================================================================= Assignment #10 - Create a basic HTML web page and validate it ================================================================= - Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com Available online: Tuesday March 30, 2010 *** UPDATED DUE DATE - DUE APRIL 13 2010 *** Due date in your public_html/a10/ directory on the Course Linux Server: Finish your page by 13:00 (1 pm) on Tuesday April 13, 2010. Do *not* use any part of Blackboard to submit your answers. No Blackboard. Submission method: Create the web page "mypage.html" in the correct sub-directory on the Course Linux Server before the due date and time. For full marks, spell the directory and file names correctly. I will not be able to find or mark pages on the Course Linux Server that are not named correctly. This assignment will be marked on the Course Linux Server. ============================================================================== This work is to be done on the Course Linux server. NOTE CAREFULLY: The page is visible on the public Internet. Anything you write there may be searched and saved forever. Don't put anything in the page that you don't want to appear at a job interview or border search. *** Part I: Permissions Check *** 1. Log in to the Course Linux Server and Create a directory named public_html in your account home directory. The directory must be readable and searchable for "others". (This is the default.) 2. Create a sub-directory named: public_html/test/ The directory must be readable and searchable for "others". (This is the default.) 3. Create a file public_html/test/test.txt containing some text. You can use the VIM editor or you can upload a text file using SCP or FTP, following the instructions on File Transfer in the Class Notes. The "test.txt" file must be readable by "others". 4. On your local computer (not on the Course Linux Server), use a web browser to open this URL (this URL works anywhere on the Internet, even at home): http://cst8281.idallen.ca:8080/~abcd0001/ You must replace abcd0001 with your Algonquin userid. The character in front of the userid is a "tilde". The computer name in the URL is "cst8281.idallen.ca", not "idallen-alinux". The port number, after the second colon, is 8080, not port 80. You must use your own userid, not abcd0001. Make sure you can see the contents of your public_html directory and open the "test" directory and the "test.txt" file inside it. The "test" directory must be readable and searchable for "others". The "test.txt" file must be readable by "others". If you can not open the test.txt URL in your web browser, see your instructor. *** Part II: Your personal web page *** 5. Create a sub-directory in your web directory named: public_html/a10/ The second-last character is a digit '1', not the letter 'l'. The last character is a zero '0', not the letter 'O'. The directory must be readable and searchable for "others". 6. In the public_html/a10/ sub-directory, create using a text editor (e.g. vim) a single personal HTML web page named "public_html/a10/mypage.html" that uses all the following HTML tags and features, and only these features: DOCTYPE (Strict HTML or XHTML only - no "Transitional" allowed) a body br h1,h2 head hr html img li p title ul Don't start using other features or CSS styles yet. Use only the above tags. You may start with the basic web page given in the Class Notes and start making changes from there. You may reference the http://www.w3schools.com/html/ list of HTML tags if you don't remember how to use any of the above tags. Look for the "HTML Tag List" link on the above index page. The "mypage.html" file must be readable by "others". 7. Page content: Your mypage.html page must contain these things: a) Use your name as the page title. b) Use your name as the first (biggest) heading on the page top. c) Write a paragraph about yourself. d) Upload an image file, either of yourself or of anything else. The image should be stored in the a10 directory with the page. e) Include at least one unordered list of items. f) Draw at least one horizontal line (horizontal rule). g) Break at least one long text line. h) Use at least one comment. i) Include an anchor (link) to the CST8281 course home page. j) Add whatever else you like to your personal page. k) You must use *all* of the tags and features given above. 8. Validate your mypage.html page using the http://validator.w3.org/ Your web pages may have warnings, but errors are not allowed. Pages with errors are worth zero marks. No errors are allowed. Note: If you want to get rid of the character set warnings, add this line inside the section of your new web page: 9. Your page may be selected to be shown in class or in a lab as an example. The page is visible on the public Internet. Anything you write there may be searched and saved forever. Don't put anything in the page that you don't want to appear at a job interview or border search. -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/