DAT2330 - Harold Smith Class - Thu Jan 13, 2000 Harold Smith Web Site walk through - for information on certification - see Harold - consulting instructions - manage your own learning; come to me, I don't go looking for you - use up lab hours before asking me for time outside lab - I reject email that isn't recognized as a student (spam) - I use reply button; I don't use special instructions - set your own reply address before you email me - you can book times even on weekends - don't ask me about network problems, e.g. N drive - go to College help page - learning management guide - do read it - help you get the best mark - your mark is on my laptop at all times; check with me - not all assignments are marked; but all are important - marked assignments are spot checks - keep up with all the homework, not just the marked assignments - follow my directions regarding submission format - you are in a picky profession - make sure you can follow instructions - help from other students: two heads are better than one - limit help to looking for answers - help them find answers; do not hand them your homework - we want to maintain the high standards; serious about plagiarism - look in your instaguide for the directive on plagiarism - zero for both people - may be more serious penalties - F, expulsion - one assignment is a team assignment - common solutions are not acceptable - we watch the mark spread between labs and exams - if you have high lab marks and low exam marks, we will check - if you're a top student who doesn't have time to help, send them to me - to prepare for exams, do the homework - MVS book is a reference book, not a good textbook - homework is best learning tool, esp. in MVS section - exam questions drawn from homework - buy the texts ASAP - homework is posted here - discussion group available on FreeNet - post questions so that everyone can see the answer - email personal questions - general student news group; linux news group - show news group reader, show meaning of "Reply" - show Unread, threads - you learn MVS and Linux here; but, there are many out there - Research Project - due Feb 4, 5pm - to encourage you to examine other O/S, project is to pick and survey an O/S - not AIX or Linux or Win95, Win98 or MVS - when you choose an O/S, post a follow-up article about your group - post first, research second - 3-5 people - follow given format *exactly* - all projects will be posted - must be in HTML (I can help) - short, quick coverage; not 25 pages - please don't chat in class; please step out Topic 1 - Introduction to Operating Systems - primary focus is detailed technical knowledge of MVS and Unix - you must know, in general, what an O/S is - your clients may ask you for O/S advice - switching O/S requires re-purchasing applications, or rewriting them - What is an O/S? - a program - launches other programs (applications) - develop applications, debug - software intended to aid in the preparation and execution of applications progrms - Win95 has many things that should be applications built-in to O/S - too many things built into the O/S - MS forgot the purpose of an O/S - can't get rid of built-in things - those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them - e.g. antitrust (IBM) - early hardware had no O/S - punch cards directly into memory - had to have your own I/O package to read disk - each hardware change caused programs to be rewritten - O/S took over management of hardware - changing hardware means changing O/S (drivers) - changing O/S means changing applications - O/S was intended to insulate application from hardware - system programmers handled the O/S; but, now, everyone has to handle the O/S - the O/S is no longer invisible - everyone has to become a Win95 system programmer! - Unix philosophy is better-suited, can hide complexity - O/S Components - Boot Facility (IPL) - some method to get loaded into memory from disk/CD/tape/cards - "Bootstrap" process, boot deck of cards - BIOS chip separate from Processor - it finds first block of next boot - Shell (Command Line Processor, GUI, JCL) - to tell the O/S what we want it to do (you don't have to know what acronyms stand for, only what they do) - Task Management - allocate processor time - Memory Management - allocate memory (virtual memory - all modern O/S) - very different between O/S! - Win95 task manager crashes a lot - BSOD! - bells and whistles matter more than stability - program size not limited to RAM (virtual memory; swap file) - I/O control system (DOS); Data managment (MVS); device drivers - security system (not Windows) - networking facilities - utilities (system tools, text editor, etc.) - O/S should not include media players or applications - College introduces Windows first, so you may think it's the best - don't be blinded by popularity - look at the requirements - help facilities (strong in Windows, harder to use in Unix) - win help is user level only - unix help is deeper - O/S Terms - Kernel (nucleus) - that portion of the OS that is resident (running at all times) - huge for windows due to large O/S - can tailor kernel to include only relevant services - Batch vs. Interactive processing: periodic vs. real-time - win users never experience batch - MVS is a superb batch processing O/S - mainframes - Win has no batch; Unix has some - JCL is hard to learn because it has to support Batch processing - many things that you don't have to consider in interactivity - e.g. banking statements, tax forms - e.g. college services - schedule "right away" - transcripts at end of semester - paycheque every 2nd week - a lot of batch work; batch is really different - Spooling - print management - Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line - applications were able to share the printer - your application queues print jobs to disk - MVS has complex commands to control spooling - MVS can reprint any page from the spool queue, no need to re-run - Batch files (DOS); macros; WSH; shell scripts; "procs" - Windows Scripting Host (Win2000) - you must master this skill so that you can repeat tasks! - MultiTasking - more than one program loaded; only one is active - supports only one user of the machine - MultiProgramming - more than one loaded *and* more than one active - support many users of the same machine (keyboards, screens) - O/S Selection Criteria - you cannot answer "which is the "best" O/S"; be more specific - Performance - throughput (batch) vs. Response Time (interactive) - RASSIM (reliability, availablity, servicablity, scalability, integrity, manageability) - reliability - how often does it crash? - availability - how long is it available? - servicability - - scalability - can you keep same O/S as needs increase? - integrity - security, protection - manageability - tools to support many users, many disks, etc. - User Friendly - new users vs. experts have different requirements - tailorable / customizable - fast, efficient, courteous, self-service - Costs - pay vendor, upgrading costs, training costs, maintenance costs - TCO: total cost of ownership - SW, HW, install, support - what Applications are available - what Software Development Kits? - vapourware - promises of nonexistent software - "off the shelf" vs. "in house" software (not outhouse software!) - hardware support (drivers) - technical support - Security - Major O/S analyses