================================================ Sample questions for JCL Midterm multiple-choice ================================================ -IAN! idallen@idallen.ca A sample of the type of question I might ask on the upcoming midterm: 1. From where does JES fetch programs (such as IDCAMS) to be executed (PGM=)? a. SYS2.LINKLIB b. SYSOUT.PROCLIB c. SYS1.LINKLIB d. SYS1.PROCLIB e. SYSIN.PROCLIB 2. Which of the following best describes the MVS term SYSGEN? a. the process of first installing and tailoring MVS b. the MVS term for a printer output queue c. the process of loading the system nucleus into main memory d. the scanning of JCL for syntax errors e. pre-written system JCL called in to job as needed 3. From where does JES fetch JCL procedures? a. SYS2.LINKLIB b. SYSOUT.PROCLIB c. SYSIN.LINKLIB d. SYS1.PROCLIB e. SYS1.LINKLIB 4. I wish to know what name to code in place of the word ????? below: //CLG EXEC PROC=COBOLCLG //COMP.SYSIN DD DSN=MYSRC,DISP=(OLD,KEEP) //LINK.????? DD DSN=MYLIB,DISP=(SHR,KEEP) Which of the of the following statements is true about this name? a. It must match the name used in the COBOL source program I am compiling b. It must match the name used in the COBOL compiler program c. I can make up (invent, choose) this name d. It must match the name used in the link-editor program e. It must match the step name used in the COBOLCLG procedure I am using 5. Errors may be classified as run-time errors or JCL errors. Which of the following errors has a type not like the other four? a. mis-spelling the step name in a compound DDname (e.g. //$WRONG$.SYSIN) b. mis-spelling an IDCAMS REPRO statement c. making the syntax error: DISP=(SHR,) d. having a JOB name that is longer than 8 characters e. continuing a JCL statement in column 17 6. We have coded the following JCL when using a CLG PROC called COBCLG: //GO.INPUT DD DSN=MYDATA,DISP=(OLD,CATLG) We are not sure whether INPUT is the correct word to use. Which of the following approaches will give us the answer? a. read the COBCLG PROC entry in SYS1.LINKLIB b. add MSGLEVEL=(2,1) to the above DD statement, and read the resulting listing c. execute the compiled COBOL program and look at the error messages d. read the COBCLG PROC entry in the system procedure library e. add MSGLEVEL=(1,1) to the EXEC statement, and read the resulting listing 7. Which of the following errors will be detected in a job with TYPRUN=SCAN? a. coding DISP=(NEW,PASSSSSS) on a DD statement b. mis-spelling REPRO as REPO on an IDCAMS control statement c. the extra blanks before the comma in this line: //TST JOB 123,'IAN',CLASS=A ,PRTY=7 d. coding //INNN DD to start a DD for IDCAMS where INFILE(IN) was coded on the REPRO statement e. coding //COB.SISSN DD to start a DD when the COB step com­ piler expects SYSIN 8. If for a magnetic tape you accidentally code DISP=(OLD,CATLG) instead of the correct DISP=(OLD,PASS) what effect does the mistake have on the next step of your job? a. the tape will be cataloged and the next step will not find it b. JCL error: the next step will fail c. no effect; but, the unhappy system operator will have to re-mount the tape d. run-time error: the next step will fail e. no effect at all 9. We have coded the following JCL when using a CLG PROC called COBCLG: //GO.CHGIN DD DSN=CHGDATA,DISP=(OLD,PASS) and we are not sure whether GO is the correct word to use. Which of the following approaches will give us the answer? a. use MSGLEVEL=(1,0) on the JOB statement and read the resulting listing b. read the source code of the COBOL program being tested c. add MSGLEVEL=(1,1) to the EXEC statement, and read the resulting listing d. add MSGLEVEL=(2,1) to the above DD statement, and read the resulting listing e. read the COBCLG PROC entry in SYS1.LINKLIB 10. Which of the following is good advice when coding the BLKSIZE parameter in JCL? a. BLKSIZE is only used for existing datasets b. BLKSIZE is never required for output datasets c. BLKSIZE is never required for tape datasets d. omit BLKSIZE if any "BLOCK CONTAINS" clause appears in the COBOL program e. BLKSIZE is never required for datasets PASS'd into a step