======================================== Assignment #08 - CPU/Memory Architecture ======================================== - Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com Available online: Friday November 6, 2009 Due date in the Blackboard Assignment Area: due at 08:00 AM on Wednesday November 11, 2009 Do *not* use the DigitalDropbox to submit your answers. Answers will be posted after the due date/time so that you can check your answers before coming to class and ask questions in class. Please check your answers (and my answers!). I go over each assignment in class if there are questions about the answers. No questions means no review. Submission method: Via the "Assignments" DAT2343_Assignment_08 upload. Due to bugs in Blackboard, you can only submit your Assignment to me *once*. After that, you cannot submit any more times. If you need to re-submit it, you have to ask me to clear your previous submission. Do *not* use the DigitalDropbox to submit your answers. Answers will be posted shortly after the due date/time. Upload Assignment file name: assignment08.txt The name must be exactly as given. Typing mistakes in the name mean no credit. Be precise. (Your userid is not required.) Upload only plain text, not HTML, not MSWord. No fonts. Plain text only. Plain text only. Did I mention that the format is plain text? ------------------ 1. How many address wires does it take to address 1GB of memory? ANSWER: 2. How many address wires does it take to address 12GB of memory? ANSWER: 3. How much memory (in GB) can be addressed by 32 address wires? ANSWER: 4. True/False: A bootloader can run entirely in ROM, without using any RAM. Defend (give a reason for) your answer. ANSWER: REASON: 5. List three ways that a bootloader can determine the size of an application program that it must read into memory: ANSWER: 6. The register in the CPU used to hold an address being sent to Memory is named (give the full name, not just the abbreviation): ANSWER: 7. The register in the CPU used to hold data going to or coming from Memory is named (give the full name, not just the abbreviation): ANSWER: 8. In addition to the Clock Signal, the Control Bus between a CPU and memory contains two other critical signals. Name them: ANSWER: 9. The register used to hold and remember an instruction between the Fetch and Execute cycles is named: ANSWER: 10. Two names (synonyms) for the equivalent of the LMC "Counter" in a real General Purpose computer are: ANSWER: 11. Give the three-item Instruction Cycle for a General Purpose Computer (not the LMC): ANSWER: 12. What is the "von Neumann Bottleneck"? ANSWER: 13. If a machine instruction uses 32 bits, with 6 bits used for opcode and the remainder of the bits divided equally between a register specification and a twos-complement immediate operand, then: a) how many different opcodes are possible? ANSWER: b) how many different registers may be selected? ANSWER: c) what is the smallest (most negative) immediate operand? ANSWER: d) what is the largest (most positive) immediate operand? ANSWER: Submission method: Via the "Assignments" DAT2343_Assignment_08 upload. Upload Assignment file name: assignment08.txt The name must be exactly as given. Typing mistakes in the name mean no credit. Be precise. (Your userid is not required.)