----------------------- Lab #04 for CST8165 due November 15, 2006 (* DUE DATE UPDATED YET AGAIN *) ----------------------- -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca | I was very late in finishing marking for Lab 3; so, as I announced | in the lab yesterday, I'm extending the due date to make feedback | corrections for Lab 4 to November 15. Remember - knowing how to find out an answer is more important than memorizing the answer. Learn to fish! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual) Global weight: 5% of your total mark this term. Due date: At the start of your lab period on Wednesday November 15. Interim submissions: Wednesday October 18 and 25, November 1 You will submit whatever progress you have made on this assignment before midnight on Wednesday October 18, October 25, and November 1. (That is three interim submissions.) The on-line deliverables for this exercise are to be submitted on-line in the Linux Lab T127 using the "cstsubmit" method described in the exercise description, below. No paper; no email; no FTP. Late-submission date: I will accept without penalty exercises that are submitted late but before 10h00 (10am) Thursday November 16, 2006. After that late-submission date, the exercise is worth zero marks. Interim work must be submitted by midnight on October 18, 25, and Nov 1. Exercises submitted by the *due date* will be marked on-line and your marks will be sent to you by email after the late-submission date. Code submitted without your added useful comments (no matter what its source) will not be marked. Exercise Synopsis: Code a "raw" SMTP client that sends a text message. Document it as you write it. Test it. Where to work: Submissions must run cleanly in the T127 Linux Lab, though you are free to develop and work on them anywhere you like. If you develop elsewhere, make sure the code works on the Linux Lab machines as well; that's where I test it! Code submitted without your added useful comments (no matter what its source) will not be marked. Resources --------- On most systems (except the Linux Lab) "man Net::Telnet" gives you a man page on using the Net::Telnet Perl module. I've placed the missing man page in the notes under perl_net_telnet.txt Built-in Perl functions are explained in "man perlfunc". In the man page pager ("less"), you can search the man page for a function, e.g. in "man perlfunc" try typing: /^ *join Suggested module to use for Perl: "man Net::Telnet" (may not work in Linux Lab) http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8165/06f/notes/perl_net_telnet.txt http://search.cpan.org/search?module=Net::Telnet Documentation on the SMTP protocol is in RFC 2821: RFC: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2821 RFC: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2821.html RFC: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2821.txt Sample SMTP session: week05notes.txt Sample SMTP session: http://helpdesk.islandnet.com/pep/smtp.php Suggested template from which to start coding: A working template smtpclient_v1.pl is available in the course notes. Remove all the "Perl:" comments and related code from this example. Code Quality and Portability ---------------------------- A. You must include useful comment blocks ahead of the code you write or modify. Code submitted without your added useful comments will not be marked. B. Marks are awarded for readability and elegance, not just correctness. If your code can't be read, you're useless in a team project. Coding the client ----------------- 1) This perl client must be named "smtpclient.pl". Spelling counts. 2) A template smtpclient_v1.pl is available in the course notes. Remove all the "Perl:" comments and related code from this example. 3) The perl client must handle the following command line arguments: -to email -from email -smtpserver hostname -port portnum The Perl script will be run as follows (all arguments are mandatory and must appear in exactly this order; spelling counts): $ ./smtpclient.pl -to user@domain.com -from sender@domain.com \ -smtpserver mail.domain.com -port 25 It is imperative that it runs exactly as described above (command line options etc) as I am using a script to test this. Spelling counts. 4) The client will connect to the given SMTP server on the given port and send a text message (read from STDIN) to the given address. 5) Email userid syntax should be gently validated as best you can. (Must contain exactly one '@'; must have a '.' somewhere after the '@', no blanks, unprintables, or non-ASCII characters in the domain, etc.) The allowed domain characters are given in the RFC Section 4.1.2. Do try to catch obvious errors; don't go overboard on this! 6) Also gently validate the syntax of the smtp server argument. Make sure the port argument is alphanumeric (no funny chars). (Consider making the port all lower-case, since upper-case names may not match /etc/services names.) 7) After each client command line sent to the SMTP server, your client must verify that the command was accepted by the server. Check the SMTP response code. RFC 2821 Section 4.3.2 lists the possible responses to each client message. (Note that there are also three codes that may be returned after *any* SMTP command, in "unusual circumstances".) On a temporary or permanent error, print the SMTP response line and exit the program with an appropriate exit value chosen from the numbers in , e.g. exit($EX_USAGE) if the SMTP error indicates bad syntax. (You will need to define $EX_USAGE.) Match the error code to the type of SMTP error. All temporary errors (and only temporary errors) should return $EX_TEMPFAIL. 8) If the SMTP server limits the size of messages, extract and save this limit for later use. 9) The message text to send will come from standard input. (You may use shell input redirection, or type it at the keyboard.) A sample Perl program that reads standard input is in the notes. 10) You do not have to verify the semantic content of the message read from standard input. Your program will accept anything and pass it to the SMTP server. You must follow (1) the period escaping rules given in RFC Section 4.5.2, (2) the length limits given for text lines in section, and (3) any message maximum SIZE limit given in response to EHLO. If you detect a line too long for the SMTP limit, print a good error message to the user; but, let the line pass. When you detect that you cannot send another line of data to the SMTP server because you have reached the overall message size limit, print a good error message to the user and discard the rest of the message that is oversize. Send the partial message. 11) If you find yourself duplicating code, re-factor your source and create a function to handle the duplicate code in one place. Code submitted without your added useful comments (no matter what its source) will not be marked. Test Plan --------- 12) The object of a Test Plan is to prove to the reader that your code works under all possible combinations of inputs (or at least as many as you can reasonably test). Develop a written Test Plan "README.txt" for your client and do it. Partial test plans are work partial marks. 13) To test SMTP responses, you can "fake" a whole set of responses from an SMTP server by putting the lines you want the fake server to send in a text file and using "nc" as the server: $ nc -v -l localhost 55555