------------------------------------------- Typical Answers for a Floppix Boot Sequence ------------------------------------------- When answering the questions, use your own name, choose your own password, and use your own Algonquin email address. Don't type in "Chris Abcdefghi", or "somepass", or "abcd0001", used in the examples here. Use your own name and userid information! ======= Floppix boot: [My Editorial comments are in square brackets] Enter your name: Chris Abcdefghi Enter your initials (up to 5 letters): cba [don't use upper case] Enter a password (it will not appear on the screen): somepass Re-enter password: somepass Network Configuration 1. standalone 2. fixed IP 3. dhcp 4. dial-up Select option [1, 2, 3, 4]: 3 [at home use either 1 or 4] Mail configuration 1. configure for practice only 2. configure for practice plus real email forwarded to an SMTP server Select option [1 or 2]: 2 Enter your complete email address () > abcd0001@algonquincollege.com [<==use your own userid here] Enter outgoing (smtp) mail server name () > outmail.algonquincollege.com Enter pop3 mail server name () > inmail.algonquincollege.com Network Printer Print server IP address (or [enter] to cancel): [just push return - no printer] ---- Your username is: cba ---- login: cba Password: somepass $ date Tue Feb 8 17:55:02 EST 2000 $ whoami cba $ su Password: somepass # whoami root # exit $ whoami cba Try this (use your own userid): $ mail -v abcd0001@algonquincollege.com Subject: test email This is a test email with verbose turned on. ^D Cc: ...see what prints here as the mail goes out... To bring a copy of all your Algonquin email into Floppix: $ fetchmail -v ....password: [enter your Algonquin email password] ...watch a copy of all the email come in... To read mail on Floppix: $ mail & ? ...list of help commands for mail... Another way (quick and dirty): $ echo $MAIL /usr/spool/mail/cba $ less $MAIL ...see all your messages in one big text file... ...(to get exit from "less" type the letter: q) To reboot gracefully into Windows: $ su Password: somepass # reboot