Updated: 2017-05-31 12:16 EDT

1 Due Date and DeliverablesIndexup to index

Do not print this assignment on paper!

You must have your own CentOS virtual machine (with root permissions) running to do this lab. You cannot do the lab on the Course Linux Server because you do not have root permissions on that machine.

WARNING: Some inattentive students upload Assignment #12 into the Assignment #11 upload area. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact.

2 Purpose of this AssignmentIndexup to index

  1. Practice managing Users and Groups in your own virtual machine.

3 Introduction and OverviewIndexup to index

This is an overview of how you are expected to complete this assignment. Read all the words before you start working.

Do not print this assignment on paper. On paper, you cannot follow any of the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question.

  1. Complete the readings in your weekly Class Notes.
  2. Do the Tasks listed below, in order.
    • READ ALL THE WORDS to work effectively and not waste time.
  3. Verify your own work before running the Checking Program.
  4. Run the Checking Program to help you find errors.
  5. Submit the output of the Checking Program to Blackboard before the due date.

Since I also do manual marking of student assignments, your final mark may not be the same as the mark submitted using the current version of the Checking Program. I do not guarantee that any version of the Checking Program will find all the errors in your work. Complete your assignments according to the specifications, not according to the incomplete set of mistakes detected by the Checking Program.

When you are finished the tasks, leave the files and directories in place as part of your deliverables. Do not delete any assignment work until after the term is over! Assignments may be re-marked at any time; you must have your term work available right until term end.

3.1 The CLS Source DirectoryIndexup to index

All references to the “Source Directory” below are to the CLS directory ~idallen/cst8207/13f/assignment12/ and that name starts with a tilde character ~ followed by a userid with no intervening slash. The leading tilde indicates to the shell that the pathname starts with the HOME directory of the account idallen (seven letters).

3.2 Commands, topics, and features coveredIndexup to index

This is a Users and Groups assignment. Review course notes Users and Groups.

Use the on-line help (man command) for the commands listed below for more information.

3.3 Correct user, command lines, and command outputIndexup to index

3.4 Backup and RecoveryIndexup to index

  1. Take a snapshot of your virtual machine before you begin each section of this lab so that you can recover back to the snapshot if needed. You can delete the unused snapshots if everything works well.

  2. You may find it useful to also make a backup copy in a safe place of the /etc/passwd file and its shadow and the /etc/group file and its shadow. You can compare the old and new files to know what has changed during this lab, and you can recover these files without reverting everything back to a snapshot.

3.5 Use a remote login, not the VMware consoleIndexup to index

I recommend that once you have booted your CentOS VM, you connect to it and work using a remote login session (e.g. ssh or PuTTY) where copy-and-paste works and where you can have multiple simultaneous connections into the VM. The VMware console is not friendly.

4 TasksIndexup to index

4.1 Set UpIndexup to index

  1. Create your assignment12 directory on the CLS in the usual place.

  2. Before you begin this assignment, create a snapshot of your CentOS Virtual Machine, as mentioned above.
    • Enter a comment explaining where and when you took this snapshot.
    • You can restore back to this snapshot if anything goes wrong.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.2 CentOS: Install the man and mail commandsIndexup to index

Review Package Management.

  1. Install the man package.
  2. Make sure man man works.
  3. Install the mailx (note the spelling) package.
  4. Make sure mail -V prints a version number.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.3 CentOS: The sudoers group and /etc/sudoersIndexup to index

Only authorized accounts can use the sudo command. We will first create a special sudoers group. The sudo command will be configured to permit any account in this group to become the root user and run any command with full root privileges.

  1. Login to your CentOS Virtual Machine as the root user (the only user).

  2. Create a special group for users who will be permitted to use the sudo command, as follows:
    1. In the CentOS man groupadd manual page, read about the -r system group option.
    2. Use the groupadd command and an option to create a new system group called sudoers
      • Make sure the group is created as a system group (which means the group number used will be less than 500)
    3. Make sure the new group appears in the system group file and has a group number less than 500.
    4. If you did it wrong, use groupdel to delete it and start over.
  3. Enable sudo to use the new sudoers group, as follows:
    1. Make a backup of /etc/sudoers (for example, /etc/sudoers.bak)
    2. If you know vim, edit the sudoers file with the visudo command.
      • If you still haven’t learned any vim commands, and you have installed the nano editor, you can use this instead: # EDITOR=nano visudo
    3. In your editor, search for the comment line # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
      • Read the comment line directly above it to see what this line does.
      • Note the leading % character on the example line for the wheel group
    4. Following the model of the above %wheel line, copy and create a new line (not a comment!) that allows anyone in the new sudoers group to run all commands.
      • Remember to prefix the group name with the % character.
      • Use the %wheel line as the model for your new line.
    5. Ensure there is no comment character # at the front of the line you just created. The line must start with % followed by the new group name (not the wheel group name).
    6. Save the /etc/sudoers file and quit the editor.
  4. Use the diff command to do a file difference between your backup file /etc/sudoers.bak and the new /etc/sudoers file. Only one line should be added – the new %sudoers line. If not, restore the file (or restore a previous snapshot) and make the changes again.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.4 CentOS: Creating a System Administrator AccountIndexup to index

In this section you will create your own system administration account on your CentOS VM. This personal account can be customized for you.

Do not add extensive customization to the root account on a system, since such customization may not suit all root users of the system and may break automated programs that need to become the root user.

Review Users and Groups:

References to man pages below will be to CentOS man pages, not CLS man pages. CentOS Linux and Ubuntu Linux are different distributions and they sometimes have different documentation and programs.

  1. Login to your CentOS Virtual Machine as the root user (the only user).

  2. Make sure you have configured the sudoers group in the previous section.
    • This should find one line: fgrep 'sudoers' /etc/group
    • This should find one line: fgrep '%sudoers' /etc/sudoers
  3. Take a VMware snapshot that you can return to if things go wrong.
    • Enter a snapshot comment explaining where and when you took this snapshot.
  4. In the CentOS man useradd manual page:
    • In the SYNOPSIS syntax, note where the new LOGIN name must be used on the useradd command line. (It’s always the last thing on the command line.)
    • Read about the --comment option and following argument used to define your full name. The (quoted) full name argument must immediately follow the option on the command line. See below.
    • Read about the -r system account option and how using it will require you to use the -m option as well.
    • Read about the -m option. You must use this, too.
    • You will need to use all three of these options correctly.
  5. Following the SYNOPSIS syntax given in the useradd man page, add a new system account with the following settings:
    • LOGIN: Use your eight-character College/Blackboard/CLS username.
    • COMMENT: Copy and paste the exact text used for the fifth field of your own account line in /etc/passwd on the CLS:
      • The fifth field in /etc/passwd is called the GECOS field or user’s name or comment field.
      • The text you must copy and paste from the CLS and use as a comment field on CentOS is in the form: “Firstname Lastname - CST8207-13F-4NN” where Firstname and Lastname are your name and 4NN is your three-digit lab section number.
      • Copy and paste all this information from your entry in the CLS password file to be the (quoted) argument immediately following the --comment option.
    • Make sure the account is created as a system account with no password expiry.
    • Use the option to create the HOME directory at the same time.
  6. After creating your account with useradd, verify it:
    1. Search for the newly created account line in the password file:
      • Make sure it has the correct GECOS/comment/name field that should be a copy of the same field on the CLS.
      • To be a system account, the userid number for the account must be less than 500.
    2. Run id abcd0001 where abcd0001 is your new account name.
      • Verify that all numbers are less than 500, indicating a system account.
    3. Make sure the newly created account also has a HOME directory created in the file system. Note that some default hidden files have been put into the HOME directory, copied from /ets/skel.
  7. If you didn’t succeed in creating the account and HOME directory correctly, you may restore your snapshot and try again or delete the account using userdel -r and try again.

  8. Adjust permissions of the new account directory, if necessary, as follows:
    1. Set the permissions (mode) of the new HOME directory for your new account such that:
      • The owner (that is, you) can do everything, but
      • group and other users can do nothing (no permissions).
  9. Set a password for your new sysadmin account, as follows:
    1. Review the section “Choose a hard-to-guess password” in man passwd.
    2. Assign your new account a strong password that you can remember.

    Warning: If you do not type the username argument to the password command, you are changing the password of the account that you are signed in with (i.e. the root account!). Do not change your root password! Change the password of your new non-root account.

  10. Test your new account (from your current root shell):
    1. Run su --login abcd0001 where abcd0001 is your new account name. This will start a login subshell with your account privileges. You should see no error messages. Type some commands.
    2. Exit the su subshell, which will return you to your root login shell.
    3. Run ssh abcd0001@localhost where abcd0001 is your new account name.
      • Say yes to accept the new host key.
      • Enter your new sysadmin account password.
        • If the password doesn’t work, you probably changed the root password by mistake in an earlier step. Fix it and try again.
      • Upon success, you will be logged in as your sysadmin account.
      • Type who to see who is logged in. Your new account should be there:

        # who
        root     pts/0        2013-11-16 00:35 (
        abcd0001 pts/1        2013-11-17 21:23 (localhost)
      • Exit this login session to return to your root login.

  11. Enable sudo for your new sysadmin account, as follows:
    1. Use the correct command and option to add your new account user to the existing sudoers group that you already created earlier. (Hint: All the command names you might need are listed at the start of this document, and again in Users and Groups.)
    2. Check you work: make sure your account name appears beside the sudoers group name in the group file. If not, get help.
  12. Test your new account’s ability to use sudo, as follows:
    1. Log out (exit) from the root account.
    2. Log in to CentOS using your new system admin account.
    3. Look at man sudo, or search the course notes for how to use it. Pay attention to what password sudo requires! You should be able to do this:

      [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ sudo pwd
      [sudo] password for abcd0001:       # enter the abcd0001 password
      [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ sudo -i pwd
      [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ sudo -s
      [root@abcd0001 abcd0001]# pwd
      [root@abcd0001 abcd0001]# exit
      [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$
      • The -i option (RTFM) functions similarly to the --login option of the su command.
      • For an interactive subshell (-s), your shell prompt should change from $ to include the # character that indicates root privileges. Avoid running root subshells!
    4. If the sudo was unsuccessful, check the following:
      • Did you type your own password (not the root password) when prompted by the sudo command?
      • Is your sysadmin (non-root) user in the sudoers group?
      • Is there a line in the /etc/sudoers file that allows anyone in the sudoers group to run all commands? (Check your work.)
  13. You must not proceed until you are able to obtain root shell privileges from your sysadmin (non-root) user account using both su (with the root password) and sudo (with your password). Test these now!

  14. You may optionally remove /etc/sudoers.bak if everything is working correctly. But maybe you should keep it, just in case.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.5 Using sudo or using suIndexup to index

Now that you have your own sysadmin account on CentOS, always log in to your Linux machines using your non-root sysadmin account. Many servers actually disable direct login by the root user; you have to log in as the sysadmin user and then use sudo or su to run root commands.

For most actions that need root privilege, use the sudo command to make the account privilege change just for that command. Do not log in as root or run a root shell or subshell until you have more experience.

If you do start a full root subshell using the su or sudo -s commands (not recommended), remember to exit your subshell to return to your previous account. Don’t keep layering multiple subshells inside one another.

4.6 CentOS: Creating your Assignments directoryIndexup to index

  1. Log in to your new system administration account (not the root account!).
    • Always log in to your sysadmin account first.
  2. Create the same CST8207 assignment12 directory structure in your new sysadmin account HOME directory on CentOS as you have created on the CLS: CST8207-13F/Assignments/assignment12

    This CentOS directory is the base directory for all pathnames in this assignment. Store your files and answers here on CentOS.

Pay careful attention to whether you are working on the CLS or CentOS, and which account you are using! Watch the userid and hostname values in your PS1 prompt string! Most answer files in this assignment get stored on CentOS, not on the CLS.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.6.1 No root files in non-root accountsIndexup to index

Files saved anywhere under your sysadmin HOME directory in CentOS should be owned by you, not by root. (The presence of root files in non-root accounts is often a sign that your machine has been cracked!)

Do not leave root-owned files in your account. You should change the owner to you of anything you create as root in your account. To find files not owned by you in your account:

[abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ cd
[abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ echo "$USER"
abcd0001                                 # your own userid not abcd0001
[abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ find . ! -user "$USER" -ls
[... any non-abcd0001 files are listed here ...]

If you find any files, you should use the chown command to fix these files to be your own userid and group.

Advanced users can modify the above find to send pathnames into sudo running xargs with chown. See Find and Xargs.

4.7 CentOS: adduser and useradd are the sameIndexup to index

Do the commands in this section using your own non-root account. As mentioned above, all output files must be owned by you and saved on CentOS in the usual place for this assignment in your account (not in the root account!).

On CentOS, useradd and adduser are the same command with two different names. On some versions of Linux – Debian, Ubuntu, etc. – adduser is a different command with different options.

  1. On CentOS, try man adduser and then man useradd and see that they are exactly the same thing. (If the man command is not found, you missed a step, above. Go back and install it.)

  2. On the CLS (not CentOS), try the same two man command lines and see that the two commands are different and have different man pages on the CLS. (The CLS runs Ubuntu Linux, which is a Debian-based distribution. CentOS is a Red Hat distribution.)

  3. On CentOS, find the absolute pathnames of the two command names adduser and useradd. (Note: The which command won’t find the location of these two commands when run as a non-root user. Which other command locates the pathname and manual pages of a command name? Review the “related commands” in the Search Path notes.) You will need these two absolute pathnames for the next question.

  4. On CentOS, save into output file adduser.txt the two lines of output from a long ls listing of the two above absolute pathnames. Your file will be two lines, 20 words, and 130 or 135 characters.

Look at the ls output lines in adduser.txt:

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.8 CentOS: The Simpsons Follies: homer and flandersIndexup to index

You will need root privileges (e.g. via sudo) to run account management commands. Remember not to run root subshells! Use your sysadmin account and sudo.

For this section you will require two more ordinary user (non-root, non-system) accounts. We will use two names from The Simpsons television series.

  1. Create an account named homer (no options needed) and then give it a simple password.

  2. Create an account named flanders (no options needed) and then give it the same password.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.9 CentOS: The Simpsons Follies: documentationIndexup to index

Do the commands in this section using your own non-root account. As mentioned above, all output files must be owned by you and saved on CentOS in the usual place for this assignment in your account (not in the root account!).

  1. Use some id commands to record the account information for each of the two Simpsons accounts into a simpsons.txt file. Your file will be two lines, six words, 105 characters; one line for each of the two new Simpsons accounts.

  2. Extract the account information lines for the two new accounts from the system password file and save the information in a simpasswd.txt file. Your file will be two lines, two words, 84 characters; one line for each Simpsons account. Each password file line will have seven colon-separated fields in it.

  3. Put the long ls listing of the absolute pathname of each Simpsons account HOME directory (not the contents of the directory – just the directory itself) into a simpath.txt file, one per line. Your file will be two lines, 18 words, 119 or 125 characters. If you get permission denied, you aren’t using the correct option to ls to show only the directory, not the contents.

  4. Put the three-digit numeric permissions of either of the above HOME directories in a simperm.txt file. Your file will be one line, one word, four characters. (Remember why three digits in a file is saved as four characters? Review Text file line end differences in File Transfer.)

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.10 CentOS: The Simpsons in the Public DirectoryIndexup to index

We will create a /public directory in the system ROOT directory in which any user can create files. The directory will allow any user to create names in it (or remove names, or rename). Recall that the permissions on a directory are not the same as the permissions on the things named in the directory. Permission to change file names does not grant permission to change file content.

The SB Output File: In the next steps, where you are required to save a command line or its output, do the command and then copy and record the command line or its output as a separate line into an output file simpub.txt that will be noted as the SB output file below. If you can’t answer a question, leave a blank line in this output file. (The vim option :set number may be useful to you as you edit.)

You will need to use a command that lets you start a subshell as another user. Review Users and Groups.

Remember not to run root subshells! Use your sysadmin account and sudo.

You need to run commands as different users. You may find it helpful to have separate windows open into your CentOS VM, with subshells in each window running as a different user. Then, you can simply change windows to change users instead of having to exit and enter subshells in the same window. Be lazy!

4.10.1 Creating a public directory that anyone can writeIndexup to index

  1. Use appropriate privileges to create a directory called /public under the top-level ROOT directory. The exact name is /public (NOT /root/public and NOT ./public and NOT public!). (Who has permissions to create this directory? Act accordingly.)

  2. Now, give the /public directory full access permissions for everybody.
    • You should be able to touch and remove a file in this new /public directory as any non-root account. Test this (not as root).
  3. Start up a subshell that runs as the flanders user. (Optionally use a new window for this.)

  4. As the flanders user, redirect the current date into a new flanfile file in the above /public directory. The file will be 6 words 29 characters.
    • If this fails, you didn’t set the correct directory access permissions on the directory, above.
  5. Record just the owner and group of the flanfile file as Line 1 in the SB output file (two words only).

  6. Record the current numeric permissions of the flanfile file as Line 2 in the SB output file (three digits only).

4.10.2 Removing (only) other permissions from a fileIndexup to index

  1. What command syntax removes (only) all other permissions from a file and does not change any existing user or group permissions, no matter what they might be? Use this command on the flanfile file.
    • Record the exact command line used as Line 3 in the SB output file.
  2. Record the new resulting numeric permissions for the flanfile file as Line 4 in the SB output file (three digits only).

4.10.3 Renaming and deleting other users’ filesIndexup to index

  1. Start a subshell that runs as the homer user. (Optionally use a new window for this.)

  2. As the homer user, try to display the contents of the flanfile. You should get a “Permission denied” error message; homer does not have permission to read the file content.
    • If you didn’t get an error message, you didn’t correctly remove other permissions from the file. Go back and try again.
    • If you get an error “No such file”, you typed the wrong pathname. Try again.
  3. As the homer user, rename the flanfile file (still owned by flanders) to have the new name homfile (in the same directory as flanfile).
    • No error message should print.
  4. Do a long ls listing of that new name confirming that the renamed file is still owned by flanders.
    • Record the long ls output as Line 5 in the SB output file.
  5. As the homer user, remove the homfile name. You will need to answer a question about write-protection, with y.
    • This name is the name of a file still owned by flanders.
    • The file had only one name; removing this one name means the data in the file (data owned by flanders) is now gone forever.
    • Verify that the /public directory is now completely empty.

Understand clearly why homer can rename and then delete a file that he doesn’t own and can’t read. Review Links and Inodes.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.11 CentOS: The Simpsons one file multiple write permissionsIndexup to index

Remember not to run root subshells! Use your sysadmin account and sudo.

You need to run commands as different users. You may find it helpful to have separate windows open into your CentOS VM, with subshells in each window running as a different user. Then, you can simply change windows to change users instead of having to exit and enter subshells in the same window. Be lazy!

  1. Create a new empty file /public/homflan that has the owner and group of homer and homer. (Hint: You could create the empty file first, then use chown to change the owner and group.)
    • Do a long ls listing of the file and verify that both the owner and group are homer.
  2. As the flanders user try (and fail) to append the date to the /public/homflan file. You should get “Permission denied”.

  3. As the homer user try (and succeed) to append the date to the /public/homflan file. No error message.

  4. Change only the file group and group permissions so that both homer and flanders can read and write homflan but others cannot write the file. Do not change anything about the file except the group and the group permissions!

    Hint: homer, the owner of the file, will read and write the file using the owner permissions. Arrange that the non-owner will be in the group of the file and so group permissions will apply, allowing access. Other users will be neither the owner of the file nor in the group of the file, so “other” permissions will apply to them and they cannot write the file.

  5. Test it as three users. Both homer and flanders should be able to append data to the file, while your sysadmin (non-root) account should not be able to append data.

  6. Exit from all the Simpsons user subshells and return to your sysadmin account shell.

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.12 CentOS: Star Wars account managementIndexup to index

Take a snapshot of your virtual machine. Review Users and Groups.

Remember not to run root subshells! Use your sysadmin account and sudo.

The WA Output File: In the next steps, where you are required to save a command line or its output, do the command and then copy and record the command line or its output as a separate line into an output file starwars.txt that will be noted as the WA output file below. If you can’t answer a question, leave a blank line in this output file. (The vim option :set number may be useful to you as you edit.)

  1. Create an account named luke (no options needed).

  2. Give the new luke account a simple password.

  3. Run a long ls listing on the new HOME directory (just the directory, not the contents) of the new luke account.
    • If you get permission denied, you aren’t using the correct option to ls to show only the directory, not the contents.
    • You should see one line of information about the directory itself. Save the one line as Line 1 in the WA output file.
  4. Search for lines containing luke in the four system accounting files (in the password and password shadow files and in the group and group shadow files – four files in total). When you see four lines of output, put them into a separate luke.txt file. Your file should contain four lines that contain luke.

4.12.1 Modifying a user account and group – usermod and groupmodIndexup to index

  1. Use a command to modify the login name of the luke account to be darth
    • Record the exact command line used as Line 2 in the WA output file.
    • Confirm the change by looking in the system password file: The luke user should be renamed to darth.
    • Run id luke and confirm that it fails with “No such user”
    • Run id darth and confirm that darth exists, but the account is still in the group named luke.
    • Run ls -ld on the HOME directory for this account (which hasn’t changed) and note that the owner has changed, but not the group (it’s still luke).
    • If it didn’t work, restore the snapshot and try again.
  2. Use a command to modify the group name of the luke group to be darth
    • Record the exact command line used as Line 3 in the WA output file.
    • Confirm the change by looking in the system group file: The luke group should be renamed to darth.
    • Run id darth and confirm that the account is now in the group named darth.
    • Run ls -ld on the HOME directory for this account (which still hasn’t changed) and note that both the owner and group have been changed.
    • If it didn’t work, restore the snapshot and try again.
  3. The new darth account still uses an unchanged home directory of/home/luke. Use a command to change and move (in one command line) this old home directory from its current luke name to the new name sith
    • Record the exact command line used as Line 4 in the WA output file.
    • Use both -d and -m strictly according to the man page.
    • Use the correct absolute path for the new HOME directory.
    • Run ls -ld on the new changed and moved HOME directory for this account and confirm that both the owner and group are still darth.
    • If it didn’t work, restore the snapshot and try again.
  4. Check your work:
    • Use a command to search in the four system accounting files and make sure the word luke does not appear anywhere in those four files.
    • Start a login subshell in the darth account using su. There should be no errors.
    • Exit the darth subshell and return to your sysadmin account shell.

4.12.2 Changing shells with chshIndexup to index

  1. Use the appropriate option to the chsh command to print the list of possible shells (four lines).

  2. Change the shell for darth to be the one that prevents logins. (Choose the shell pathname that allows “no logins”.)

  3. Try to start a login subshell in the darth account using su. You will be rejected with “This account is currently not available.”

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.12.3 Modifying a user account and group – usermod and groupmodIndexup to index

  1. Create an account named obiwan (no options needed).

  2. Give the new obiwan account a simple password.

  3. Search for lines containing obiwan in the four system accounting files. When you see four lines of output, put them into an obiwan.txt file. Your file should contain four lines that contain obiwan.

  4. Use the same commands as before to move the new obiwan account and group to be the new name yoda with home directory master (in the usual place for home directories).
    • Make sure obiwan is completely gone from all system accounting files.
    • Make sure the new master home directory is in the right place and has the correct owner and group.
    • Make sure you can start up a subshell in the yoda account without errors. (And exit that subshell!)

Run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.

4.13 CentOS: Group management: The Megadeth ProjectIndexup to index

4.13.1 Requirements for Megadeth Group ManagementIndexup to index

The four-person band Megadeth (note the unusual spelling of Megadeth) uses the following work approach and has the following Requirements:

  1. Song files can be created by one band member who is the single group administrator account. Only this one group administrator account can create, delete, modify and write song files.

  2. Files must only be readable (not writable or removable) by the other three non-administrator group (band) members. These three ordinary band members must only be able to read the song files, not change or remove or rename them.

  3. Anybody who is not a band member is not allowed to view song files. You must prevent all public access of any kind to the song files.

  • Follow the directions below to create accounts and directories that implement the above Requirements. Some of the work will need to be done as the root super-user. (Only the root user can create new accounts.) Most group maintenance work can be done as the band member who is assigned to be the group administrator.

  • The four Megadeth band members are (get the name and account spellings correct! Case matters):

    • Dave Mustaine – login name: mustaid
    • David Ellefson – login name: ellefsd
    • Chris Broderick – login name: broderc
    • Shawn Drover – login name: drovers

4.13.2 Creating and configuring the Megadeth Working GroupIndexup to index

Remember not to run root subshells! Use your sysadmin account and sudo.

  1. Take a VM snapshot before you begin this section, so you can return here if you make many mistakes. Keep a separate record of the exact commands you use in this section, for study purposes.

  2. Create the four new band accounts. Use the --comment option to include each band member’s full name in each account you create.
    • Remember to quote shell arguments containing blanks.
    • Don’t worry about any special groups yet. Just create the accounts with their full names and no other options.
    • If you forget to include the full names when you create the accounts, you can modify the information with the usermod command afterward.
  3. Give all four accounts some simple passwords.

  4. Use a command to add a new group named megadeth (spelled all lower case) to the system accounting files.
    • You have already used this command earlier to add a different group.
    • Do not make this megadeth group a system group. Keep it ordinary.
    • Verify that the new megadeth group is now in the system group file and has a numeric GID of 500 or greater. If not, delete it and try again.
  5. Use a command to set band member Chris Broderick as the group administrator of the new megadeth group.
    • Verify that the megadeth group in the group shadow file lists Chris’ account userid in the third field. If not, delete it and try again.
  6. Log in (start a subshell) as the megadeth group administrator. Using his account, use a command four times to add each of the four band members to the megadeth group, one-by-one.
    • Only the group administrator can add members to the group.
    • The group administrator can only add users one-at-a-time.
    • Confirm that the system group file contains the new megadeth group with all four band members listed beside it.
    • Exit the Chris subshell when you are done adding four members.
  7. Create a new song directory named /home/music (lower-case).

  8. The band wants to store its song files under this music directory, with permissions that implement the Requirements given above. Set ownership and permissions for the music directory to implement the given Requirements:
    1. Which band account should be set as the owner of directory music?
      • Make it so.
    2. Which group should be set as the group of directory music?
      • Make it so.
    3. Which permissions should be set on directory music?
      • Make it so, so that the Requirements are met.

4.13.3 Test Plan for the Megadeth Group ProjectIndexup to index

You need to verify that the requirements have been met using a Test Plan. Here it is:

  1. Become the group administrator and do these read/write tests:
    • Redirect the current date into a new file named test in the music directory. It should be possible without any errors.
    • Display the file on your screen to make sure the file has content you can read and write while you are logged in as the group administrator.
    • Exit the group administrator account when you are done testing.
  2. Become a non-group-administrator band member and do these read-only tests:.
    • Make sure the member can read the test file, but can not change it, rename it, or remove it.
  3. Become any other ordinary user (e.g. your own sysadmin account) and test for no access:
    • Make sure that the music directory cannot be listed or entered by any user who is not a band member.

4.14 When you are doneIndexup to index

That is all the tasks you need to do.

Check your work a final time using the Checking Program and save the output as described below. Submit your mark following the directions below.

5 Checking, Marking, and Submitting your WorkIndexup to index

Summary: Do some tasks, then run the Fetch and checking program to verify your work as you go. You can run the Fetch and checking program as often as you want. When you have the best mark, upload the marks file to Blackboard.

The checking program resides on the Course Linux Server, but your work is on your CentOS Virtual Machine. There is a new Fetch program that you must download and use on your CentOS Virtual Machine to copy information from your CentOS Virtual Machine to your account on the CLS so that the checking program can check it on the CLS.

Once the Fetch program has fetched these files from your Virtual Machine to the CLS, you can run the checking program on the CLS to check what is saved in the files. When you make changes on your CentOS Virtual Machine, you need to run the Fetch program again on CentOS to update the saved files on the CLS.

Simply running the checking program on the CLS will not update the saved files on the CLS. You must run the Fetch program below on your CentOS VM when you make changes on your CentOS Virtual Machine.

5.1 Part I - Fetch and CheckIndexup to index

Do all the following steps on your CentOS Virtual Machine. Read through the whole list before you start typing anything. An example of what to type is given below the descriptions that follow.

  1. Log in to CentOS using your system administrator (non-root) account.

  2. Change to your existing CentOS assignment12 directory containing all your answer files for this assignment.

  3. As shown below, use curl to get a copy of the Fetch program from the given URL into a file named do.sh.
    • Make sure you end up with a file named do.sh in your assignment12 directory.
    • Make sure the downloaded file is not a file of HTML and errors. It should start with #!/bin/sh and contain a few shell comments and commands, including another curl command.
    • You only need to download this Fetch program once per assignment.
  4. As shown below, use sudo to run the do.sh script you just downloaded to CentOS, with the USER environment variable set to your own College/Blackboard/CLS account userid (do not use abcd0001).
    • You must use sudo to run the script.
  5. This Fetch program will connect from CentOS to the CLS using your account name. It will copy files from CentOS to your assignment12 directory on the CLS. It will then run the checking program on the CLS to check your work. You will need to answer one question about your IP address, and then wait and type in your CLS password.

It will look something like this (use your userid, not abcd0001): - You must use sudo to run the script:

CentOS$ hostname

CentOS$ pwd

CentOS$ echo "$USER"

CentOS$ curl -A mozilla http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8207/13f/notes/data/assignment12do.sh >do.sh
[... various download statistics print here ...]

CentOS$ sudo USER=$USER sh do.sh
abcd0001: FETCH version 2.  Connecting to CLS as USER='abcd0001' using ssh
abcd0001: Use local Algonquin IP cst8207-alg.idallen.ca [y/N]? n
abcd0001: Please wait; using ssh to connect to user 'abcd0001' on cst8207.idallen.ca ...
abcd0001@cst8207.idallen.ca's password:         # enter your CLS password
idallen-ubuntu assignment12fetch_server.sh version 4 run by abcd0001.
Please wait; collecting info from abcd0001 Virtual Machine
VM files collected into CST8207-13F/Assignments/assignment12/abcd0001.tar.bz on CLS.
Now running checking program for abcd0001 on CLS:
[... checking program output appears here ...]

5.1.1 Notes on the Fetch programIndexup to index

  • This Fetch program updates your saved files on the CLS and then runs the checking program on the CLS. If you only run the checking program on the CLS, it won’t update the files from your CentOS VM and it will just check the exiting files saved under assignment12 on the CLS.
  • The checking program is running on the CLS, not on your CentOS VM. At the start, the checking program will issue messages relevant to your account on the CLS (e.g. errors in your CLS .bashrc file or world-writable files on the CLS). These errors are on the CLS, not on your CentOS machine.

5.2 Part II - Check and SubmitIndexup to index

When you are done with your assignment, you need to run the checking program one last time on the CLS and submit the output file, as follows:

Do all this one last time on the Course Linux Server (not on CentOS):

  1. There is a Checking Program named assignment12check in the Source Directory on the CLS. Create a Symbolic Link to this program named check under your new assignment12 directory on the CLS so that you can easily run the program to check your work and assign your work a mark on the CLS. Note: You can create a symbolic link to this executable program but you do not have permission to read or copy the program file.

  2. Execute the above “check” program on the CLS using its symbolic link. (Review the Search Path notes if you forget how to run a program by pathname from the command line.) This program will check your fetched CentOS work, assign you a mark, and display the output on your screen. (You may want to paginate the long output so you can read all of it.)

    Remember: The checking program does not fetch new files to the CLS from your CentOS VM. You must run the Fetch program on your CentOS VM to update the fetched files on the CLS so that the checking program can mark them on the CLS.

    You may run the “check” program as many times as you wish, to correct mistakes and get the best mark. Some tasks sections require you to finish the whole section before running the checking program at the end; you may not always be able to run the checking program successfully after every single task step.

  3. When you are done with checking this assignment, and you like what you see on your screen, redirect the output of the Checking Program into the text file assignment12.txt under your assignment12 directory on the CLS. Use the exact name assignment12.txt in your assignment12 directory. Case (upper/lower case letters) matters. Be absolutely accurate, as if your marks depended on it. Do not edit the file. Make sure the file actually contains the output of the checking program!

  4. Transfer the above assignment12.txt file from the CLS to your local computer and verify that the file still contains all the output from the checking program. Do not edit this file! No empty files, please! Edited or damaged files will not be marked. You may want to refer to your File Transfer notes.

  5. Submit the assignment12.txt file under the correct Assignment area on Blackboard (with the exact name) before the due date. Upload the file via the assignment12 “Upload Assignment” facility in Blackboard: click on the underlined assignment12 link in Blackboard. Use “Attach File” and “Submit” to upload your plain text file.

    No word-processor documents. Do not send email. Use only “Attach File”. Do not enter any text into the Submission or Comments boxes on Blackboard; I do not read them. Use only the “Attach File” section followed by the Submit button. (If you want to send me comments about your assignment, use email.)

  6. Your instructor may also mark the assignment12 directory in your CLS account after the due date. Leave everything there on the CLS. Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the term is over!

  7. Your instructor may also mark the files on your CentOS VM after the due date. Leave everything there on your CentOS VM. Do not delete any assignment work from the CentOS VM until after the term is over!

Use the exact file name given above. Upload only one single file of plain text, not HTML, not MSWord. No fonts, no word-processing. Plain text only.

Did I mention that the format is plain text (suitable for VIM/Nano/Pico/Gedit or Notepad)?


No marks are awarded for submitting under the wrong assignment number or for using the wrong file name. Use the exact name given above.

WARNING: Some inattentive students don’t read all these words. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact.


| Ian! D. Allen  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
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