---------------------------------------------------- Exercise #6 for DAT2330 - Ian Allen - idallen@ncf.ca ---------------------------------------------------- Ian D. Allen - idallen@ncf.ca Global weight: 1% of your total mark this term Due date: 12:00 noon Saturday, March 22. Cutoff date: I will accept without penalty exercises that are submitted before 11h00 (11am) on Monday, March 24. After that late-submission date, the exercise is worth zero marks (but it must still be completed - see the course outline). The deliverables for this exercise are to be submitted online on ACADUNIX using the "submit" method described below. No paper; no email; no FTP. These homework assignments prepare you for the tests. I will review the homework solutions in at the start of each week. Handed-in JCL homework is marked for quantity, not quality; you earn marks for doing the homework even if it may have minor errors. We correct all homework carefully in class each week - that is where you learn to find the errors in your own JCL. To Do: Read Chapters 1-4 in the OS/390 JCL text, with emphasis on the areas mentioned in the chapter1-4guide.txt reading and study guide. Exercises: 1) Using Chapter 4, identify all the syntax errors in the JCL file "badjcl.txt" (under the JCL Notes button on the course home page). (In addition to syntax errors, there is one incorrectly spelled parameter and another incorrectly spelled parameter value.) Correct the JCL. Name your corrected JCL file "goodjcl.txt". You can also find a copy of all the JCL Notes files under the ACADUNIX directory ~alleni/course/dat2330/03w/jclnotes/ 2) Copy and review the file "expljcl.txt". Look up (in your textbook) and briefly (on one line) give the purpose of each parameter/keyword on each statement in this job stream, using the given one-line format. These parameters are all frequently used JCL parameters, and all are covered in our work this term. Name your answer file "explained.txt". 3) Time yourself on how long it takes you to do this next exercise - your JCL Final Exam (during exam week) is about 50 lines of JCL that you must type in using the VIM editor under Floppix. Using VIM on ACADUNIX, enter the 15 lines of JCL given in section 3.5.3 on page 50/51 into a file named "page50.txt". Do not copy the file from other students; type it in yourself. This exercise is to help you know how accurate you think you are in typing precise JCL. (Many students are unaware of the typing errors they make when copying JCL exactly. This exercise will help you.) The JCL must be entered exactly, including counting *spaces*! No blank lines are allowed. All the lines start in column 1. Every space and comma is important. No tab characters are allowed. Be *exact*! Note: Fix the syntax error on the last line (SPACE=) on Page 50. (The author made the same syntax error all through the chapter!) Deliverables: Use the "submit" command on ACADUNIX to submit your three files to me as exercise 06: $ ~alleni/bin/submit 06 goodjcl.txt explained.txt page50.txt Soon after you submit, I will send you a Unix "diff" listing comparing what you typed in with the actual JCL on page 50/51. Handed-in JCL homework is marked for quantity, not quality; you earn marks for doing the homework even if it may have minor errors. We correct all homework carefully in class each week - that is where you learn to find the errors in your own JCL.