CST 8128 — Lab 5

  1. Complete subprograms part II (section 4.2 from page 163), which you began to work on last week.
  2. Follow the example procedures 1 to 7 (pages 163 to 169).
  3. Do several of the exercises on pages 169 to 176.
  4. Move on to section 4.3 (starting on page 176).
  5. Follow the example procedures 1 to 5 (pages 178 to 182).
  6. Do some of the practice exercises on pages 183 to 189.
  7. Re-read section 4.4 (pages 189 to 194) on designing applications.

Evaluation Task:

Demonstrate your solution to one of problems 13 to 21 (pages 188 and 189) to your instructor, illustrating modular design techniques.

Next week:

Read all of Chapter 5 on "Decisions" in preparation for next week.