% The VI (VIM) Text Editor % Ian! D. Allen -- -- [www.idallen.com] % Winter 2019 - January to April 2019 - Updated 2022-09-19 05:50 EDT - [Course Home Page] - [Course Outline] - [All Weeks] - [Plain Text] The VI/VIM family of text editors ================================= Welcome to the `vi` family of text editors. It is the universal text editor for the Unix/Linux operating systems. The stock Unix `vi` and the open-source `vim` (and various other clone editors such as `neovim`, `nvi`, `elvis`, and `stevie`) are all based on the original 1980's Berkeley `vi` program written by Bill Joy (the same guy who wrote the C Shell). VIM is Universal: Unix, Linux, MacOSX, BSD, embedded ---------------------------------------------------- The `vi` editor is the **standard editor** available on most **every** Unix-derived system, including Unix, Linux, MacOSX, and BSD. Every Unix and Unix-like system has it. Even the embedded software in your home router may have a version installed (e.g. DDWRT, OpenWRT). How to learn VIM ================ How to use this document to learn VIM: 1. Understand that `vim` is a plain text editor. 2. Be sure you are using the modern `vim` version of the `vi` editor. 3. Print the front of the recommmended reference card. 4. Set the essential options, especially if you have a dark screen (PuTTY). 5. The `vimtutor` command starts a tutorial that teaches you the basics. Terminal-based: no fonts, no mouse ---------------------------------- `vi` is a pure (plain) text editor -- just text, no fonts, no formatting. It will not edit word-processing documents such as MSWord or OpenOffice or printer-ready documents such as PDF files. The `vi` family of editors can be used on most **any terminal**, over the slowest of dial-up links. They are pure console terminal-based programs that need **no mouse** or graphical display screen. Everything is done via the keyboard. *(Put your mouse away; you won't have one at a server text console.)* Versions of the editor ---------------------- The name `vim` means "Vi IMproved". It is a rewrite and massive enhancement of the original `vi` editor written in the 1980s. You will occasionally come across the old `vi` version in embedded or non-Linux systems; the basic editor commands are the same. Some versions of Linux install a smaller, limited version of `vi` as the default editor and you have to explicitly ask for an upgrade to get the full `vim` version with all the great features. The command `gvim` (if available) starts an X11 GUI-based version of `vim` in its own window. The Linux command `vi` is usually a link to `vim`; they are the same. Some distributions (e.g. Fedora 12) install a smaller, less feature-filled version of `vim` as `vi` (e.g. `/bin/vi`), but then use system aliases to alias `vi` to a larger version with the name `vim` (e.g. `/usr/bin/vim`), so that you never really know which version you're getting. You can find out which version of `vim` you're running using the `:version` and `:help` commands. (Under Fedora, the smaller `vi` version has the wrong help files installed. Use `vim` *not* `vi` on Fedora 12.) This document will assume that `vi` and `vim` are the same, fully-featured, program. It will use `vi` and `vim` interchangeably. - `vi` -- universal, keyboard terminal-based (non-GUI) text editor - `vim` -- `vi` text editor, improved version (full features) - `gvim` -- `vim` text editor - X11 graphical version (full features) -- may not be installed ![Choose Your editor carefully] Learning the VIM Text Editor: Difficult to Learn -- Easy to Use =============================================================== VIM is an **easy-to-use** but **hard-to-learn** text editor. It is notoriously difficult to learn, but once learned, is very easy to use. ![Learning curves showing difficulty of vi] > It took about a month before I could do anything with any proficiency in > `vi` and I still didn't love it, but by then I'd realized that there was an > insanely powerful editor hiding behind this bizarre facade. So I stuck with > it, and eventually found out that once you know what you're doing, it's an > incredibly fast editor. \[...\] I never hated any editor as much as I hated > `vi`, and now I've stuck with it for 17 years because I can no longer > imagine a better editor. > The `vim` editor is keyboard-based; it doesn't use the mouse. It doesn't need the X Windows GUI system to be running; you can use it over a serial line and a dial-up modem. Similar to learning to touch-type on a keyboard, the `vim` editor is difficult to learn but **easy** to use once you have some mastery of it. Until you get used to it, you will find using `vi` awkward. Once you master it, you will easily **outperform** anyone using a mouse-based editor such as Notepad. **Learn the tool!** The single-character command keys used in `vi` have found their way into **other programs**. The `bash` shell supports a **vi mode** for editing command lines, and the `less` and `more` pager programs (used by the `man` command) use `vi` commands to move around the screen and search for text. The `vi` editor is incredibly powerful. Most students refuse to learn it well enough to get out of the **awkward** stage. They go into `vi` insert mode and perform all text editing using the arrow and backspace keys, turning `vi` into a *slower*, mouse-less version of Notepad! If you want a Unix/Linux job, learn the editor tool! If you want to use arrow keys, us the `Pico` or `Nano` editors instead (but don't expect to get a Linux job). VIM is a **moded** text editor; you need to know what **mode** the program is in before you can start typing text into it. When VIM starts, it treats your keyboard as a command device and every letter you type is a VIM command. *(VIM is a poor editor to use if you have cats; the cat walking across your keyboard can change your file in fifteen ways.)* You can get by in VI with knowing how to read in a file, delete and append single characters and lines, and write the file back out. (See the list of "bare minimum" commands, below.) The more you learn about VI, the faster you will edit files and the better you will look at your job interview. VI skill is essential to you as a Unix/Linux programmer; it is now the universal text editor. (Even Microsoft Windows has versions of VI you can download!) Almost every letter, upper and lower case, is a VI command. The more you learn, the faster you can edit. While you may begin by learning to delete a word slowly using ten `x` commands, eventually you should evolve into knowing how to use the single quick `dw` command. Recommended `vim` Reference Card -------------------------------- Donald Binder created a nice `vim` reference card. I've enhanced the front side with a few extra commands and clarified some of the wording. Keep a copy of the front side of this reference card handy when learning to use `vim`: - Front (essential!): - Back (optional): Recommended Online VIM Tutorial -- `vimtutor` --------------------------------------------- On most Linux/BSD machines, the VIM editor comes with a short online tutorial command `vimtutor` available in several languages: 1. Before you use `vimtutor`, set your terminal emulator window to 25 lines by 80 columns. (You can type `stty size` or `resize` to see the current terminal window size.) 2. When the terminal window is 80x25, type `vimtutor` at a shell prompt. You can sometimes get the tutorial in French by typing `vimtutor fr` and in Spanish by typing `vimtutor es`. - The versions of the tutorial in non-English languages may be much older than the English versions. Use the English version for the latest tutorial. - Other languages may be available. You might still be able to find the VIM tutorial even if the `vimtutor` command is not installed. Look around; see the appendix below. INSERT mode and Arrow Keys slow you down ---------------------------------------- 1. **Stay out of *INSERT* mode!** 2. **Do not use the arrow keys!** Most of what you do in an editor is move around and change text. That means you should always be in **command** mode in VIM, not INSERT mode. In **command** mode, your keyboard lets you move around and edit text. In INSERT mode, all you can do easily is type text; moving has to be done with the arrow key and that is very slow. Do not use the arrow keys to move the cursor -- keep your hands on the keyboard "home" row and use the command-mode letters `h,j,k,l` instead. The letters don't require you to move your hands from the home row on your keyboard, and they encourage you to remain in command mode where you can use all the VIM commands. Constant use of INSERT mode and arrow keys will slow you down and make you look like an amateur. Avoid wrapping of long lines: 80 columns max -------------------------------------------- When you edit a file containing a line of text longer than the width of your VIM window, the long line of text will usually "wrap around" to the beginning of the next line, and keep wrapping onto following lines if the line is really long. One long line will appear to be many lines. A wrapped line of text is still *one line* in the file and in the editor; it simply displays as multiple lines on your screen. When you delete the one line, the entire line disappears, including all its wrapped parts. (You can optionally tell VIM to only display the part of the line that fits in your terminal window, so that you have to scroll to the right to see the rest of the line.) Because wrapped lines are messy to look at on your screen -- it's easier when every line on the screen is really one line in the file -- avoid writing long lines of text. For historical reasons (the number of characters on a punch card!), a line length of no more than 80 characters is still fairly standard. Keep your lines shorter than 80 characters. (VIM can display a column number in it status line.) - Longer lines will **wrap** around the screen; they are still **one** line. - Don't write lines longer than 80 characters. Setting VIM Options -- Getting Help =================================== VIM comes with hundreds of options that influence how it works. You can set the options at any time; but, to save them and have them used every time you start VIM, you need to put commands into a file named `.vimrc` in your HOME directory. Getting help inside VIM ----------------------- The full `vim` editor has help available by typing `:help`, e.g. you can type `:help showcmd`. This splits your terminal screen and opens up a help file inside `vim` for the `showcmd` option. To close the help file, just do `:q` as you would do to close any open file. Essential options ----------------- The following are good options that you should set in your `.vimrc` file, if VIM does not already have them set for you: $ cd # go to my HOME directory $ cat .vimrc # see what is in the file already, if anything $ echo "set showcmd showmode confirm ruler" >>.vimrc $ cat .vimrc set showcmd showmode confirm ruler The above shell command line appends the options to your `.vimrc` file. You only need to do this once; VIM will read the file on start-up. If you execute the above command more than once, you will put multiple copies of the options into the file. This isn't an error; but, it isn't necessary either. Edit the file and remove the duplicate lines. Some people also like to have options `set number` and `set spell` in their `.vimrc`. ### Options for dark screens (e.g. in PuTTY) If you use a terminal emulator with a dark/black background (e.g. PuTTY), you will find that VIM chooses poor colours for syntax highlighting. In particular, comment lines (starting with hashtag `#`) are shown as an unreadable dark blue colour on black. You can tell VIM to use a different colour scheme for dark terminal backgrounds using either of these commands (which can be put in your `.vimrc` too). Pick one or the other: :set background=dark :colorscheme desert Note the American spelling of **color**. You can get direct help on the `colorscheme` command inside VIM, and you can get help on the `set` command inside VIM and search for `background` in the `set` help page. ### Enable your keypad (e.g. in PuTTY) If you find that your keypad doesn't work properly inside VI, try turning off "Application Keypad Mode" in your terminal program. In the [**PuTTY**] terminal program, you do that under **Terminal**, **Features**, **Disable application keypad mode**: [*screenshot*] Absolute bare minimum basic VI commands ======================================= All these commands are coverd in the `vimtutor` tutorial program. You may also look up the meaning of these VI/VIM commands on your reference sheet: ESC a i x dd h j k l :help :r file :w file :q :q! The above commands will perform most any edit on any file you have. All the other things in VI simply make the editing faster and get you better marks (and a better job) in less time. Any job interview will ask you to edit a file and watch how proficient you are at making changes. Some of the other VI commands make the editing much, much faster. Compare `dd` (delete a whole line) with typing 80 `x` (delete a character) commands, or using `:1,$s/EMail/idallen@idallen.ca/g` to replace every occurrence of `Email` with `idallen@idallen.ca` in the whole file using a single global search and replace! What to learn Next in VI ======================== Use any of the online tutorials to learn more. Other useful things to know in VI, in vague order of importance: u ^R -- undo and redo p P -- put (after yank or delete) /search string -- search for pattern in file . -- repeat last change r -- replace one character o O -- start a new, empty input line 5dd 10x -- repeat counts on most commands 0 ^ $ H L M -- position cursor on screen A I -- insert text at end/start of line U -- undo all changes on current line cc s -- change current line, current char f F -- move forward/backward to character !! -- pipe text into any Unix command :1,$s/pattern/new text/g -- global search and replace :set showcmd -- show partial commands in status line :set showmode -- show INPUT mode :set confirm -- ask before quitting modified buffer :set ruler -- show current file position :set autoindent -- auto-indent lines of code :set wrapmargin=5 -- wrap input text at column 75 :set number -- show buffer with line numbers :syntax off -- turn off syntax highlighting :$r file -- read file in at end of buffer :$r! program -- read standard output of executing program The VIM tutoral has details on many of these commands. - [Seven habits of effective text editing] - even faster editing once you now the `vim` basics - If you spend a lot of time typing plain text, writing programs or HTML, you can save much of that time by using a good editor and using it effectively. This paper will present guidelines and hints for doing your work more quickly and with fewer mistakes. Appendix: Two cool VIM features used by sysadmin ================================================ - This section shows off two of the more advanced and cool `vi/vim` editor features. - This section is optional. I hope it interests you in learning more about `vi/vim` Send any number of lines to an external command ----------------------------------------------- You can send any number of lines from your editor buffer **into the standard input** of any command. The command may process those lines and the **output** of the command will **replace the lines** in the editor buffer. The command you run doesn't even need to read standard input; the output of the command will replace the lines in the editor buffer. 1. Open a new file in VIM and enter a dozen lines of random text into the editor. 2. Move your cursor to the first line in the file and type this four-character command followed by \[Enter\]: `!Gwc` - This sends all lines from the cursor to end-of-file into `wc` and replaces all the lines with the output of `wc` 3. Undo the last change. (The output from `wc` disappears and the original lines return.) 4. Move your cursor to the first line of the file and type this five-character command followed by \[Enter\]: `!Gsum` - This sends all lines from the cursor to end-of-file into `sum` and replaces all the lines with the output of `sum` 5. Undo the last change. (The output from `sum` disappears and the original lines return.) 6. Move the cursor to the first line in the file and type this six-character command followed by \[Enter\]: `!Gsort` - All the lines are run through the `sort` command. 7. Go to any line and execute: `!!date` - The line is replaced by the output of the `date` command. 8. Move the cursor to any line in the file and **open** a new blank line. 9. On the new blank line type this command text: `ls -li /etc/passwd*` 10. Now, use VIM to send the current line into `bash` by typing this six-character command followed by \[Enter\]: `!!bash` - This sends just the current line (`!!`) into the `bash` shell program - The `bash` shell executes the commands it is reading on standard input and the **output** goes on standard output, into the editor - you should see the output of the `ls` command replacing the line 11. Quit the editor without saving anything. Record any sequence of VIM edit commands in a repeatable macro -------------------------------------------------------------- You can **record** any simple or complex sequence of editor commands into a single-letter macro that you can **re-execute**. Recorded macros are not saved when you exit the editor, but you can save them yourself by defining them in your `.vimrc` file. We will define a macro that adds stars after the fourth colon character in a line. 1. Copy the text file `/etc/passwd` into the current directory. Open the copy of the file in the `vim` editor. 2. Go to the beginning of the top line of the file (type two characters): `gg` 3. Record a macro named `q` by typing `qq` that will turn on the **recording** flag in the bottom line **status bar**. You are now *recording* all the `vim` commands you are typing into buffer `q`. Do these exact commands: a) Move forward in this top line to the fourth colon (type three characters): `4f:` b) Append three asterisks and a space after the cursor (and always exit insert mode with ESC; type five characters): `a*** ESC` The first line of the file should now have three asterisks in it, located after the fourth colon character. c) Make sure you are no longer in *input* mode. (Use ESC!) Close the editing macro by typing a single `q` that turns **off** the recording flag. The **recording** flag should be gone from the status bar at the bottom of your screen. Macro `q` is ready to use. 4. Move to the beginning of any other line in the file and re-execute this macro by typing: `@q` Note how the macro executes the same editor commands and makes the same change to this line. 5. Move to the *second* colon in any line in the document and re-execute the macro: `@q` Note how the macro makes the same change after the *sixth* colon, because it moves forward four colons from your current position. You can record macros that make extremely complex changes to a file and then make those same changes in other parts of the file using the macro. You can view or modify the contents of any recorded macro: 1. Go to the last line of the file and create a new blank line (type two characters followed by ESC): `GoESC` 2. Make sure you are not in input mode. On this blank line dump the macro contents by typing three characters: `"qp` (that is just one double quote character at the start) You should see this: `4f:a*** ^[` 3. Change the three asterisks on the line to be the words `Fancy Macro`. The line should now look like this: `4f:aFancy Macro ^[` 4. Save the line into the macro buffer `q` using four characters: `"qyy` (that is just one double quote character at the start) 5. Go to any line and try the new macro. Instead of adding asterisks, it will add the words "Fancy Macro". You can dump and modify any macro after you have recorded it. Appendix: Using VIM over a remote connection ============================================ This section is only for people using VI/VIM over a remote connection. If you use VI/VIM in a Linux terminal window, things usually work fine. Make sure your terminal is correctly configured before you enter VI remotely! The VI/VIM editors must know how to drive your terminal during an edit session; if you see anything about an "unknown" terminal type when you start up the editor, you must exit immediately and fix the terminal type to be one that VI/VIM recognizes. Be careful when you resize a window containing a VI/VIM session. A remote session of VI on another machine may not pick up the new window size, and what you see on your screen may get garbled. (If this happens, quit VI, type "resize" at the shell prompt, and restart VI again.) To be safe, **do not change the size of a VI/VIM window when the editor is open in a remote window**. If you use telnet/PuTTY from under Windows to connect to a Unix machine, make sure you have **NO SCROLL BARS VISIBLE** in your telnet window! Set the correct number of lines and correct terminal type when you start telnet, and don't change them. (This won't be a problem for people working from a Unix machine, since Unix is good about passing the window size to VI.) The "resize" command is useful to set the number of lines correctly after you use `telnet` or `ssh` to connect to the remote machine: $ resize Appendix: Finding a missing vimtutor VIM Tutorial ================================================= If the command `vimtutor` doesn't work, you will have to locate and copy the tutorial file yourself. On most Unix/Linux machines, you will find the tutorial somewhere under the directories `/usr/share/vim*` or `/usr/local/share/vim*`, e.g. possibly `/usr/share/vim/tutor/tutor`. Different Unix systems put the tutorial in different places; go look for the file named `tutor` under the above places. The VIM tutorial is a file named `tutor` under directory `/usr/share/vim/vim63/tutor/` on Fedora 12 and under `/usr/share/vim/tutor/` on most Linux systems. The `vimtutor` command startes up VIM on a fresh copy of the tutorial file. If you are not using `vimtutor`, you must copy the tutorial file into your own directory first: $ cd $ cp /usr/share/vim/tutor/tutor tutor # use the actual pathname! $ vim tutor Use the actual pathname to the `tutor` file on your system. Follow the instructions in the tutorial. The VIM tutorial was written to be used under various operating systems, including MS-DOS; so, it has one or two MS-DOS specific external commands in it (e.g. there is no `DEL` command in Unix -- use `rm` instead!). Also, if you have `set ruler` turned on, the Ctrl-g command will not show your current line number; because, the ruler line already shows it for you. Appendix: Other VIM resources ============================= You can find good "cheat sheets" on VI by searching on the Internet for "vi editor cheat sheet" or "vi editor summary pdf" or "vi reference card". - Here is the **Recommended** Reference card (front only) written by Donald Binder and updated by Ian! Allen: - the [Front Side] is essential - the [Back Side] is optional I've edited the front side to make some of the text clearer and to add some missing "essential" commands such as `^R` (redo). The back side is optional. You may find these useful. URLs come and go; but, these were working at one point: - Video tutorial introduction to VIM by Alvin Alexander (part one): - A quick introduction by Jonathan McPherson (also available in French): - Graphical cheat sheet and tutorial: - Tutorial: - **Interactive Web Tutorial** (untested): There are other reference cards and cheat sheets. Here are a few more: - **vi / vim ** Cheat Sheets: - **Online interactive web tutorial** (untested): - Home page: - *Vi Lovers Home Page* is - The How and Why of vi/vim: - "It's easy to throw in the towel and go back to familiar `jedit` or `pico`, `ultraedit` or `textmate`, or even `emacs`. But once the effort to learn it has been made, I know of no one who goes back." - [Efficient Editing With `vim`] - a recommended introduction to the moded `vim` input model - "Stay out of insert mode \[...\] because in that mode it acts like a dumb editor" - Tips on getting started with VIM: - How a VIM-hater became a VIM-lover: - How a Windows user went to vi/vim: ![VIM User] ![[Browserling -- Trying to Exit VIM]][1] ![[Real Programmers Use VIM]][2] -- | Ian! D. Allen, BA, MMath - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [Course Home Page]: .. [Course Outline]: course_outline.pdf [All Weeks]: indexcgi.cgi [Plain Text]: 300_vi_text_editor.txt [Choose Your editor carefully]: data/vi_emacs.png "Choose Your editor carefully" [Learning curves showing difficulty of vi]: learning_curves.jpg "Learning curves showing difficulty of vi" [**PuTTY**]: http://putty.org/ [*screenshot*]: data/disable_app_keypad.png [Seven habits of effective text editing]: http://www.moolenaar.net/habits.html [Front Side]: vi_refcard_front.pdf [Back Side]: vi_refcard_back.pdf [Efficient Editing With `vim`]: http://robertames.com/files/vim-editing.html [VIM User]: data/vim_exit.jpg "VIM User" [Browserling -- Trying to Exit VIM]: http://lol.browserling.com/20 [1]: http://lol.browserling.com/vim.png "Browserling -- Trying to Exit VIM" [Real Programmers Use VIM]: http://xkcd.com/378/ [2]: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/real_programmers.png "Real Programmers Use VIM" [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/