#!/bin/sh -u # This is a Unix shell script. # $0 [args...] # Purpose: Count and display each argument to this shell script. # It also displays the command name, which is often referred to as # "Argument Zero" ($0) but is never counted as an argument. # -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca June 2001 # Set the search path for the shell to be the standard places. # Set the umask to be non-restrictive and friendly to others. # export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin umask 022 # The $0 variable contains the name of this script, sometimes called # "argument zero". It is not an argument to the script itself. # The script name is not counted as an "argument" to the script; # only arguments 1 and up are counted as arguments to the script. # echo "Argument 0 is [$0]" # Now display all of the command line arguments (if any). # These are the real arguments to this script. # let count=0 for arg do let count=count+1 echo "Argument $count is [$arg]" done