Assignment 1 - Marking Sheet 1 explain cat vs ls 1 2 acadaix uses more 1 3 what is white space 1 4 protect special chars with single quotes or backsashes 1 5 grep, sort, uniq command lines 1 1 1 6 head, tail command lines 1 1 7 inherited working dir 1 8 false - mkdir 1 9 explain R vs X 2 10 no - chmod for non-owner 1 11 no - hard link to dir 1 12 dir vs. file, ls -F 1 1 13 cd, pwd 1 1 14 false - delete a file 1 15 false - PATH 1 16 false - not all 1 17 sort file | lpr 1 18 explain rm wildcard, output is nothing 1 1 19 inodes (use ls -id) 1 20 foo bar haven bar haven $foo bar 1