Updated: 2006-03-21 03:00
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Important Dates for BIT/NET StudentsNote that BIT/NET students use the Carleton Academic Calendar, not the Algonquin calendar. The dates below are for BIT/NET students only.
You must have a working Algonquin EMail address for this course. You must read your EMail regularly (daily) during the school term.
From on-campus at Algonquin, you can forward your Algonquin EMail to any other address you wish. If you do this, please ensure that your replies originate from your Algonquin EMail address or else my spam blocker may throw away your unknown mail address as junk. Your "From:" address must be your Algonquin EMail address, not a Hotmail or Carleton address.
You are responsible for keeping your own forwarding address accurate during the term. During the term, I will only send your marks to your (possibly forwarded) Algonquin EMail address.
You may wish to set your "alternate" EMail using Algonquin ACSIS while on campus. I may use your alternate EMail to inform you that your main Algonquin EMail account has a forwarding error; no personal data will ever be sent to the alternate EMail address.
There are no group assignments in this course. Working together is not permitted. Copying material from other sources (from other students, books, the Internet, or even from the blackboard or posted course notes) and submitting it without proper credit is an academic offence called plagiarism.
Students working together or submitting work containing plagiarized material in the BIT/NET programme will be charged with academic fraud under Carleton Academic Regulation E-14. Read the plagiarism document for details.
For those of you who have missed class, or if you want to review, IBM has a set of online Linux tutorials. The first one (Part 1: Linux fundamentals) is relevant to this course.
The above book is the only required bookstore material for the daytime version of this course (section 010). The bookstore sometimes adds other "suggested" materials (e.g. a Linux Chart) without my permission or knowledge; these are not needed.
Web notes for this course are not kept at Algonquin College. I pay for them to be stored on a commercial Linux-based web hosting service, with backup copies located in other locations. The back-up locations may not be updated as frequently as the main site.
The main site is http://teaching.idallen.com/net2003/06w/
The current back-up locations are here:
The main dot .com site is located in a large data centre in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The ACADUNIX site is accessible from inside Algonquin College even when the College Internet is broken. The site with the dot .org domain suffix is located in a large datacentre in New York city. The dot .ca sites are located at my home in downtown Ottawa (limited bandwidth).
Web Author: Ian! D. Allen idallen@idallen.ca
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