================================= Practice Script #2 Specifications ================================= -Ian! D. Allen idallen@idallen.ca See script_practice2answer.txt for some sample solutions. Shell Programming - Points: 71 Write code for an executable shell script that will do the following actions, in the exact order given below. (You will write approximately 40 lines of executable code, plus a step number comment before each step.) Summary and Purpose: The first argument to the script is a C++ program source file name. The second argument is an optional output file name. (The script will ask for a missing second argument.) The script will compile the source file into the output file and output a message about the relative sizes of the input and output files. Comments Required: Put a one-line comment containing the step number in front of the executable code in each step. 1. [Points: 6] Start your script with all the parts of a correct NET2003 script header; however, do not include the Purpose or Assignment Label. (Remember the One-Line Description and Syntax.) 2. [Points: 8] If the number of arguments is less than 1 or greater than 2, issue a good error message (follow the NET2003 guidelines) and exit the script with status 1. 3. [Points: 2] Put the first argument (the C++ source file name) into a variable named src. 4. [Points: 7] Make sure the pathname in variable src is a plain file; otherwise, issue a good error message and exit the script with status 2. 5. [Points: 7] Make sure the file whose name is in variable src is not an empty file (has a size larger than zero); otherwise, issue a good error message about the file size and exit the script with status 3. 6. [Points: 8] If there are two arguments, put the second argument (the output file name) into a variable named out; otherwise, get the missing output file name from the user. Put the output file name entered by the user into variable out. Quick-exit the script with status 4 if the user signals EOF to the script. (No error message is needed.) 7. [Points: 6] Make sure the name contained in the variable out is not an empty (null) string; otherwise, issue a good error message about the null input string and exit the script with status 5. 8. [Points: 4] Add read permissions for group (not for user or others) to the the file whose name is in variable src. Quick-exit the script (no message) with status 6 if changing permissions fails. 9. [Points: 4] If the file whose name is in variable out already exists, rename it to be backup.bak. 10. [Points: 4] Compile the source file into the output file. Enable all warnings during the compile. 11. [Points: 4] Put the count of characters contained in the source file into a variable named schars. 12. [Points: 4] Put the count of characters contained in the output file into a variable named ochars. 13. [Points: 7] Compare the sizes of the source and output files and display one of the following messages: source XXX is larger than output YYY source XXX is the same size as output YYY source XXX is smaller than output YYY where XXX is replaced in your output by the actual name of the source file and YYY is replaced by the actual name of the output file. Do not output the strings XXX or YYY. Output only one of the messages. Put a one-line comment containing the step number in front of the executable code in each step.