============================== Test #1 Topics (what to study) ============================== -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca You must have a working account on ACADUNIX and the Course Linux Server to complete the upcoming Test #1. You must contact the ITS department to fix problems with ACADUNIX before the test. Contact me for problems with your account on the Course Linux Server. Test #1 covers this material: - The course home page and course outline. - Logging in to ACADUNIX and the Course Linux Server. - Setting your terminal erase character correctly. - Using the VIM editor (from the online VI tutorial). - Using the "datsubmit" command on the Course Linux Server. - Reading and posting to USENET news. - The Unix Password File (where is it?). - How to get help inside the "less" and "more" programs. - Basic usage of commands covered so far in Notes file unix_command_list.txt : also: ls -l -i -a -s also: wc -l -w -c also: head -15, tail -22 also: sort -r -n also: stty -a also: man -k also: rm -r - Readings and References: Learning Unix: Chapter 1 (all) "Getting Started", "Working in the Unix Environment" "Connecting to the Unix Computer", "Logging in Nongraphically" "The Unix Shell", "Shells in a Window System", "The Shell Prompt" "Entering a Command Line", "Recalling Previous Commands" "Correcting a Command Line", "Logging Out" "Syntax of Unix Command Lines", "Types of Commands" "The Unresponsive Terminal" Learning Unix: Chapter 2 p.27-28 (using the mouse) Learning Unix: Chapter 3 (to p.55) Learning Unix: Chapter 4 "File and Directory Wildcards" p.67 Learning Unix: All Chapter 5 p.87 "Entering commands" p.90 grep, sort, less Running Linux: Entering commands p.9 Running Linux: Chapter 4 - Basic Commands and Concepts "Intro", "Logging In", "Setting a Password" "Virtual Consoles" p.81-84 "Directories", "Listing Files" p.84-86 "Viewing Files" p.86-87 "Shells" p.88-89 "Saving Your Output" "Useful Keys" p.90 (stty erase '^?' and '^H') "Typing Shortcuts", "Word Completion" p.91 "Moving Around Among Commands" p.92 "Filename Expansion" p.92-93 (GLOBbing) "Manual Pages" p.98-100 Running Linux: Chapter 9 p.274-280 (the VI/VIM text editor) - files posted under Notes (here in alphabetical order): acadunix_help.txt Using the ACADUNIX IBM Unix machine arguments_and_options.txt Options and Arguments on Unix Command Lines course_linux_server.txt The Course Linux Server datsubmit.txt Using the datsubmit command home_and_HOME.txt Directories: current, HOME, and /home internet_basics.html Internet Networking Basics, URLs, etc. knoppix_booting.txt Using the Knoppix Linux CDROM man_page_RTFM.txt Searching for items in the Unix manual pages miscellaneous.txt Miscellaneous Unix Facts pathnames.txt Unix/Linux Pathnames practiceCommands_1.txt Practice Unix/Linux Questions #1 quotes.txt Unix/Linux Shell Command Line Quoting redirection.txt Unix Shell I/O Redirection (including Pipes) test_1_directions.txt Directions and preparing for Test #1 unix_command_list.txt Basic Unix/Linux Command List unix_shell.txt The Unix Shell unix_shell.txt The Unix/Linux Shell vi_basics.txt The VI (VIM) Editor - Basics week4answer.txt Week 4 in-lab exercise solution In file "quotes.txt" we haven't studied shell variables yet; so, all you need to know about them is that single quotes hide all special characters from the shell - variables do not expand inside single quotes. You can skip over the section "Quotes inside variables are not special". In file "redirection.txt", we haven't covered Standard Error Output (stderr) yet; omit material relating to this topic for this test. Omit material related to using "<" for Input Redirection for this test. Omit material related to the "tr" command for this test. - Practice Test #1 Questions (three versions of the same test): practiceTest1.txt practiceTest1.ps practiceTest1.pdf