------------------------ Week 3 Notes for DAT2330 ------------------------ -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca Remember - knowing how to find out an answer is more important than memorizing the answer. Learn to fish! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual) ------ Review ------ In Week 2 (week02notes.txt) you read most of Chapter 4 and some notes posted to the Notes area of the course home page. You now know the basic usage of these Unix/Linux commands: bash passwd pwd cd mkdir rmdir rm ls vim cat more less man echo cp stty You are now familiar with Unix directory structure, especially the use of ".." (dot dot) to move up in the file system tree. You can tell a relative pathname from an absolute pathname. You received Exercise #2 and submitted it by the due date. ------------------ This Week (Week 3) ------------------ 1. Do these readings in Running Linux, Chapter 4: "Moving Around Among Commands" p.92 (Note: to enable vi-mode in bash, use: set -o vi but be aware that ^L will stop working if you do) "Filename Expansion" p.92 "Saving Your Output" p.93 [assigned last week] "What is a Command" p.96 [assigned last week] "Putting a Command in the Background" p.98 "Manual Pages" p.98 [assigned last week] "File Ownership and Permissions" p.100 "What Permissions Mean" p.101 "Owners and Groups" p.101 "Changing the Owner, Group, and Permissions" p.103 "Startup Files" p.106 You can practice the given examples using a terminal window under Knoppix. (Remember that nothing will be saved under Knoppix!) You can also practice on ACADUNIX. 2. Read these files under the Notes button on the course home page: pathnames.txt Unix/Linux Pathnames quotes.txt Unix/Linux Shell Command Line Quoting links_and_inodes.html Hard links and Unix file system nodes (inodes) 3. Review the syntax of the commands used in the lecture this week: $ stty erase ^H $ echo * $ echo /shome/alle* $ echo /bin/[A-Z]* $ echo one two three | wc $ cp source destination $ man -k file | grep '(1)' 4. Start work on DAT2330 Exercise #3. Submit it by the due date.