========================= Week 11 Notes for CST8214 ========================= - Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com Lab answers will be posted after the due date. Not all questions will be marked. Check all your answers against the posted set. Class Notes http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8214/07f/ test2topics.txt Test 2 (Nov 9) Review Topics and Questions text_errata.txt Errors and updates for the course textbook Review of Instruction Processing: - don't think "fetch/decode/execute", think "fetch/increment/execute" - see file text_errata.txt in the Class Notes - the book is wrong in section 4.9.1 #4 and Figure 4.11 (not all memory access *reads* the memory!) - a full RTN cycle for LOAD X becomes: FETCH: MAR <-- PC IR <-- M[MAR] INCREMENT: PC <-- PC + 1 EXECUTE: (LOAD) MAR <-- X MBR <-- M[MAR] AC <-- MBR - a full cycle for JUMP X becomes: FETCH: MAR <-- PC IR <-- M[MAR] INCREMENT: PC <-- PC + 1 EXECUTE: (JUMP) PC <-- X - note the "useless" increment of the PC before the jump - "fetch" and "increment" are the same for *every* instruction cycle. - the only thing that differs is the "execute" phase Review: Assemblers: Slides 43-46 - symbol table: Slides 45-46 New Topics: ----------- Indirect Addressing: Slides 47-48 (Omit material on JnS (subroutines)) Decoding: hardwired vs. microprogrammed - Slides 52,62,63-64,69 Real ISAs: Intel (CISC): Slides 70-75 Real ISAs: MIPS (RISC): Slides 76-77 Review: Slides 78-79 Chapter 5 --------- Intro: Slides 1-6 Endian: Slides 6-9 Big: 0x00112233 stores with MSB (big end) in lowest memory Little: 0x33221100 stores with LSB (little end) in lowest memory - little-endian stores byte, short, word all at same address 0 - big-endian stores byte at 3, short at 2, and word at 0 - big-endian address points to the MSB (sign byte) - character data is stored big-endian (leftmost byte [first byte] in a string goes into lowest memory) - hex dumps show big-endian numbers in "natural" byte order - Internet byte order is big-endian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness http://www.rdrop.com/~cary/html/endian_faq.html ISAs: Stack/Accumulator/GPR: Slides 10-13, 16-19 RPN (postfix): Slide 14-15 Types of instructions: Slide 23 Addressing: Slides 24-29 Pipelining (ILP): Slides 30-32,35-36 Real ISAs: Slides 37-40 Java bytecode: Slide 41-43 Review: Slides 44-46