================================== Marking Code comment abbreviations ================================== -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca I use these abbreviations when marking your shell scripts: com - missing or incorrect comments ind - incorrect indentation mis - missing code required by specification nca - no "cat" needed; superfluous use of "cat" command (not necessary) ncs - no command substitution $(...) needed; use command directly nnc - not necessary (probably correct; but, should be simplified or left out) nsn - no step numbers included in comments obv - obvious comments; comments add nothing to what is already in the code quo - quoting is incorrect (including missing quotes) sim - simplify; code is too complex syn - syntax is incorrect (see the man page) unk - unknown purpose (code, comment, or syntax) uc - should be UPPER CASE (Unix is case-sensitive) If you don't understand why I made the comment, come see me. "Less code is better code"