================================== Relocation and Linking Homework #1 ================================== -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca Under the heading "Separate Subroutine Assembly" on this page: http://www.algonquincollege.com/infosystems/pincka/dat2343/lect062b.htm you will find an LMC main program and two subroutines "Pause" and "Dble". A table containing the relocated and linked code for module "Pause" is shown in the last Step 4 in Section 3 "Link Processing" in that page. Questions based on this web page: 1) Provide a list of the contents of each of the three external tables that would be associated with the object code for each of the three modules Main, Pause, and Dble. (That means 3 tables for each of the three modules: 9 tables in all; some of the tables may be empty.) 2) Using its three tables, do the relocation and linking for the "Dble" module that starts at location 25/26. Produce a table similar to that produced for "Pause" in the last Step 4 in Section 3 "Link Processing". Show where Dble actually loads into memory, and show the original object code ("values in object file") and the modified (relocated and linked) code ("modified instructions") for the Dble module in its new location. 3) Assuming the modules were loaded in the new order Dble, Pause, Main (with the Dble module loading starting at location zero, followed by Pause and then by the Main module), use the information in Main's three tables to generate the relocated and linked object code for the Main module loaded at its new address. Show where the Main module actually loads into memory, and show the original object code ("values in object file") and the modified (relocated and linked) code ("modified instructions") for the Main module in its new location. Note: While MAIN was written as if it loaded at location zero, both Pause and Dble were written as if they loaded at location "-1". Take this into account when you relocate Pause or Dble in memory: relocation_amount = actual_load_address - (-1)