========================= Week 08 Notes for CST8214 ========================= - Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com Lab answers will be posted after the due date. Not all questions will be marked. Check all your answers against the posted set. Class Notes http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8214/07f/ binary_math.txt Binary Mathematics, unsigned, two's complement, etc. overflow.txt Calculating the OVERFLOW flag in binary arithmetic bit_operations.txt Bitwise Operations, bit masking - AND, OR, NOT test2topics.txt Test 2 (Nov 9) Review Topics and Questions text_errata.txt Errors in The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture Note that overflow is different for integers and floating-point numbers. Integer overflow sets a flag in the CPU. Floating-point overflow does not use that CPU flag. Error: Chapter 4 slide 14: 4Mx16 is 4M x 2bytes = 8 megabytes, not 4. Pay careful attention to these student errors in Boolean logic: (xy)' IS NOT EQUAL TO x'y' *** DON'T MAKE THIS ERROR (x+y)' IS NOT EQUAL TO x'+y' *** DON'T MAKE THIS ERROR These are correct (deMorgan): (xy)' IS EQUAL TO x'+y' (deMorgan) (x+y)' IS EQUAL TO x'y' (deMorgan)