Regular Expressions 1 • Our standard script header • Matching patterns • POSIX character classes • Regular Expressions • Character classes • Some Regular Expression gotchas • Regular Expression Resources • Assignment 3 on Regular Expressions 2 #!/bin/sh -u PATH=/bin:/usr/bin ; export PATH # add /sbin and /usr/sbin if needed umask 022 # use 077 for secure scripts 3 • There are two different pattern matching facilities that we use in Unix/Linux: 1. filename globbing patterns match existing pathnames in the current filesystem only 2. regular expressions match substrings in arbitrary input text • We need to pay close attention to which of the two situations we're in, because some of the same special characters have different meanings! 4 • Globbing is used for ◦ globbing patterns in command lines ◦ patterns used with the find command • shell command line (the shell will match the patterns against the file system): ◦ ls *.txt ◦ echo ?????.txt ◦ vi [ab]*.txt • find command (we double quote the pattern so the find command sees the pattern, not the shell): ◦ find ~ -name "*.txt" ◦ in this case, the find command matches the pattern against the file system 5 • IMPORTANT: regular expressions use some of the same special characters as filename matching on the previous slide but they mean different things! • Regular expressions can be used in awk, grep, vi, sed, more, less, and many email server applications. 6 • Before we look at regular expressions, let's take a look at some expressions you're already comfortable with: algebraic expressions • Larger algebraic expressions are formed by putting smaller expressions together 7 Expression Meaning Comment a a a simple expression b b another simple expression ab axb ab is a larger expression formed from two smaller ones concatenating two expressions together means to multiply them b2 bxb we might have represented this with b^2, using ^ as an exponentiation operator ab2 a x (b x b) why not (a x b) x (a x b)? (ab)2 (a x b) x (a x b) 8 • [:alnum:] alphanumeric characters • [:alpha:] alphabetic characters • [:blank:] space, tab • [:cntrl:] control characters • [:digit:] digit characters • [:lower:] lower case alphabetic characters • [:print:] visible characters, plus [:space:] • [:punct:] Punctuation characters and other symbols ◦ !"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ • [:space:] White space (space, tab) • [:upper:] upper case alphabetic characters • [:xdigit:] Hexadecimal digits • [:graph:] Visible characters (anything except spaces and control characters) 9 Expression Meaning Comment a match single 'a' a simple expression b match single 'b' another simple expression ab match strings "ab" is a larger expression formed consisting of single from two smaller ones 'a' followed by concatenating two regular single 'b' expressions together means "followed immediately by" and we'll say "followed by" b* match zero or a big difference in meaning from the more 'b' characters '*' in globbing! This is the regular expression repetition operator. ab* 'a' followed by zero why not repeating ('a' followed by 'b'), or more 'b' zero or more times? Hint: think of characters "ab2" in algebra. \(ab\)* ('a' followed by 'b'), We can use parenthesis, but in Basic zero or more times Regular Expressions, we use \( and \) 10 Expression Matches Ex. Example Comment Matches non-special itself x "x" like globbing character one first followed xy "xy" like globbing expression by second followed by another . any single . "x" or "y" like the '?' in globbing character or "!" or "." or "*" …etc expression zero or more x* "" or "x" or NOT like the * in followed by matches of the "xx" or globbing, although .* * expression "xxx" behaves like * in …etc globbing character a SINGLE [abc] "a" or "b" like globbing classes character from or "c" the list 11 Expression Matches Ex. Example Comment Matches ^ beginning of a ^x "x" if it’s anchors the match to line of text the first the beginning of a character line on the line $ end of a line of x$ "x" if it's anchors the match to text the last the end of a line character on the line ^ (but not ^ a^b "a^b" ^ has no special first) meaning unless its first $ (but not $ a$b "a$b" $ has no special last) meaning unless its last 12 Expression Matches Ex. Example Comment Matches special as if the [\] "\" conditions: ']' must character character is be first, '^' must not inside [ and not special be first, and '-' must ] be last \ followed that character \. "." like globbing by a special with its special character meaning removed \ followed the non- \a "a" \ before a non- by non- special special character is special character ignored character 13 • testing regular expressons with grep on stdin ◦ run grep --color=auto 'expr' ◦ use single quotes to protect your expr from the shell ◦ grep will wait for you to repeatedly enter your test strings (type ^D to finish) ◦ grep will print any string that matches your expr, so each matched string will appear twice (once when you type it, and once when grep prints it) ◦ the part of the string that matched will be colored ◦ unmatched strings will appear only once where you typed them 14 • For now, we'll use grep on the command line • We will get into the habit of putting our regex in single quotes on the command line to protect the regex from the shell • Special characters for basic regular expressions: \, [, ], ., *, ^, $ • can match single quote by using double quotes, as in : grep "I said, \"don't\"" • alternatively: grep 'I said, "don'\''t"' 15 • Appendix A in the Sobell Text book is a source of information • You can read under REGULAR EXPRESSIONS in the man page for the grep command - this tells you what you need to know • The grep man page is normally available on Unix systems, so you can use it to refresh your memory, even years from now 16 • examples (try these) ◦ grep ‘ab’ #any string with a followed by b ◦ grep ‘aa*b’ #one or more a followed by b ◦ grep ‘a..*b’ #a, then one or more anything, then b ◦ grep ‘a.*b’ #a then zero or more anything, then b ◦ grep ‘a.b’ # a then exactly one anything, then b ◦ grep ‘^a’ # a must be the first character ◦ grep ‘^a.*b$’ # a must be first, b must be last • Try other examples: have fun! 17 • Character classes are lists of characters inside square brackets • The work the same in regex as they do in globbing • Character class expressions always match EXACTLY ONE character (unless they are repeated by appending '*') • [azh] matches "a" or "h" or "z" 18 • Non-special characters inside the square brackets form a set (order doesn't matter, and repeats don’t affect the meaning): ◦ [azh] and [zha] and [aazh] are all equivalent • Special characters lose their meaning when inside square brackets, but watch out for ^, ], and – which do have special meaning inside square brackets, depending on where they occur 19 • ^ inside square brackets makes the character class expression mean "any single character UNLESS it's one of these" • [^azh] means "any single character that is NOT a, z, or h" • ^ has its special "inside square brackets" meaning only if it is the first character inside the square brackets • [a^zh] means a, h, z, or ^ • Remember, leading ^ outside of square brackets has special meaning "match beginning of line" 20 • ] can be placed inside square brackets but it has to be first (or second if ^ is first) • []azh] means ], a, h, or z • [^]azh] means "any single character that is NOT ], a, h, or z" • Attempting to put ]inside square brackets in any other position is a syntax error: ◦ [ab]d] is a failed attempt at [ab][d] ◦ [] is a failed attempt at []] 21 • - inside square brackets represents a range of characters, unless it is first or last • [az-] means a, z, or - • [a-z] means any one character between a and z inclusive (but what does that mean?) • "Between a and z inclusive" used to mean something, because there was only one locale • Now that there is more than one locale, the meaning of "between a and z inclusive" is ambiguous because it means different things in different locales 22 • i18n basically means "support for more than one locale" • Not all computer users use the same alphabet • When we write a shell script, we want it to handle text and filenames properly for the user, no matter what language they use • In the beginning, there was ASCII, a 7 bit code of 128 characters • Now there’s Unicode, a table that is meant to assign an integer to every character in the world • UTF-8 is an implementation of that table, encoding the 7-bit ASCII characters in a single byte with high order bit of 0 • The 128 single-byte UTF-8 characters are the same as true ASCII bytes (both have a high order bit of 0) • UTF-8 characters that are not ASCII occupy more than one byte, and these give us our accented characters, non-Latin characters, etc • Locale settings determine how characters are interpreted and treated, whether as ASCII or UTF-8, their ordering, and so on 23 • A locale is the definition of the subset of a user's environment that depends on language and cultural conventions. • For example, in a French locale, some accented characters qualify as 'lower case alphabetic", but in the old "C" locale, ASCII a-z contains no accented characters. • Locale is made up from one or more categories. Each category is identified by its name and controls specific aspects of the behavior of components of the system. • Category names correspond to the following environment variable names (the first three especially can affect the behavior of our shell scripts): ◦ LC_ALL: Overrides any individual setting of the below categories. ◦ LC_CTYPE: Character classification and case conversion. ◦ LC_COLLATE: Collation order. ◦ LC_MONETARY: Monetary formatting. ◦ LC_NUMERIC: Numeric, non-monetary formatting. ◦ LC_TIME: Date and time formats. ◦ LC_MESSAGES: Formats of informative and diagnostic messages and interactive responses. 24 $ export LC_ALL=C $ echo * A B C Z a b c z $ echo [a-z]* a b c z $ export LC_ALL=en_CA.UTF-8 $ echo * A a B b C c Z z $ echo [a-z]* a B b C c Z z $ 25 • Do not use ranges in bracket expressions • We now use special symbols to represent the sets of characters that we used to represent with ranges. • These all start with [: and end with :] • For example lower case alphabetic characters are represented by the symbol [:lower:] ◦ [[:lower:]] matches any lower case alpha char ◦ [AZ[:lower:]12] matches A, Z, 1, 2, or any lower case alpha char 26 • [:alnum:] alphanumeric characters • [:alpha:] alphabetic characters • [:blank:] space, tab • [:cntrl:] control characters • [:digit:] digit characters • [:lower:] lower case alphabetic characters • [:print:] visible characters, plus [:space:] • [:punct:] Punctuation characters and other symbols ◦ !"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ • [:space:] White space (space, tab) • [:upper:] upper case alphabetic characters • [:xdigit:] Hexadecimal digits • [:graph:] Visible characters (anything except spaces and control characters) 27 • POSIX character classes go inside […] • examples ◦ [[:alnum:]] matches any alphanumeric character ◦ [[:alnum:]}] matches one alphanumeric or } ◦ [[:alpha:][:cntrl:]] matches one alphabetic or control character • Take NOTE! ◦ [:alnum:] matches one of a,:,l,n,u,m (but grep on the CLS will give an error by default) ◦ [abc[:digit:]] matches one of a,b,c, or a digit 28 • The exact content of each character class depends on the local language. • Only for plain ASCII is it true that "letters" means English a-z and A-Z. • Other languages have other "letters", e.g. é, ç, etc. • When we use the POSIX character classes, we are specifying the correct set of characters for the local language as per the POSIX description 29 • Remember any match will be a long as possible ◦ aa* matches the aaa in xaaax just once, even though you might think there are three smaller matches in a row • Unix/Linux regex processing is line based ◦ our input strings are processed line by line ◦ newlines are not considered part of our input string ◦ we have ^ and $ to control matching relative to newlines 30 • expressions that match zero length strings ◦ remember that the repetition operator * means "zero or more" ◦ any expression consisting of zero or more of anything can also match zero ◦ For example, x*, "meaning zero or more x characters", will match ANY line, up to n+1 times, where n is the number of (non-x) characters on that line, because there are zero x characters before and after every non-x character ◦ grep and cannot highlight matches of zero characters, but the matches are there! 31 • quoting (don't let the shell change regex before grep sees the regex) $ mkdir empty $ cd empty $ grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd | wc 503 2009 39530 $ touch Z $ grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd | wc 7 29 562 $ touch A $ grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd | wc 87 343 7841 $ chmod 000 Z $ grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd | wc grep: Z: Permission denied 87 343 7841 32 • To explain the previous slide, use echo to print out the grep command you are actually running: $ echo grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd grep A Z /etc/passwd $ rm ? $ echo grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd grep [[:upper:]] /etc/passwd 33 • we will not use range expressions • we'll standardize on en_CA.UTF-8 so that the checking script for assignments always sees things formatted the same way 34 • http://www.regular- • • • tes/000_character_sets.html • http://www.regular- 35 • Some students are already comfortable with the command line • For those who aren't, yet another tutorial source that might help is • All Algonquin students have free access to • Unix for Mac OSX users: Users/78546-2.html 36 • has a course on regular expressions • The problem is that it covers our material as well as some more advanced topics that we won't cover • It is a good presentation, and the following chapters should have minimal references to the "too advanced" material ◦ Chapter 2 Characters ◦ Chapter 3 Character Sets ◦ Chapter 4 Repetition Expressions • On campus use this URL: Expressions/85870-2.html • Off campus use this URL: tutorials/Using-Regular-Expressions/85870-2.html 37 • Assignment 3 asks you to write shell scripts • These are simple scripts: just the script header, and a grep command where coming up with the regex is your work to be done • You don't need extended regular expression functionality, and the checking script will disallow it 38