============================== MVS JCL Example 1 and Homework ============================== - Ian! D. Allen idallen@idallen.ca Based on an example by Harold Smith. Code all JCL for a job which will compile and test a COBOL program, using account code 03F$EX1, and your name as programmer name. First use the catalogued procedure COBOLCLG to compile, linkedit and test the program. Step names used in the proc are COMP, LINK and TEST. The source program is to be supplied in-stream, and the compiler expects input on DDname SYSIN. When tested the program will read some instream test data from DDname INDATA, and will update a catalogued dataset on disk called TESTMAST. This dataset should be deleted at end of job. The COBOL source code for this data set is as follows: SELECT MAST-FILE ASSIGN TO UPDTMST. FD MAST-FILE RECORD CONTAINS 100 CHARACTERS BLOCK CONTAINS 10 RECORDS ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL. The program will also read a catalogued tape file called PRODLIST from DDname LSTIN, and print about 100 lines of output on DDname PRINTOP. After the test, print out the disk records (about 100) to permit verification, using a program called VERDATA. Hold this printout in the spool Q for later viewing by TSO. Job scheduler classes (CLASS=) (For this question and homework below:) CLASS A - no tapes, no special forms - maximum 500 prt lines, 10 mins run time CLASS B - 1 tape, special forms allowed - maximum 500 prt lines, 10 mins run time CLASS C - no tapes, no special forms - maximum 5000 prt lines, 1 hour run time CLASS D - 2 tapes, no special forms - maximum 5000 prt lines, 1 hour run time CLASS E - 2 tapes, special forms allowed - no prt line maximum, no run time limit JES printer spooling classes (SYSOUT=) (For this question and homework below:) CLASS A - no special forms, maximum 500 prt lines CLASS B - no special forms, maximum 5000 prt lines CLASS C - special forms allowed, no prt line maximum CLASS D - will not print - jobs here are held till accessed by user. ---------------------------- MVS JCL Example 1 - Homework ---------------------------- Code all JCL for a job which will compile, link edit and test an instream COBOL source program. Use account number 03F$HW1 for the job, and your name as programmer name. Use the COBCLG procedure to compile and test the COBOL program. The compile step (called COB in the proc) will read the source program (instream) from DDname SYSIN. The execution step of the proc (called GO) will read transactions from a catalogued tape dataset called TESTTRAN, using DDname TRANIN and will update a catalogued disk dataset of about 1000 records called PAYMAST. The COBOL for the disk data set is coded as follows: SELECT MAST-FILE ASSIGN TO MASTER. FD MAST-FILE RECORD CONTAINS 200 CHARACTERS BLOCK CONTAINS 100 RECORDS ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL. The program will also print about 600 lines on DDame TRANSLOG. After the test, use program VIEWDATA to read the disk dataset from DDname DATATIN and output it on DDname PRT, holding printout for viewing via TSO. The disk dataset should be left in the catalog after the job. The tape should be deleted. Note: For this job, use the job and spool class definitions given at the end of the the previous example, above.