-------------------------------- How To Self-Mark Lab Assignments -------------------------------- -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com You will check the answers in your own assignments against the correct answers posted for each assignment under the Class Notes. Being a Computer Systems Technician, accuracy is important. A slight error in a GLOB/wildcard pattern could wipe out your client's files. Compare your answers against the correct answers very, very carefully. Each lab assignment has a corresponding self-mark survey to be filled out on Blackboard. Fill in the survey by answering the survey questions on Blackboard. Submitting each self-mark survey accurately contributes toward your 15% assignment mark. To earn this mark, you must accurately self-mark the assignment you submitted using the posted assignment answers. Compare your answers with the correct answers. (If you did not submit an assignment, you cannot give yourself a self-mark for it. Only self-mark submitted labs.) Assignments with format errors (e.g. you didn't read all the words in the Rules for submitting Online Labs and Assignments and so you filled out the assignment using Microsoft Word, or you changed the number of questions or number of pages in the document) are penalized. Always READ ALL THE WORDS before you submit your assignments. How To Self-Mark Your Own Assignment ------------------------------------ Check each of your answers against my posted answers for the assignment. Submit the points for each question in your assignment using a scale of: 0 - I gave No Answer for this question 1 - Incomplete or Mostly Wrong Answer (large errors) 2 - Mostly Right Answer (small errors) 3 - Perfect Answer (no errors) Minor errors may mean your answer is still worth 2 points if you understand what you are doing and the errors are small enough. You must accurately self-mark all the questions in the assignment, even if you only answered a few of the questions. (Unanswered questions must be self-marked as zero, not left blank.) Incomplete self-mark surveys are worth nothing. Assignments that are not marked accurately are worth nothing. Be accurate; your clients depend on you. You must accurately submit your Blackboard userid and name along with each self-mark survey, otherwise the self-mark won't be attributed to you. I will examine your submitted self-mark answers to see which topics need review for tests and exams. Failing to mark your answers accurately (e.g. giving yourself 3 points for questions you did not answer correctly) will result in a mark of zero for the whole assignment. Be accurate. Examples of Questions and Marks ------------------------------- Here are examples of questions and answers and what marks to give: Question: Type pwd at the prompt and record the output here: /home/abcd1234 --> MARK: 3 - Perfect Answer (no errors) /hme/abcd1234 --> MARK: 2 - Mostly Right Answer (small errors) pwd - print working directory --> MARK: 1 - Incomplete or Mostly Wrong Answer (large errors) --> MARK: 0 - no answer given Question: Describe the effect of executing a cd command without any arguments; explain what happens: changes shell current working directory to be my own personal HOME directory, i.e. ~ --> MARK: 3 - Perfect Answer (no errors) changes to my own personal directory --> MARK: 2 - Mostly Right Answer (small errors) changes default directory --> MARK: 1 - Incomplete or Mostly Wrong Answer (large errors) --> MARK: 0 - no answer given Question: Give the output of the ls -i command: 12345 dir1 12346 dir2 --> MARK: 3 - Perfect Answer (no errors) 12345 dir 1 12346 dir 2 --> MARK: 2 - Mostly Right Answer (small errors) dir1 dir2 --> MARK: 1 - Incomplete or Mostly Wrong Answer (large errors) --> MARK: 0 - no answer given When in doubt, see your instructor in a lab and ask what mark to give. -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/