------------------------ Week 5 Notes for DAT2330 ------------------------ -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca Remember - knowing how to find out an answer is more important than memorizing the answer. Learn to fish! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual) ------ Review ------ In Week 4 (week04notes.txt) you reviewed Chapter 4 and studied for your term test. You received Exercise #4 and submitted it by the due date. You now know some basic meaning and usage of these Unix/Linux commands: bash passwd pwd cd mkdir rmdir rm ls vim cat more less man echo cp stty du wc date chmod who mesg mv head tail touch sort grep file diff You understand what /dev/null is. ------------------ This Week (Week 5) ------------------ Lecture: * The Search Path - Text: "What is a Command" p.96 - the $PATH variable contains the list of directories - your shell has some built in commands, e.g. echo, cd * Foreground / Background - Text: "Putting a Command in the Background" p.98 - ^Z stops a process - "bg" puts a stopped process into the background - "fg" puts a stopped or background process into the foreground * File and Directory Permissions (introduction) - Text: "File Ownership and Permissions" p. 100 - rwx rwx rwx for owner/user group other - "x" permission on a directory means "may pass through" New Unix commands used this week (RTFM): ^Z fg bg sleep which whereis 1. Readings in Running Linux: * "File Ownership and Permissions" p.100 * "What Permissions Mean" p.101 - different meaning for a directory * "Owners and Groups" p.101 * "Changing the Owner, Group, and Permissions" p.103 * "Startup Files" p.106 2. Read these new files under the Notes button on the course home page: (this file is in progress and will be finished soon...) unix_permissions.txt - understanding Unix permissions 3. Start work on DAT2330 Exercise #5. Submit it by the due date.