------------------------ DAT2330 - MVS Homework 1 ------------------------ Ian D. Allen - idallen@ncf.ca Read Chapters 1-4 in the OS/390 JCL text, with emphasis on the areas mentioned in the Study Guide (studyGuide.txt). These homework assignments prepare you for the tests. I will review their solutions in class each week. Homework is not marked; however, a good mark in this section of the course is unlikely if you don't do any. Offline Exercise: 1) Identify all the syntax errors in the JCL file "badjcl.txt". (In addition to syntax errors, there is one incorrectly spelled parameter and another incorrectly spelled parameter value.) 2) Review the file "expljcl.txt". Look up (in your textbook) and briefly give the purpose of each parameter on each statement in this job stream, using the given format. These parameters are all frequently used JCL parameters, and all are covered in our work this term. Online Exercise: Time yourself on how long it takes you to do this. Using VI, enter the 15 lines of JCL given in section 3.5.3 on page 50/51 into a file on my Linux machine that you will name: $HOME/jcl/clg.txt Do not copy the file from other students; type it in yourself. The JCL must be entered exactly, including counting spaces! No blank lines are allowed. All the lines start in column 1. Note: Fix the syntax error on the last line (SPACE=) of Page 50. (The author made the same syntax error all through the chapter!) Deliverables: I will collect the online homework from your home directories and send you a Unix "diff" listing comparing what you typed with the actual JCL, by noon on Thursday, July 12. If you spell the file incorrectly, it won't be processed. Homework is not marked; however, a good mark in this section of the course is unlikely if you don't do any. I will review these homework questions with you during your lab period July 12/13.