DAT2330 - MVS JCL Marked Lab 1

Mark - 5% of final.

Submission Format

  1. Enter the JCL that is the answer to this lab into a file in your account on ACADAIX that is your student number with five or more random characters appended to it.  (The intent of the random characters is to prevent other people from guessing your file name, copying your JCL, and having you both suffer academic penalties.)
  2. Protect the parent directories with "chmod 711" permissions.
  3. Make sure I can read the file itself ("chmod 644").
  4. Put the absolute pathname of the file in a comment at the start of the JCL file.
  5. Print the file on paper for hand in to me.
  6. Send me an email with the following Subject line, and the pathname of your file in the message preceded by the keyword "jclpath=", like this:
    To: idallen@ncf.ca
    Subject: MVS Lab 1


I will use the filename you indicate to pick up your submission electronically.  Marks are deducted for misspelling the pathname or placing the file in a directory that I can't search through.  I will not mark an assignment until I have an electronic copy that corresponds to the paper you have submitted.


If any information that is required is missing, make a guess as to what it might be, and put a note in the comments at the top of the JCL indicating  how you would find out what it ought to be if this info was missing 'on the job'.

Code all JCL for the following job, which will process bank charges, and print statements. Use your own name as programmer name, and account number MVSLAB1. All tapes in our installation are in group called SYSSQ, disks in group SYSDA.

Suppress output of messages re allocation, etc.  Arrange that only your own JCL and JES statements are printed, and when printed they should be held for viewing by TSO. The job should be run as the bottom priority in its queue, when it is finally run, but for this exercise, code it to be checked for JCL errors, but not run.

First, the charge data (instream) should be copied to a tape, using IDCAMS.  Put ANSI labels on the tape. Use tape # 454655, and the largest block size suitable for this format of tape. Keep this tape and catalog it after last use. Also hold the printout from this step in the spool queue for verification via TSO.

Next, the customer accounts must be updated and statements printed.  The program to do this is still at the testing stage, so you will need to compile, link edit and test the COBOL source program from the input stream. A procedure to do this is available, called COBCLG2. The source program is read by compiler from SYSIN in step with stepname COMPIL2.

The program will be executed in step named TEST2.  It will read the tape records from ddname CUSTINP, and use them to update a catalogued master file called CUSTMSTR, read from ddname UPDCUST. Statements will be printed on STMOUTP, on the laser printer.

The program being tested will also produce a new tape file of  about 2,000 records, on tape # 135245 which should be kept in the catalog after last use. It is created using the following COBOL code:


As the last step, use program IDCAMS  to print the new tape file created in the previous step.

Job scheduler classes for this lab should be as follows:

        CLASS A - no tapes, no special forms
                 - maximum 500 prt lines, 10 mins run time
	CLASS F - no tapes, no special forms
                 - maximum 5000 prt lines, 1 hour run time
        CLASS G - 1 tape, special forms allowed
                 - maximum 500 prt lines, 10 mins run time
        CLASS H - 2 tapes, no special forms
                 - maximum 5000 prt lines, 1 hour run time
        CLASS I - 2 tapes, special forms allowed
                 - no prt line maximum, no run time limit

JES printer spooling classes for this lab should be as follows:

        CLASS A - no special forms, maximum 500 prt lines
        CLASS D - no special forms, maximum 5000 prt lines
        CLASS E - special forms allowed, no prt line maximum
        CLASS P - all output for laser printer (only)
	CLASS T - never printed - hold for viewing via TSO