Updated: 2014-04-09 09:06 EDT

1 Readings, Assignments, Labs, and ToDoIndexup to index

1.1 C O U R S E    E V A L U A T I O NIndexup to index

 ____  _                       ____           ____                          
|  _ \| | ___  __ _ ___  ___  |  _ \  ___    / ___|___  _   _ _ __ ___  ___ 
| |_) | |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \ | | | |/ _ \  | |   / _ \| | | | '__/ __|/ _ \
|  __/| |  __/ (_| \__ \  __/ | |_| | (_) | | |__| (_) | |_| | |  \__ \  __/
|_|   |_|\___|\__,_|___/\___| |____/ \___/   \____\___/ \__,_|_|  |___/\___|
 _____            _             _   _             
| ____|_   ____ _| |_   _  __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  
|  _| \ \ / / _` | | | | |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
| |___ \ V / (_| | | |_| | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
|_____| \_/ \__,_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|


Only fill out the lecture section evaluation for CST8207, not both the lecture and lab sections! If you only filled out the lab section, please go back and do the lecture section since the lab sections are going to be disabled. When you are done your evaluation do touch courseval_done in your Assignments directory on the CLS and the nag messages will go away.

Thank you to these students who did the Evaluation:

Couture, Samuel []
Fan, Qinhan []
Finnamore-Ogibowski, Kevin []
Francis, Devon []
Gao, Yu Hao []
Harper, Evan []
Hilliard, Mickey []
Kardani, Divyesh []
Lefebvre, Michael []
Matic, Dennis []
Pradhan, Sarang []
Rauscher, Matthew []
Seguin, Justin []
Smith, Isaac []
Tharp, Amber []
Tian, Bingyu []
Topaloglu, Erdem []
Wahab, Ahmad []
Walsh, Bryan []

1.2 Assignments and Lab work this weekIndexup to index

Check the due date for each assignment and put a reminder in your agenda, calendar, and digital assistant.

1.2.1 Optional Bonus Assignments – extra marksIndexup to index

  • Assignment #03 HTMLOptional BONUS VIM Text Editor Practice
    • this is an optional worksheet for a BONUS assignment using vim
    • Optional Reading: The VI (VIM) Text Editor
    • Worksheet #06 HTMLOptional VIM Text Editor Practice
    • this is an optional worksheet for a BONUS assignment using vim
    • Optional command-line VIM tutorial: the vimtutor program on the CLS.
  • Assignment #09 HTML – BONUS assignment to review second midterm test
    • this is an optional BONUS assignment worth extra credit
    • there is a checking script available to verify the format of your file

3 From the Classroom Whiteboard/ChalkboardIndexup to index

awk grep sed pwd

awk grep sed pwd

3.1 Don’t create World-Writable FilesIndexup to index

Finding things that are not symbolic links that have other write permissions:

find dir ! -type l -perm /o+w -ls

(You have one assignment that requires you to create world-writable files.)

3.2 Multiple Remote Login SessionsIndexup to index

You are now logging in to multiple machines. Set your shell PS1 prompt to include the machine name, so that you don’t type the wrong command on the wrong machine!

4 Real Sysadmin WorkIndexup to index

Subject: joke, clean Why didn’t the chicken cross the road? Because he did not have an absolute path and could’t find his way. HAHAHAHAHA!

4.1 Awesome License PlateIndexup to index

fsck – File System Check

fsck – File System Check

4.2 Linux/Unix JobsIndexup to index

Please email: mcr at credil.org and crm at credil.org with a URL for your resume, or to ask questions. Please use the Subject: “available to fix undervoltage alarms”. Please include a cover letter explaining who you are, and how you learn new things. We will contact you to arrange an interview, and to learn more about how to learn new things. (Word documents will be deleted unread.)

4.3 Linux VideosIndexup to index

4.4 Why I have multiple ISPs at homeIndexup to index

idallen-oak.home.idallen.ca (                  Thu Apr  3 04:36:01 2014
                                       Packets               Pings
 Host                                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1.                      58.8%    18    6.2  13.2   6.2  21.7   6.6
 2.                    88.2%    18   25.2  19.6  13.9  25.2   8.0
 3. gi-1-1-3.gw01.grnsbr.phub.net.ca 58.8%    18   16.5  23.5  15.6  30.3   6.8
 4. ae0-709.tor10.ip4.tinet.net      70.6%    18   13.6  21.5  12.8  28.0   7.6
 5. xe-1-2-0.chi11.ip4.tinet.net     64.7%    18   24.1  35.2  24.1  58.8  13.2
 6. as3356.chi11.ip4.tinet.net       94.1%    18   36.7  36.7  36.7  36.7   0.0
 7. vlan52.ebr2.Chicago2.Level3.net  83.3%    18   29.9  38.1  29.9  44.2   7.4
 8. ae-5-5.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net  94.1%    18   42.5  42.5  42.5  42.5   0.0
 9. ae-8-8.car1.Detroit1.Level3.net  82.4%    18   38.2  42.4  38.2  45.1   3.7
10. ae-11-11.car2.Detroit1.Level3.ne 66.7%    16   43.3  46.7  42.0  57.8   6.4
11. WAVEFORM-TE.car2.Detroit1.Level3 75.0%    16   47.2  49.4  31.7  72.2  16.8
12. g2-0.core1.troy2.waveform.net    64.3%    15   30.4  33.3  29.9  44.2   6.1
13. route2.tchmachines.com           78.6%    15   30.0  38.1  30.0  42.5   7.0
14. newyork.snhdns.com               57.1%    14   46.1  42.5  31.4  46.1   5.7

4.5 Take Notes In Class!Indexup to index

| Ian! D. Allen  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
| Defend digital freedom:  http://eff.org/  and have fun:  http://fools.ca/

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