============================= T111/114/115 Server Available ============================= -IAN! idallen@idallen.ca I've managed to secure disk space on a server next to the T111/114/115 labs. I've put copies of the full Mandrake 6-CD distribution there, as well as copies of the Mini iso file and all the security updates. Inside any of labs T111/114/115, the URLs located on "lab.idallen.ca" ( will fetch files from this local server. This server is only accessible in labs T111/114/115. To fetch the Mandrake Mini iso file and the md5 sum file: # wget http://lab.idallen.ca/distributions/Mandrake/10.1/Mandrakelinux-10.1-Official-Mini/Mandrakelinux-10.1-Official-Mini.i586.iso # wget http://lab.idallen.ca/distributions/Mandrake/10.1/Mandrakelinux-10.1-Official-Mini/Mandrakelinux-10.1-Official-Mini.md5 To use the local server to upgrade and update your Mini system, see the new section "A. Adding media sources in Algonquin labs T111/114/115" in the updated Notes file: mandrake_config.txt