% CST8207 Assignment 05 – BONUS Midterm Test 1 topics review % Todd Kelley, Ian! D. Allen – - [www.idallen.com] % Fall 2014 - September to December 2014 - Updated Fri Oct 31 13:04:07 EDT 2014 Due Date and Deliverables ========================= > **Do not print this assignment on paper!** > > - On paper, you will miss updates, corrections, and hints added to the > online version. > - On paper, you cannot follow any of the [hyperlink URLs] that lead you > to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question. > - On paper, scrolling text boxes will be cut off and not print properly. - **Due Date**: `12h00 (noon) Friday November 7, 2014 (end of Week 10)` - This is a **BONUS** assignment for extra credit. It is optional. - You have many weeks to do this assignment, but your next assignment will be available soon and will overlap this assignment. Start work on this now! Don’t delay! - Late assignments or wrong file names may not be marked. Please be accurate and punctual. - **Available online** - Version 1 – 19:40 Thursday October 2, 2014 - Version 2 – 13:05 Friday October 31, 2014 (due date extended due to Blackboard failure) - **Prerequisites** 1. You must have your own personal question sheet from Midterm test #1. - I hand your personal question sheet back to you in any lab period following the test (Week 6-7), or make an appointment to see me in my office. 2. You must have the EMail from me with your Midterm Test Answer key and score. - I will send you your answer key and score by email the week after the test (Week 6). - **Deliverables** 1. One plain text file `assignment05.txt` in your CLS account. 2. The same text file `assignment05.txt` uploaded to Blackboard. **WARNING:** Some inattentive students upload Assignment #5 into the Assignment #4 upload area. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact. This Assignment =============== This is a **BONUS** assignment for extra credit. It is optional. 1. Make sure you have all the numbered **Prerequisites** (above) before you begin. Set Up – The Base Directory on the CLS -------------------------------------- 1. Create the following directory structure in your CLS HOME directory and record (for study purposes) the series of Unix commands you used to create it. (You do not have to create any directories that you have already created in a previous assignment.) Spelling and capitalization must be exactly as shown: a. Create the `CST8207-14F` directory in your CLS HOME directory. b. Create the `Assignments` directory in the `CST8207-14F` directory. c. Create the `assignment05` directory in the `Assignments` directory. > **Hint:** You can create the entire directory tree above using *one* single > command with one option and one pathname argument, as you did at the end of > Section 4 in [Worksheet #02 HTML]. System administrators like to work > efficiently – they learn how to do things quickly. The correct directory tree will look similar to the ASCII tree diagram below. The spelling and capitalization must be *exactly* as shown. CST8207-14F `-- Assignments `-- assignment05 > **This `assignment05` directory is the [Base Directory] for most > pathnames in this assignment. Store your files and answers in this Base > Directory.** Fix your Mistakes ----------------- 1. Use a Linux text editor to create a new plain text answer file named `assignment05.txt` in the [Base Directory] on the CLS. For every question that you answered incorrectly on the first midterm test, reproduce in the answer file: 1) the question you got wrong (from your own question sheet), and 2) the correct answer to the question. > If you had no incorrect answers, upload an empty answer file. If you missed > the test, you would have to copy the entire test and answer every question. 2. Underneath each question and correct answer in your answer file, indicate where in the [Class Notes] (which section of which [Class Notes] file) you can learn how to generate this correct answer. *No marks are awarded unless your source for getting the answer is shown. Show me that you know where in the notes, worksheets, or manual pages the answer comes from.* (Practice tests are not sources of answers.) Number each question with a leading `Q` and use this exact format for each answer: Q5. How do you recursively remove a non-empty directory? Answer: rm -r Source: Worksheet 3 section 5 rm command Q22. What character signals EOF at the keyboard? Answer: ^D Source: 120_shell_basics "Interrupting Processes and signalling End-of-File" Source: 200_redirection "Input Redirection" a) Number each question with a leading `Q` using the above format. b) Each Answer should use the keyword `Answer:` using the above format. c) Each Source should use the keyword `Source:` using the above format. d) Use the question number from *your* personal test. e) Separate each question and answer group with a blank line. You can copy-and-paste each question and the correct answer into your answer file. You must do your own work finding where the correct answer can be found. Marks are awarded for original typed work for the source, not for copy-and-paste from your friends. Any source answers that are found to be copy-and-paste from some other document will require you to resubmit the entire lab as hand-written and will result in a charge of plagiarism or academic fraud as well. Do your own research; type your own answer locations; no copy-and-paste from your friends; they won’t be at your job interview. In this assignment, you are only answering the questions that you got *wrong* on the midterm test, not all the questions. Just the ones you got wrong. When you are done ----------------- Submit your plain text file following the directions below. Submitting your Work ==================== 1. Transfer the above plain text `assignment05.txt` file from the CLS to your local computer and verify that the file still contains all the correct content from the CLS. Do not edit this file on your local computer! No empty files, please! Edited or damaged files will not be marked. You may want to refer to your [File Transfer] notes. - Do not edit the file from the CLS. Submit it exactly as given. - Make sure the file actually contains your answers. 2. Upload the `assignment05.txt` file from your local computer to the correct Assignment area on Blackboard (with the exact name) before the due date: 1. On your local computer use a web browser to log in to Blackboard and go to the Blackboard page for this course. 2. Go to the Blackboard *Assignments* area for the course, in the left side-bar menu, and find the current assignment. 3. Under *Assignments*, click on the underlined **assignment05** link for this assignment. a) If this is your first upload, the *Upload Assignment* page will open directly; skip the next sentence. b) If you have already uploaded previously, the *Review Submission History* page will be open and you must use the *Start New* button at the bottom of the page to get to the *Upload Assignment* page. 4. On the *Upload Assignment* page, scroll down and beside *Attach File* use *Browse My Computer* to find and attach your assignment file from your local computer. Make sure the assignment file has the correct name on your local computer before you attach it. 5. After you have attached the file on the *Upload Assignment* page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the *Submit* button to actually upload your attached assignment file to Blackboard. Use only *Attach File* on the *Upload Assignment* page. Do not enter any text into the *Text Submission* or *Comments* boxes on Blackboard; I do not read them. Use only the *Attach File* section followed by the *Submit* button. If you need to comment on any assignment submission, send me [email]. You can revise and upload the file more than once using the *Start New* button on the *Review Submission History* page to open a new *Upload Assignment* page. I only look at the most recent submission. You must upload the file with the correct name from your local computer; you cannot correct the name as you upload it to Blackboard. 3. **Verify that Blackboard has received your submission**: After using the *Submit* button, you will see a page titled *Review Submission History* that will show all your uploaded submissions for this assignment. Each of your submissions is called an *Attempt* on this page. A drop-down list of all your attempts is available. a) Verify that your latest *Attempt* has the correct 16-character, lower-case file name under the *SUBMISSION* heading. b) The one file name must be the *only* thing under the *SUBMISSION* heading. Only the one file name is allowed. c) No *COMMENTS* heading should be visible on the page. Do not enter any comments when you upload an assignment. d) **Save a screen capture** of the *Review Submission History* page on your local computer, showing the single uploaded file name listed under *SUBMISSION*. If you want to claim that you uploaded the file and Blackboard lost it, you will need this screen capture to prove that you actually uploaded the file. (To date, Blackboard has never lost an uploaded file.) You will also see the *Review Submission History* page any time you already have an assignment attempt uploaded and you click on the underlined **assignment05** link. You can use the *Start New* button on this page to re-upload your assignment as many times as you like. You cannot delete an assignment attempt, but you can always upload a new version. I only mark the latest version. - I do not accept any assignment submissions by email. Use only the Blackboard *Attach File*. No word processor documents. Linux-format Plain Text only. - Use the *exact* file name given above. Upload only one single file of Linux-format plain text, not HTML, not RTF, not MSWord. No fonts, no word-processing. Linux plain text only. - The format is Linux-style plain text, i.e. using a Linux text editor such as VIM/Nano/Pico/Gedit. - **NO EMAIL, WORD PROCESSOR, PDF, RTF, DOS, MICROSOFT, MACINTOSH, or HTML DOCUMENTS ACCEPTED.** - No marks are awarded for submitting under the wrong assignment number or for using the wrong file name. Use the exact 16-character, lower-case name given above. - WARNING: Some inattentive students don’t read all these words. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact. **READ ALL THE WORDS. OH PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE READ ALL THE WORDS!** -- | Todd Kelley, and | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [hyperlink URLs]: indexcgi.cgi#XImportant_Notes__alphabetical_order_ [Base Directory]: #set-up-the-base-directory-on-the-cls [File Transfer]: 015_file_transfer.html [email]: mailto:idallen@idallen.ca [Plain Text]: assignment05.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/