% CST8207 Week 14 Notes -- Run Levels, services, telinit, chkconfig, remote servers, Linux Rap % Ian! D. Allen -- -- [www.idallen.com] % Winter 2015 - January to Apil 2015 - Updated 2023-11-13 17:32 EST - [Course Home Page] - [Course Outline] - [All Weeks] - [Plain Text] C O U R S E    E V A L U A T I O N ================================== ____ _ ____ ____ | _ \| | ___ __ _ ___ ___ | _ \ ___ / ___|___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \ | | | |/ _ \ | | / _ \| | | | '__/ __|/ _ \ | __/| | __/ (_| \__ \ __/ | |_| | (_) | | |__| (_) | |_| | | \__ \ __/ |_| |_|\___|\__,_|___/\___| |____/ \___/ \____\___/ \__,_|_| |___/\___| _____ _ _ _ | ____|_ ____ _| |_ _ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ | _| \ \ / / _` | | | | |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | |___ \ V / (_| | | |_| | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | |_____| \_/ \__,_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| - Closes April 26. - - Dogbert on [satisfaction surveys] - When you are done your evaluation create an empty file `.courseval_done` in your `Assignments` directory on the CLS and the assignment nag messages will go away. Readings, Assignments, Labs, Tests, and ToDo ============================================ - Read (at least) these things (All The Words): 1. [Week 14 Notes HTML] -- this file -- **Read All The Words** 2. [Unix/Linux Boot Process, GRUB, Run Levels, services, telinit, chkconfig] 3. [Running commands on remote servers] 4. [Data Mining] 5. [List of Commands You Should Know] 6. [Video Tutorials on Lynda.com] - Create your [lynda.com] account and watch [Unix for Mac OS X Users] Assignments and Lab work this week ---------------------------------- - There are now **three** quizzes that you need to complete on Blackboard as part of your term Quiz mark. - Check the due date for each assignment and put a reminder in your agenda, calendar, and digital assistant. - Read All The Words, Do, and then Submit via Blackboard: - Bonus (optional) [Assignment #04 HTML] -- the VIM text editor - Bonus (optional) [Assignment #09 HTML] -- Midterm #2 corrections - There is a checking program available to check your file format for this bonus assignment, but only people who Read All These Words will know about it. Wrong format means no marks. - [Assignment #13 HTML] -- CentOS: Partitions, File Systems, single user, run levels, services - Really do **Read All The Words**. You don't get a second chance to get it right. - Work on the above assignments in your lab period; ask questions. Tests and quizzes ----------------- For full marks, read the [Test Instructions] (all the words) before your final exam. Attend a free workshop on [Preparing for Exams - Test Taking Skills and Test Anxiety] April 14. 1. All three Quizzes are open until the Final Exam, then they are closed. - Quizzes are random samples and thus do not cover all of the questions in the practice test PDF file. Do the PDF file to be fully prepared. 2. Final Exam: 180 minutes; Tuesday April 21 11am to 2pm in room C144 - Take a bathroom break before you sit down for three hours! - A third set of practice questions is posted. See [Practice Tests and Answers]. The third quiz, based on this set of questions, will be out soon. - The final exam emphasizes material after the second midterm test, but it covers the whole course and therefore includes material from **all** the practice question sets. From the Class Notes link on the Course Home Page ================================================= - [Course Home Page] - [All Weeks] - Review last week. Did you do everything assigned last week? From the Classroom Whiteboard/Chalkboard ======================================== - Some practice questions on some of the material for the final exam are posted. See [Practice Tests and Answers]. - Attend a free workshop on [Preparing for Exams - Test Taking Skills and Test Anxiety] April 14. Real Sysadmin Work ================== Linus Torvalds uses `cut`, `sort`, and `uniq -c` ------------------------------------------------ - Ever wonder about the habits of kernel developers? Who is a night-owl, and who has a 9-5 job? Who has kids? Linux Rap --------- - Courtesy of Ed Barrick: - I'd like to post other submissions, but you must set the copyright on what you send me to allow me to post it. See Learning the Material --------------------- - You learn the material because you want to be a Computer Systems Technician. - You like doing this work; you want to be good at it. - Review your mistakes on the midterm tests because questions re-appear. - For practice tests and quizzes, see the [Practice Test README][Practice Tests and Answers] - Review the commands used in each lab worksheet (and their common options). - [Unix/Linux Command List][List of Commands You Should Know] - Review how the shell works: GLOB, redirection, quotes - Know **why** the shell behaves that way. Copy/paste teaches you nothing. - process quotes, split on semicolons and pipes next, then do redirection - What are the Four Rules for Output Redirection? Three Rules for Pipes? - [Unix Shell I/O Redirection (including Pipes)] Attacks on the Course Linux Server ---------------------------------- - Count the attacks: `fgrep -c "refused connect" /var/log/auth.log` - Another way to count the lines (less efficient): `fgrep "refused connect" /var/log/auth.log | wc` - Only show the last 10 lines: `fgrep 'refused connect' /var/log/auth.log | tail` - See the current list of *evil* host IPs: `less /etc/hosts.evil` Linux Rap Video =============== I did a [**Linux Rap**] at the start of class on April 6, 2015. > "Only do, what only you can do." - E.W.Dijkstra(?), John Maxwell(?), John > Harvey Jones(?), others(?)... With this quote firmly in mind, I solicited four words from the students at the start of my Linux lecture class, wrote them on the board, put on a 1970s batik shirt, yellow pants, and sunglasses, and performed a short freestyle, completely improvised rap that included all of the words they gave me. > | Ed Barrick has shared a video with you on YouTube: > | Good morning Professor. As discussed, please find the link below to the > YouTube video of this mornings rap. > | I have applied Creative Commons licensing to the video. You are free to > post it, and use it as you see fit. > | Thanks > | Ed [Ian! Linux Rap video by Ed Barrick] Ian! Linux Rap on YouTube: Creative Commons License: [Link to previous rap videos] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![Read All The Words by Alex and Colin] ![Take Notes in Class] -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [Course Home Page]: .. [Course Outline]: course_outline.pdf [All Weeks]: indexcgi.cgi [Plain Text]: week14notes.txt [satisfaction surveys]: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2005-04-07/ [Week 14 Notes HTML]: week14notes.html [Unix/Linux Boot Process, GRUB, Run Levels, services, telinit, chkconfig]: 750_booting_and_grub.html [Running commands on remote servers]: 445_quotes_for_remote.html [Data Mining]: 805_data_mining.html [List of Commands You Should Know]: 900_unix_command_list.html [Video Tutorials on Lynda.com]: 910_lynda_index.html [lynda.com]: http://algonquincollege.com/onlineresources/mobileStudent/lynda.htm [Unix for Mac OS X Users]: http://www.lynda.com/Mac-OS-X-10-6-tutorials/Unix-for-Mac-OS-X-Users/78546-2.html [Assignment #04 HTML]: assignment04.html [Assignment #09 HTML]: assignment09.html [Assignment #13 HTML]: assignment13.html [Test Instructions]: 000_test_instructions.html [Preparing for Exams - Test Taking Skills and Test Anxiety]: http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/preparing-for-exams-test-taking-skills-and-test-anxiety-tickets-15929284920 [Practice Tests and Answers]: PRACTICE_TEST_README.html [Unix Shell I/O Redirection (including Pipes)]: 200_redirection.html [**Linux Rap**]: 000_rap.html [Ian! Linux Rap video by Ed Barrick]: ian_rap_ed_barrick_ccc_2015-04.mp4 [Link to previous rap videos]: ../../13w/notes/000_rap.html [Read All The Words by Alex and Colin]: ian_algonquin2014_read_all_the_words.jpg "Photo by Alex Lemoine and Colin Hough" [Take Notes in Class]: data/remember.jpg "Take Notes in Class" [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/