CST 8110 - Algonquin College Header Format

The textbook writes function prototypes and headers in a form that is not acceptable for CST 8110 programming assignments.

You must learn to write your C code in the Algonquin College format.

Reference Guide

The Blue Book for CST 8110 by Arnold Betz contains the specification for Algonquin programming style. Function style, including headers and prototypes, is listed on pages 33 to 37.


As an example, the course text writes a program and its functions in the following style:

#include <stdio.h>

int myfunction(int p1, int p2);   /* comment here */

        int a;     /* comment here */
        int b;     /* comment here */
        int c;     /* comment here */

        a = 1;
        b = 2;

        c = myfunction(a, b);
        printf("%d\n", c);


myfunction(int one, int two)
        int temp;   /* comment here */

        temp = 10 * one + 30 * two;

The style of the text is brief, which makes it suitable for textbook examples; but, it leaves out some important information. The Algonquin Standard for the same program is as follows:

/* HEADER ***********************************************************
 * . . . the Algonquin Program Header goes here . . .
 * END HEADER *******************************************************/

#include <stdio.h>

myfunction(/* RET: comment on the return value */
   int p1, /* IN: comment on first parameter */
   int p2  /* IN: comment on second parameter */

   int a;     /* comment here */
   int b;     /* comment here */
   int c;     /* comment here */

   a = 1;
   b = 2;

   c = myfunction(a, b);
   printf("%d\n", c);


/* HEADER ***********************************************************
 * . . . the Algonquin Function Header goes here . . .
 * END HEADER *******************************************************/
myfunction(/* RET: comment on the return value */
   int p1, /* IN: comment on first parameter */
   int p2  /* IN: comment on second parameter */
   int temp;

   temp = 10 * p1 + 30 * p2;

The points to note about the differences between the textbook style and Algonquin Style are: