================================================ Weekly schedule of MVS Statements and Parameters ================================================ -IAN! idallen@idallen.ca This tells you what JCL items we are covering each week. NOTE: MVS Midterm test is in-class in Week 12 (on Friday April 2) -------------- MVS Week 10-11 -------------- Introduction to IBM MVS Job Control Language. //jobname JOB acct,name,... CLASS= //stepname EXEC ... PGM=program PROC=procedure //ddname DD ... * DSN= DISP=(,,) SYSOUT= Utiltities: intro to IDCAMS (REPRO only) In Class: Introduce MVS, show examples, Explain Example 1 Assign: Week 10: Exercise #5 2% Assign: Week 11: JCL Example 1 and Homework 1 (Exercise #6 2%) ----------- MVS Week 12 ----------- *** MVS Midterm [45 minutes, on paper coding sheet] 10% *** Everything above, plus these additional parameters: //jobname JOB acct,name,... MSGCLASS= MSGLEVEL= PRTY= TYPRUN= //ddname DD ... DCB=(DSORG=,LRECL=,BLKSIZE=,RECFM=) LABEL=(,AL) UNIT= VOL=SER= Utiltities: more detail on IDCAMS (REPRO only) In Class: Review Homework 1, Explain Example 2 Assign: JCL Example 2 and Homework 2 (Exercise #7 2%) ----------- MVS Week 13 (Good Friday Holiday April 9 - no class) ----------- Everything above, plus these additional parameters: //ddname DD ... SYSOUT=(class,,form) [using special forms] BURST= COPIES= FLASH= HOLD= OUTLIM= SPACE=(,(,)) New item: modifying SYSLIB In Class: Review Homework 2, Explain Example 3 Assign: JCL Example 3 and Homework 3 (Exercise #8 2%) ----------- MVS Week 14 ----------- Everything above, plus these additional parameters: //stepname EXEC ... COND= PARM= TIME= REGION= New item: specifying JOBLIB and STEPLIB In Class: Review Homework 3, Explain Example 4 Assign: JCL Example 4 and Homework 4 (Exercise #9 2%) ----------- MVS Week 15 ----------- In Class: Review Homework 4 Last topic: O/S Terminology and selection criteria. Review for MVS Final Exam. End of Classes. ----------- MVS Week 16 - Final Exam Week ----------- The Final Exam (25%) is during the Week 16 exam period (see the Exam Schedule). The exam covers only MVS JCL; there is no Unix content on the final exam; however, the exam is in a lab and you will be using Unix (vim) to enter your JCL for marking.