% Author: Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com % Date: Winter 2011 - January to April 2011 - Updated 2011-04-01 23:03 EDT % Title: Week 11 Notes for DAT2343 - Winter 2011 - [Course Home Page] - [Course Outline] - [All Weeks] - [Plain Text] Final Exam Instructions ======================= - The Final Exam date is posted on the [Course Home Page]. - For full mark credit, read the [Test Instructions] for important directions on how to enter your answers on the mark-sense forms. Lecture Notes for This Week =========================== - **review programming control flow statements: IF/WHILE/FOR** - **any issues with assignment [Assignment #10]** - **LMC subroutine linkage** - **LMC indirection** From the Class Notes link on the Course Home Page ------------------------------------------------- - [Course Home Page] - [All Weeks] - [Assignment #10] - Little Man Computer \[LMC\], Assembly Language, Machine Code - [301_LMC.html] - The “Little Man” Computer - [302_LMC_instruction_cycle.txt] - The Little Man Computer Instruction Cycle - [305_LMC_opcodes.html] - Extended LMC Operation Codes - Opcodes - [306_LMCProgramming.html] - LMC Machine Level Programming - [307_LMC_lights.txt] - LMC Negative Flag Trickery - [310_Comparison_of_the_LMC_and_General_Computer_Models.pps] - - [310_Comparison_of_the_LMC_and_General_Computer_Models.ppt] - - [350_LMC_sample1.txt] - add and subtract - [350_LMC_sample2.txt] - input, add, output - [350_LMC_sample3.txt] - input, add, and loop using a counter - [350_LMC_sample4.txt] - input, IF, output - [350_LMC_sample5.txt] - WHILE loop quotient and remainder - [350_LMC_sample6.txt] - negative flag and a FOR loop - [350_LMC_sample7.txt] - subroutine call/return and linkage - [360_LMC_Simulator.html] - Clone of Son of LMC Simulator - [361_LMC_Simulator_Usage.pps] - - [361_LMC_Simulator_Usage.ppt] - - [362_LMC_control.html] - LMC Loop and Skip Condition Calculations - [363_LMC_indirect.txt] - LMC Indirection Tricks - [364_LMC_bootstrap.html] - The Bootstrap Process (including LMC) - [365_Bootstrap_Process.ppt] - - [365_Bootstrap_Process.wmv] - From the Internet ----------------- - April Fool: From the Classroom Whiteboard/Chalkboard ---------------------------------------- - Your in-class notes go here. - The LMC (continued) - see the [Class Notes][All Weeks], above - review: conditional statements - new: subroutines and indirection - new: bootstrap - [350_LMC_sample7.txt] - subroutine call/return and linkage - [363_LMC_indirect.txt] - LMC Indirection Tricks - [364_LMC_bootstrap.html] - The Bootstrap Process (including LMC) - [365_Bootstrap_Process.ppt] - - [365_Bootstrap_Process.wmv] - -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [Course Home Page]: .. [Course Outline]: 2010-2011_DAT2343.pdf [All Weeks]: indexcgi.cgi [Plain Text]: week11notes.txt [Test Instructions]: 000_test_instructions.html [Assignment #10]: assignment10.txt [301_LMC.html]: 301_LMC.html [302_LMC_instruction_cycle.txt]: 302_LMC_instruction_cycle.txt [305_LMC_opcodes.html]: 305_LMC_opcodes.html [306_LMCProgramming.html]: 306_LMCProgramming.html [307_LMC_lights.txt]: 307_LMC_lights.txt [310_Comparison_of_the_LMC_and_General_Computer_Models.pps]: 310_Comparison_of_the_LMC_and_General_Computer_Models.pps [310_Comparison_of_the_LMC_and_General_Computer_Models.ppt]: 310_Comparison_of_the_LMC_and_General_Computer_Models.ppt [350_LMC_sample1.txt]: 350_LMC_sample1.txt [350_LMC_sample2.txt]: 350_LMC_sample2.txt [350_LMC_sample3.txt]: 350_LMC_sample3.txt [350_LMC_sample4.txt]: 350_LMC_sample4.txt [350_LMC_sample5.txt]: 350_LMC_sample5.txt [350_LMC_sample6.txt]: 350_LMC_sample6.txt [350_LMC_sample7.txt]: 350_LMC_sample7.txt [360_LMC_Simulator.html]: 360_LMC_Simulator.html [361_LMC_Simulator_Usage.pps]: 361_LMC_Simulator_Usage.pps [361_LMC_Simulator_Usage.ppt]: 361_LMC_Simulator_Usage.ppt [362_LMC_control.html]: 362_LMC_control.html [363_LMC_indirect.txt]: 363_LMC_indirect.txt [364_LMC_bootstrap.html]: 364_LMC_bootstrap.html [365_Bootstrap_Process.ppt]: 365_Bootstrap_Process.ppt [365_Bootstrap_Process.wmv]: 365_Bootstrap_Process.wmv [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/