This example is based on a lab from DAT2330 Winter 2000. It is provided here as another example for this term. =================================== DAT2330 Winter 2000 - MVS JCL Lab 2 =================================== -IAN! from an example by Harold Smith Note: there is at least one essential piece of info missing in the following description. Identify it and explain briefly how you would get this info "on the job". (Enter your explanation in JCL comments near the top of the file.) Code all JCL for a job which will compile, link edit and test an instream COBOL source program that reads two test datasets. Use account number MVSLAB2 for the job, and your name as programmer name. Ensure that JCL messages from MVS contain full detail, except that we are not interested in JES allocation messages. Spool the JCL messages to the laser printer. Select medium priority in our particular job class. The first test dataset is called TESTSET1 (about 6,000 records of 155 bytes each) and is on tape #200200 (ANSI labels). It should first be copied to a disk dataset, using IDCAMS. This first tape dataset should be deleted after use. The disk copy should also be deleted when the job ends. Send IDCAMS error messages to TSO user LESLIE at node MVS1. The second test dataset is called TESTSET2 (about 6,000 records of 90 bytes, unblocked) and is on tape #200300. It should first be copied to a second disk dataset (different from the one above). This second tape dataset should be cataloged after use. The disk copy should be deleted when the job ends. Specify that these IDCAMS error messages should be held for viewing via TSO. Next use the COBCLG procedure to compile and test a COBOL program. The compiler will read the source program (instream) from COMP.SYSIN. Hold the compiler listing output (generated on DDname SYSPRINT) for viewing via TSO. The linkedit step (called LKEDIT) should read all needed subroutines from a library called MYTEAM.COBOL.TESTLIB using DDname SYSLIB. At the execution step of the proc (called RUN) the COBOL program will read the two new disk datasets of test data created in the previous steps, from DDnames DATAIN1 and DATAIN2 respectively. The program will execute and combine each record from each of the two datasets into one longer record. The output dataset will be written to disk using DDname DATAOUT. This new disk output dataset will have the same number of records as each of the input datasets, but the new record length (specified in the COBOL program) will be the sum of the two input record lengths. This output disk dataset should be cataloged for future use. Anticipated growth of this dataset is approximately 10% of its initial size on each subsequent update. At the same time, the program will also create a duplicate output dataset on tape #200400 using DDname BACKUP2, with ANSI labels. Name this ANSI dataset DATABACK. In addition to specifying the new combined output logical record length, the COBOL source for both output datasets also contains the following: BLOCK CONTAINS 0 RECORDS ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL. The test run will also produce about 160 labels of an average of 16 lines each on the laser printer, using forms background INVENTRY. After the test, print the new disk output dataset from the previous step using IDCAMS. Ask for 2 copies on special form GREEN1. Request that this output be separated at the perforations. All tapes are in group SYSSQ and all disks are in group SYSDA. JES job scheduler classes for this lab should be as follows: CLASS A - no tapes, no special forms - maximum 500 print lines, 10 mins run time CLASS B - 1 tape, special forms allowed - maximum 7000 print lines, 30 mins run time CLASS C - no tapes, no special forms - maximum 7000 print lines, 1 hour run time CLASS D - 1 tape, special forms allowed - maximum 10000 print lines, 1 hour run time CLASS E - 2 tapes, no special forms - maximum 10000 print lines, 1 hour run time CLASS F - 4 tapes, special forms allowed - no print line maximum, no run time limit JES printer spooling classes for this lab should be as follows: CLASS A - no special forms, maximum 500 print lines CLASS B - no special forms, maximum 7000 print lines CLASS C - special forms allowed, 7000 print line maximum CLASS D - special forms allowed, no print line maximum CLASS L - all output for laser printer (only)