---------------------------------------- README - Index to this DAT2330 directory ---------------------------------------- Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca This directory contains a set of notes for DAT2330 (OS/390 MVS JCL section). Files named like "week10notes.txt" are summaries of lecture notes for each week. Files named like "exercise10.txt" are homework exercises to be completed by the given due date. Files named like "jclexample1.txt" contain two items: 1) an example of a JCL problem, followed by its solution. 2) a related problem presented as a homework exercise due next class Images named like "jclexample1flowA.jpg" are blank JCL Flow Diagrams for the first JCL example problem that serve as hints for the complete Flow Diagrams that are presented as "jclexample1flowB.jpg". Images named like "jclhomework1flowA.jpg" are blank JCL Flow Diagrams for the JCL homework problem that serve as hints for the complete Flow Diagrams that are presented as "jclhomework1flowB.jpg".