Problem A - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Put the five- word sentence It's "easy" spending $20 . into a new file named easy_spending.txt in your HOME directory. Copy the sentence and all the punctuation exactly! echo It\'s \"easy\" spending \$20 \. >easy_spending.txt -or- echo "It's" '"easy" spending $20 .' >easy_spending.txt -or- cat >easy_spending.txt It's "easy" spending $20 . ^D -or- ...try vi... Problem B - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Create a sub- directory named .groupwise in your HOME directory. Set the permissions on this directory to be: read only permissions for you, write and execute permissions for group, and exe­ cute only permissions for anyone else. mkdir .groupwise chmod u=r,g=wx,o=x .groupwise -or- chmod 431 .groupwise Problem C - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Put a translated copy of the file /unix_test_two_DAT2330/merchant into the file named linux_merchant_translated.txt in your HOME direc­ tory. The translation should change the digits zero through nine to be the upper-case letters A through J. tr 0-9 A-J linux_merchant_translated.txt -or- tr '[0-9]' '[A-J]' linux_merchant_translated.txt Problem D - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Count the number of lines containing the digit 6 (six) in the file /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi. (The command wc may be use­ ful in a pipeline here.) Repeat this for the digits seven through nine. Which digit appears in the fewest lines? Place those lines into the file named linux_vendredi_fewest6789.txt in your HOME directory. grep 6 /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi | wc grep 7 /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi | wc grep 8 /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi | wc grep 9 /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi | wc grep 7 /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi >linux_vendredi_fewest6789.txt Problem E - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Answer the ques­ tion: Is the file /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi in sorted order? by placing the word yes or no in the file vendredi_is_sorted.txt in your HOME directory. (Hint: Sort the file and compare it.) sort /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi >sorted diff /unix_test_two_DAT2330/vendredi sorted echo no >vendredi_is_sorted.txt rm sorted Problem F - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Create a reverse-sorted list of all the names (just the names, not including any hidden names) contained in the directory /unix_test_two_DAT2330/earnings. Put the reverse-sorted out­ put into the file named linux_earnings_reverse_sorted.txt in your HOME directory. ls -r /unix_test_two_DAT2330/earnings >linux_earnings_reverse_sorted.txt -or- ls /unix_test_two_DAT2330/earnings | sort -r >linux_earnings_reverse_sorted.txt Problem G - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Show the full listing (permissions, owner, etc.) for all the non-hidden names (including files and directories) in the directory /unix_test_two_DAT2330/marshall that end in the digit 5. Put the output into the file named linux_marshall_permissions.txt in your HOME directory. (Note: Do not show the contents of any names that might be sub-directories.) ls -ld /unix_test_two_DAT2330/marshall/*5 >linux_marshall_permissions.txt Problem H - Marks: 3 On the Test Machine: Create a direc­ tory named jupiter under your HOME directory. Under the jupiter directory, create two directories named europa and ganymede. Under the europa directory, create two files (any size) named io and callisto. Under the ganymede directory, create two files (any size) named metis and thebe. The name metis should be a second name for the file named callisto. mkdir jupiter jupiter/europa jupiter/ganymede touch jupiter/europa/io jupiter/europa/callisto jupiter/ganymede/thebe ln jupiter/europa/callisto jupiter/ganymede/metis Problem I - Marks: 3 Find all the lines in any file in Floppix directory /etc/init.d that contain the word echo anywhere in the line. Put the Floppix output into a file named floppix_init_echo_lines.txt in your HOME directory on the Test Machine. grep echo /etc/init.d/* >tmp ftp ftp> put tmp floppix_init_echo_lines.txt Problem J - Marks: 3 On the machine acadaix there is a compressed text file named /thome/alleni/unix_test_two_DAT2330/secret.gz containing a compressed text message. Extract the text from the file, read it, and do what the message says. gzip -d out cat out ftp ftp> put out decoded.txt