r------------------------------- CST8165 Lab Attendance Exercise #94 - Week 14 ------------------------------- -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com This quick exercise is to register your attendance in this lab this week. Submit: cstsubmit 94 attendance.txt Linux Lab work (only works with on-campus/VPN access to See the FTP session in the Week 14 notes Run a script session (use ~alleni/bin/script) to record and submit this: 1. Use FTP over netcat to get a STAT listing of your current directory ".", where abcd0001 is replaced by your Algonquin student userid. You may have to wait about 10 seconds for the ProFTP banner to appear. * $ nc -v 21 Connection to 21 port [tcp/ftp] succeeded! 220 ProFTPD 1.3.0 Server (Debian) [] * USER abcd0001 [...] * QUIT 221 Goodbye. $ Submit your script session: cstsubmit 94 attendance.txt