackboard. - For full marks, you must read the [Test Instructions] before the test for important directions on how to enter your answers, your lab section number, and the test version number on the question sheet and the mark-sense forms. - There may be more questions on the test than you can answer in the time allowed; answer the ones you know, first. Learning the Material --------------------- - you learn the material because you want to be a Computer Systems Technician - you like doing this work; you want to be good at it - review your mistakes on the first midterm test (questions re-appear) - See the [Practice Midterm Test #2][Practice Midterm Test #2 PDF] - review the commands used in each lab worksheet (and their common options) - [Unix/Linux Command List][List of Commands] - review how the shell works: GLOB, redirection, quotes - split on semicolons and pipes first, then do redirection - Know **why** the shell behaves that was. Copy/paste teaches you nothing. - What are the Four Rules for Output Redirection? Three Rules for Pipes? See: - [Unix Shell I/O Redirection (including Pipes)] Midterm Test #2 Analysis ------------------------- Your midterm marks and answers were sent to you by email around 1pm on Friday, March 22. If you didn’t get them, perhaps you didn’t white-list my email addresses. See the [Week 01 Notes HTML]. Get (and keep) your question sheet from your instructor. You will need it to do the next bonus lab. An electronic copy of the midterm test is under “Quizzes, Tests, and Exams” in the [Class Notes]. You can see the errors in [Midterm Test #2 PDF]. - Number of students (out of 69) who did not follow the Test Instructions printed on the top of the test: **24** - Number of students who did not enter their correct LAB section: **10** - Number of students who did not enter a correct Test Version: **16** - Number of students who used pen instead of pencil: **1** - Number of students who got question #48 wrong even though the answer was given in the Test Instructions printed at the top of the test: **1** - Number of students who entered their own name incorrectly on the mark-sense form (often by shortening it): **5** ### Scores for 69 Students 100 97.9 95.8 93.8 91.7 89.6 89.6 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 85.4 84.2 83.3 79.2 77.1 72.9 72.9 72.9 68.8 68.5 66.7 66.7 64.6 62.7 60.4 60.4 60.4 60.4 60.4 60.4 58.8 58.3 56.6 56.6 54.8 54.2 54.2 52.9 51.2 50.9 50.5 50 47 45.8 45.8 45.8 44.5 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.1 38.4 37.5 34.4 34.1 33.3 32.3 30.3 29.2 29.2 22.9 22.9 20.8 19 19 15 12.8 An average random answering of the test (all guesses) would give a score around 20%. From the Class Notes link on the Course Home Page ================================================= - Review last week. Did you do everything assigned last week? - Do your Fedora 12 install using [Lab Worksheet #07 PDF] - [Assignment #08 HTML] has a **New Due Date** of March 22 11am - [Unix/Linux Command Reference] From the Classroom Whiteboard/Chalkboard ======================================== - Your in-class notes go here. - Fill in your [Course Evaluation Survey] for this course. Only nine questions! Closes April 14. - Mon Mar 18: Expected 90 responses, received 42 `47%` - Read [Last Term’s Course Evaluations] Some Commands ============= Keep a notebook with a [List of Commands] in it. Real Sysadmin Work ================== - [2013 Top 7 Best Linux Distributions] - Quebec creates a new [Centre of Expertise in Free/Open Source Software] - UK Government now has a clear preference for open source software: > Use open source software in preference to proprietary or closed source > alternatives, in particular for operating systems, networking software, Web > servers, databases and programming languages. > > Problems which are rare, or specific to a domain may be best answered by > using software as a service, or by installing proprietary software. In such > cases, take care to mitigate the risk of lock-in to a single supplier by > ensuring open standards are available for interfaces. > > For unique needs and common problems which have yet to be solved well > elsewhere, develop software by coding in the open and publish under an open > source licence. > > -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [Course Evaluation Survey]: https://coursefeedback.algonquincollege.com/etw/ets/et.asp?nxappid=WCQ&nxmid=start [Unix/Linux Processes, Jobs, background, foreground, kill, killall]: 600_processes_and_jobs.html [List of Commands]: 900_unix_command_list.html [lynda.com]: https://lyceum.algonquincollege.com/Lynda [Lab Worksheet #07 PDF]: worksheet07.pdf [Installing and Configuring VMware Tools for Fedora 12]: 009_vmware_tools.html [CST8207 Frequently Asked Questions]: 007_freqently_asked_questions.html [Lab Worksheet #08 PDF]: worksheet08.pdf [Lab Worksheet #05 ODT]: worksheet05.odt [Lab Worksheet #08 ODT]: worksheet08.odt [Practice Midterm Test #2 PDF]: practicetest2.pdf [Class Notes]: indexcgi.cgi [Test Instructions]: 000_test_instructions.html [Unix Shell I/O Redirection (including Pipes)]: 200_redirection.html [Midterm Test #2 PDF]: midterm2.pdf [Unix/Linux Command Reference]: http://files.fosswire.com/2007/08/fwunixref.pdf [Last Term’s Course Evaluations]: ../../12f/course_evaluation.html [2013 Top 7 Best Linux Distributions]: http://www.linux.com/component/content/article/135-distronews/708977-the-2013-top-7-best-linux-distributions-for-you [Centre of Expertise in Free/Open Source Software]: http://www.tresor.gouv.qc.ca/nouvelles/article/le-logiciel-libre-est-une-option-incontournable-pour-le-gouvernement-du-quebec/ [Plain Text]: week10notes.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/