DAT2330 - Mini-Lab #1 - Ian Allen - idallen@ncf.ca This Mini-Lab takes place on ACADAIX. The files are found in my directory: ~alleni/dat2330/ 1) Copy the C Program "mangled.c" to your directory. The new file name of the copy should be "simpleshell.c". 2) Build a Makefile that can be used by the "make" command to compile "simpleshell.c" into object code, then link the object code into an executable binary named "simpleshell". (Do each step separately in the Makefile. Use the "-o" option during the link phase to name the executable.) 3) Fix the indentation and spacing in "simpleshell.c" to conform to accepted standards. 4) Verify that your Makefile rebuilds the program after you have fixed the indentation and spacing. 5) Remove the binary "simpleshell". Verify that the Makefile only re-does the link phase (not the whole compilation).