---------------------------------------------------- Exercise #7 for DAT2330 - Ian Allen - idallen@ncf.ca ---------------------------------------------------- Global weight: 1% of your total mark this term Due date: before the start of your lab period in Week 12 Cutoff date: I will accept without penalty exercises that are submitted before 11h00 (11am) on Friday, April 4. After that late-submission date, the exercise is worth zero marks (but it must still be completed - see the course outline). The intent of this exericise is to have you *think* about how to solve the JCL Homework problem posed this past week. I will not correct the mistakes in the exercise homework you submit; since, I will be doing that in your lab period in the following week. Bring a copy of your submission to your lab period. You receive marks for your exercise if it is an original, reasonable effort at solving the JCL Homework problem, even if it contains some errors. Exercises that are not original will be treated as copies. (See the course home page regarding group work in this course.) Exercise Details: (1) Following the example done last week, write the JCL for JCL Example 1 Homework, given in file jclexample1.txt under the JCL Notes buttons on the course home page. (You may draw a Flow Diagram to help you if you wish; it will not be submitted or marked. Submit only the JCL.) Document any guesses you are forced to make (because of incomplete specifications) using JCL comments in front of the guesses. State whether an incorrect guess will cause a JCL error or a run-time error. (See the example comment in week11notes.txt .) Follow the JCL format given in the week11notes.txt file: $ cd ~idallen/course/dat2330/03w/jclnotes/ $ grep '^/' week11notes.txt Make sure you choose appropriate JOB and SYSOUT classes. Observe the JCL syntax rules, especially those for continuation lines. (2) Answer this question in JCL comments placed at the end of step one of your JOB: What would be the effect of coding "KEEP" instead of "PASS" for the PAYMAST dataset in step one? Would the JOB fail? (3) Put your Assignment Submission Label information at the top of the JCL file using JCL comments. A copy of all JCL course notes is on the IDAllen Linux machine under: ~idallen/course/dat2330/03w/jclnotes/ How to submit your exercise: Name your finished file: jclhomework1.txt Make sure you have entered all the required JCL comments. To submit the file on the IDAllen Linux machine: $ ~idallen/bin/submit 07 jclhomework1.txt To submit the file on ACADUNIX: $ ~alleni/bin/submit 07 jclhomework1.txt To verify that you submitted something, using this command line: $ ~idallen/bin/submit 07 -l You may redo this exercise and re-submit your results as many times as you like. I will mark the most recent submission that is submitted before the final hand-in cutoff date. For Exercise 07, always use "07" as the first argument to "submit". Where to work: Do your work on any Unix computer that has a usable copy of vi or vim. (That includes the IDAllen Linux Machine, ACADUNIX, even Floppix.) Transfer the files to the IDAllen Linux Machine or ACADUNIX and submit them when you are done. (You only need to submit on *one* machine.) Always keep a spare copy of your exercises! WARNING: Do not attempt this exercise on a Windows machine - the text file format is different. You must connect to and work on Unix/Linux. Your JCL Final Exam will also be written online using the VIM editor. Working on IDAllen Linux: To access the IDAllen Linux machine from home or outside the T111 lab, you must use the SSH protocol (the PuTTY program on Windows), to host name "idallen.ca" and special port 2225 (not default port 22): via Windows PuTTY (download and run putty.exe): Host Name: idallen.ca Protocol: SSH Port: 2225 (not 22 - set Port *after* you set the Protocol) via Unix/Linux SSH (use your own userid in the line): $ ssh -l abcd0123 -p 2225 idallen.ca If you have problems: see me in a lab, post questions to the discussion news group, or make an office appointment with me.