=========================== Header files and Source files: .h and .c =========================== -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com Function Prototype Header Files ------------------------------- A foo.h function declaration file is written to accompany a foo.c source file containing a foo() global (extern - not static) function prototype definition. The foo.h include file is included in any program that wants to compile a call to the foo() function. The foo.h file is also #included in the source file foo.c as well, to make sure the function prototype declaration matches the actual function definition. The #include statements that go in foo.h are only those needed to compile the *call* to the function in some other source file. If the foo() function has only basic C types for its arguments and return values, no #include statements are needed at all in foo.h. Repeat: The only #include statements that go in foo.h are those needed to properly *compile the call* to the foo() function. The #include statements that go at the start of foo.c are all those needed to compile the foo() function in the foo.c source file. Never Declare Storage --------------------- Header files must never allocate storage or contain executable code: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/orgfiles/page4.asp The rule here is to remember that header files define an interface, not an implementation. They specify which functions, variables, and objects exist, but it is not responsible for creating them. They may say what a struct or class must contain, but it shouldn't actually create any instances of that struct or class. They can specify what parameters a function takes and what it returns, but not how it gets the result. And so on. This is why the list of what can go into a header file earlier in this article is important. For convenience, some people like to put all the 'extern' declarations into a Globals.h file, and all the actual definitions into a Globals.cpp file. This is similar to the approach MS Visual C++ takes in the automatically generated projects by providing stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp. Of course, most experienced programmers would tell you that global variables are generally bad, and therefore making an effort to reduce or eliminate them will improve your program anyway. Besides, most so-called globals don't need to be truly global. Your sound module probably doesn't need to see your Screen object or your Keyboard object. So try to keep variables in their own modules rather than placing them all together just because they happen to be 'global'. There are two notable exceptions to the "no function bodies in header files", because although they look like function bodies, they aren't exactly the same. The first exception is that of template functions. Most compilers and linkers can't handle templates being defined in different files to that which they are used in, so templates almost always need to be defined in a header so that the definition can be included in every file that needs to use it. Because of the way templates are instantiated in the code, this doesn't lead to the same errors that you would get by defining a normal function in a header. This is because templates aren't compiled at the place of definition, but are compiled as they are used by code elsewhere. The second exception is inline functions, briefly mentioned earlier. An inline function is compiled directly into the code, rather than called in the normal way. This means that any translation unit where the code 'calls' an inline function needs to be able to see the inner workings (ie. the implementation) of that function in order to insert that function's code directly. This means that a simple function prototype is insufficient for calling the inline function, meaning that wherever you would normally just use a function prototype, you need the whole function body for an inline function. As with templates, this doesn't cause linker errors as the inline function is not actually compiled at the place of definition, but is inserted at the place of calling. http://www.nongnu.org/style-guide/download/style-guide/How-to-Code.html Don't put code in header files Nobody expects real code in files that end in .h. http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread215711.html Header files should contain only prototypes of the user created functions, not the function bodies themselves. That way you can include the header file from multiple source files and not get any linker errors.