% Author: Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com % Date: Winter 2011 - January to April 2011 - Updated 2011-03-26 06:09 EDT % Title: Week 05 Notes for DAT2343 - Winter 2011 - [Course Home Page] - [Course Outline] - [All Weeks] - [Plain Text] First Midterm Test ================== - Calculators are not permitted during the first midterm test. You will benefit from knowing the powers of two from 2\^(-4) to 2\^16 and the decimal and binary values of the hexadecimal digits from zero to fifteen. Of course you can work them out; however, having at least some of them memorized will make things go faster for you on the test. (Remember that hexadecimal “A” = decimal 10 = binary 1010.) - See [Test Instructions]. Lecture Notes for This Week =========================== From the Class Notes link on the Course Home Page ------------------------------------------------- - [Course Home Page] - [All Weeks] - [120_CharacterEncoding.html] - Character Encoding / Line Ends - know these Seven Famous ASCII Characters: 0D 0A 20 30 41 61 7F - do not memorize any EBCDIC From Blackboard Course Documents -------------------------------- These documents have restricted distribution and cannot be put on the [Course Home Page]. - [02.ppt] - Data Representation - only slides 85 to 90 this week From the Internet ----------------- - From the Classroom Whiteboard/Chalkboard ---------------------------------------- - Your in-class notes go here. - Character codes: ASCII, extended ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode, UTF-8 - ASCII Control Characters (unprintable) - line ends for text files on Unix/Mac/Windows - reading character tables - compare ASCII & EBCDIC for sort order and common printable characters - ASCII puts ‘A’ before ‘a’; EBCDIC does the reverse - tabs vs. spaces - Seven Famous ASCII Characters - how to print the decimal value of 00001111(2) on the screen in ASCII? - decimal value is 15: send 31h and 35h (“1” and “5”) - Fonts vs. Character codes - codes only say what letter, not what it looks like - Why can’t French (Latin1) and Polish (Latin2) exist in the same text file? - same problem for all the 8-bit extended-ASCII character sets First Midterm Marks =================== Here are the marks for the first midterm test: 100 96.4 89.3 85.7 82.1 78.6 75 71.4 71.4 67.9 64.3 53.6 50 46.4 35.7 -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [Course Home Page]: .. [Course Outline]: 2010-2011_DAT2343.pdf [All Weeks]: indexcgi.cgi [Plain Text]: week05notes.txt [Test Instructions]: 000_test_instructions.html [120_CharacterEncoding.html]: 120_CharacterEncoding.html [02.ppt]: http://blackboard.algonquincollege.com/ [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/